I'm accustomed to dealing with business people buying signs, but I'm interested in doing vehicle graphics.I'm getting some nice equipment, but what I'm wondering is this: Since most of the clients will be private vs. commercial, are they more shocked at the price of skilled labor? Is there a difference dealing with the younger crowd than the older crowd? Thanks for any comments, Jim.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I don't deal much with a young crowd and their Asian machinery. I deal mostly with the experienced person who knows quality work and isn't afraid to pay for it. Most of my custom stuff requires a keen eye and on my business card it says ' I am a perfectionist, meticulous clientele' preferred '
All my work is hand painted.
Posted by GARY CULY (Member # 3130) on :
hey donahue,,your place right off john sevier highway?......oh and dont mess with the punks,they dont hve any money
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Just remember alot of the 'young punks' have big bucks. Some of the grumpy old farts is what I don't like dealing with.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Greetings from Michigan!
Vehicle graphics go hand in hand with signs, bus cards, letterhead, etc. It keeps their work in your shop. Charge a fair price, but don't work for free. Have a friend call a competitor on occasion and be a "mystery shopper." This helps keep you in line w/them.
[ April 08, 2003, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: Rick Beisiegel ]
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
A lot of the younger peoplr have expendable dollars for buying your products, but often want to ang around, change thing after you start or just don't know what they want.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
James..Stick with the business people!!! And try to cultivate/attract business people with vehicles!! They tend to not ask prices and they also pay reliably!
Remember...Yer in business to make money!!! Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Thanks everybody for your answers. I just had another thought: the young guys that are still single might have more to spend, unlike us old guys with kids! Gary, you're right, about 3 miles south of the intersection with Chapman hwy. Jim.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Young "punks" don't have any money??
I'm sorry, but "kids" have more money tied up in their customized cars and trucks, performance products, wheels, audio systems, etc than you could believe. As far as their perception of value, those that *can* afford the stuff *will* buy it and gladly pay the price. Those that can't afford to have a lot of their work done do it themselves, and do have an appreciation of the labor and skill cause they've put more of their own blood into their vehicles.
Worst case scenario, they get a buddy to produce an AI file of their artwork so they dont have to pay you to do it.. in which case you simply run the file through the plotter and you're done in 10 minutes.
All in all, you will have less problems selling decorative graphics to a regular Joe than trying to sell some broke-ass business a sign with more than red and black on coroplast.
Young vs Old.. Old people like the junk from Universal or Sharpline, or the Aurora vector clipart.. basically the same stuff everyone else has. Younger people seem to like more custom designs.
Posted by Pat Phipps (Member # 3617) on :
Mike is right. The Tuners, Ricers, Kids, whatever you want to call them spend money on their rides. They are in a constant p***ing contest” with the other dudes in the hood. They do want the more aggressive, cutting edge graphics but that allows for a lot of design interpretation. Everybody has seen the Fast & Furious graphics. Start there and get wild, they love it and will pay for it. ___________________________
[ April 09, 2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Pat Phipps ]
Posted by vinylman777 (Member # 1074) on :
I'm with Mike and Pat. We did some serious money while the kids were pimpin their cars... but around here its no longer cool to do that, they say it doesnt look "clean". Bummer, another fad. Wish I could figure out something to get them all back in here... we had probably 9 out of 10 cars out at the races that had BSG decals on em... with probably 100 out there... but now as I said...died out. They all used to look at this website... Modern Image... and want me to do stuff like that... so i just printed up their price list, and did it for the same price. The kids liked getting it local better, plus then we could install them too. Another thing that probably helped us out is we are just a little older then most of them... I'm 24 Will is 19 and Ben is 26. We treated them like they were kings and queens and they handed over their rolls of money. *sigh* I sure do miss that! ehheheh Later
Posted by Rick Whitmire (Member # 3443) on :
James, Money is money...dont ask their age, just do a good job, bill them fairly, and collect the money... get onto the next customer ...old or young! Rick
Posted by Tony B (Member # 935) on :
I had reservations about the car crowd at first. I'm homebased and didn't want them showin up at 9pm wanting stuff, or eying my equipment and later robbing me. I was thinking that it would be like the kids that hang out at the car stereo place, wanting all of it but no money to buy any of it.
I have a client who customizes cars like the Fast & the Furious movie. I asked how these kids were affording all this custom work done to these cars(it's in the thousands), he told me they will go without paying thier car insurance,rent and even car notes to get stuff done to the cars! He paints the graphic designs on, and I make the paint masks for him. I have gotten some decal work out of it too, I designed a car club logo and you guessed it, I got to put that on all the car windshields.
I had 3 of them drive to the house one day, and I realized that these guys all have jobs and are pretty decent with money to spend. Then, as each one was finished, they sped off into the sunset. . . . speeding down my street, I guess they had to test to see if the graphics would come off due to high windload.