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Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Who all's going to Mt Airy NC this coming weekend for Sheps class.....??

Going to be lots of Advanced stuff, along with `all the basics. Kool new projecs for making bucks right away........!!

I know the Allans are gonna be there.....Robin, Jzena, and me..........

Chris Elliot.......
Mark Fair......ya better show up... [Smile]

Who else....??
I know there's gonna be a few more, but I'm pretty sure there's still a couple spaces left open.....

The onle communication Shep has up there is his cell give him a hollar......

Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i wish i could go...i don't get to travel that far...ya know...woman driver and all...i hope you guys have a great time, i'll be thinking of you learning how to do all that cool stuff!
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
I changed my date this morning with Shep from the end of the month in florida to this weekend. Ill see you there CJ Im bringing a buddy his name is Tony Fergason we all call him snake.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey CJ
i just talked with shep and explained my reasons for not being able to attend.
(it's a family thing, i would prefer it be private.)

i regret that i will not be able to learn shep's woodgraining techniques in person.(awesome)

never the less i will be there in spirit.

someday soon,

Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Ehem, Mark!
I could reserve you a spot in Florida? [Smile]
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Sorry to hear that Mark.......I was lookin forward to seein ya again, and wanted to get with you on a few things..... [Frown]

But if ya can't make it to Mayberry, ta Opies place.....well try to get down to Florida........this process fits right in with some of what you're doing and is a moneymaker.... [Smile]

Give Nettie a hollar............

Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Awww Karyn!! You're a "can-do" kinda woman so I don't think that "woman driver" stuff's gonna hold water!! [Big Grin] Besides, it's a great excuse to get out of the shop & I know you'd have a blast so get yer bags packed & your thinkin' cap on. We'll be glad to pick you up at the airport or perhaps talk your hubby into coming to do the driving! [Wink]

Ryan, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there!! Any chance you're gonna be able to bring one of those chrome helmets with you?? [Wink]

Mark, I understand about this weekend & we'll let ya off the hook this time but give Nettie a call. You do realize that when I come through on the way to Florida I'm gonna have CJ with me & ya know what that means! hehehe It'd also be a great chance to make Don & Cheryl's Sandcastle meet at the same time!! [Smile]

uhhh CJ, that's ELLIOTT, with 2 L's & 2 (TWO) T's!! (I'd hate to have ta start spelling Allan with an "E") See y'all Thursday morning!! [Big Grin]

[ April 01, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Chris Elliott ]

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