Who all's going to Mt Airy NC this coming weekend for Sheps class.....??
Going to be lots of Advanced stuff, along with `all the basics. Kool new projecs for making bucks right away........!!
I know the Allans are gonna be there.....Robin, Jzena, and me..........
Timmmi..... Chris Elliot....... Mark Fair......ya better show up...
Who else....?? I know there's gonna be a few more, but I'm pretty sure there's still a couple spaces left open.....
The onle communication Shep has up there is his cell phone...so give him a hollar...... 336-352-3182
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i wish i could go...i don't get to travel that far...ya know...woman driver and all...i hope you guys have a great time, i'll be thinking of you learning how to do all that cool stuff!
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
I changed my date this morning with Shep from the end of the month in florida to this weekend. Ill see you there CJ Im bringing a buddy his name is Tony Fergason we all call him snake.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey CJ i just talked with shep and explained my reasons for not being able to attend. (it's a family thing, i would prefer it be private.)
i regret that i will not be able to learn shep's woodgraining techniques in person.(awesome)
never the less i will be there in spirit.
someday soon,
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Ehem, Mark! I could reserve you a spot in Florida? Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Sorry to hear that Mark.......I was lookin forward to seein ya again, and wanted to get with you on a few things.....
But if ya can't make it to Mayberry, ta Opies place.....well try to get down to Florida........this process fits right in with some of what you're doing and is a moneymaker....
Give Nettie a hollar............
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Awww Karyn!! You're a "can-do" kinda woman so I don't think that "woman driver" stuff's gonna hold water!! Besides, it's a great excuse to get out of the shop & I know you'd have a blast so get yer bags packed & your thinkin' cap on. We'll be glad to pick you up at the airport or perhaps talk your hubby into coming to do the driving!
Ryan, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there!! Any chance you're gonna be able to bring one of those chrome helmets with you??
Mark, I understand about this weekend & we'll let ya off the hook this time but give Nettie a call. You do realize that when I come through on the way to Florida I'm gonna have CJ with me & ya know what that means! hehehe It'd also be a great chance to make Don & Cheryl's Sandcastle meet at the same time!!
uhhh CJ, that's ELLIOTT, with 2 L's & 2 (TWO) T's!! (I'd hate to have ta start spelling Allan with an "E") See y'all Thursday morning!!
[ April 01, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Chris Elliott ]