This is topic PATRIOT ACT ANYONE EVER READ IT? O.T. in forum Old Archives at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on : just read......
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
I see that group, E.F.F. is taking applications for interns [Razz] What's the chance Ole' Billy Clinton [Eek!] is heading up that committee? [Confused]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Joe, thanks for the info, I will enjoy reading it later, but I just have to say. let this subject die will ya? this is a sign Board and I am getting tired of the political wedge that is being slammed between fellow letterheads.

Now back to making signs and a living!
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
I don't beleive "the powers" would waste time or money listening in on citisens computor/phone messages unless there was a reason.

I have no fears here, I don't conduct any buiss. or conversations that would interest any govt. agency in this country or any others. If the govt. wants to moniter my dealings/messages with out of country suppliers or customers, that won't bother me at all.

In other words "if your not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about".

Just my opinion.

Roger [Smile]
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
No Wedge slamming here!
The cartoon proves it - we're almost interchangeable - as humans, anyway. It's only six degrees of separation between you and me, and every one of the rest the people on earth.

When you allow yourself the time to read about the Patriot act, do not expect to enjoy it. You may very well join me in running screaming into the night.

It is someting that may interfere with YOUR freedoms, YOUR wonderful life making signs, and YOUR well being in this country. It takes a patriot like OP to bring it to your attention, while it is quietly being swept under the rug right now as silently it creeps up on us.

The Patriot act has the potential to contribute to a freedom altering change in our lives that if things continue on this proposed path, our soldiers will not really return home into a Democracy as we know it.

So, how about a little compassion for us who can't manage to quite detach from paying some attention to the mess we are in. We let you detach, if you let us worry.

Ignoring this won't make it go away, or make it better.
You have struck a pat-us- on-the-head tone which can be a really good thing if you just carry it one step further and ignore us. We don't want to bother you. Can't we just co-exist?

Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Call me uncompassionate, but the name of this site is Letter-Ville not Capital Hill.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I've read Steve, firmly state he does not appreciate these posts which DO seperate fellow letterheads several times, and to continue to post about them is plain disrespect!!!!!!!!

So co-exist as you will and I will remember to stay away from these posts.

[ March 27, 2003, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Why did you get mad here? Are there other posts that don't interest you? My goodness, just handle this the same way.

Steve keeps a strong vigil, and if we are civil he has proven he allows us to be just a little multi faceted in these interesting times.

I think he is cool handling this by himself.

So please don't be upset, and about the wrong thing, at that. It was nothing but a link to something that affects us as people and is well worthy of our attention if by chance we don't know about it.

A service.
I hope you will read it.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Myra, that is one damn good answer IMHO.(I meant your first post, but both actually) No wedge, no forcing views, an invitation to follow a link or not, to hear an opinion or not, to respect anothers right to have a different opinion.

Until there is no more OT friday funny's & OT happy birthday's, the Off topic posts will exist. As for the question of Steves concerns about politics being a topic that does not belong here...

acording to websters:
Main Entry: pol·i·tics
Pronunciation: 'pä-l&-"tiks

1 a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government

The link above is none of those things. It is about a law that has already passed & affects us all already.

Main Entry: 1law
Pronunciation: 'lo

1 a (1) : a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority

although more OT then talking about copyright law, it is no more political then talking about copyright law.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Know what really gets on my nerves?

I've expressed my views on using this BB to promote political and religious views many times. On several occasions, I have talked on the phone, or in person about our feelings on this matter, as well as the rational behind them. Looks like our conversations mean didily squat.

I'm sure you all have your own house rules. Do your friends respect these rules or ignore your wishes and do whatever they want. Would someone who professes to be a friend actually do something like this? Sure makes me ask a few questions.

I'm seeing links, as well as cut and paste comments, to and from all sorts of political forums. I repectfully ask that those of you putting in these links and/or cutting and pasting other's comments from unrelated sites. If you enjoy this type of debate, why not go to those forums instead of dragging them to Letterville?

These are steves words directly.

Rationalize whatever you want. !!

But your still being disrespectfull
Posted by ScooterX (Member # 2023) on :
we can choose to take offense, or we can choose to ignore posts labels "OT" (that means "Off Topic" in case there are some new folks here).

if we're looking to take offense, then the Catholics can be upset every time they see a sign for a Protestant churce in the "Portfolio" section, and the Libertarians can be upset when they see a post about keeping sales tax records, and everybody can be upset about Californians... and lets not even get into that whole thing about the CANADIANS! (giggle)

i don't choose to be upset. i choose to be amazed at the passion and convictions of a wide slice of creative and artistic business people.
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i'm with you bob!!...this whole war topic on the BB is starting to make my a$$ itch! i can certainly handle some OT posts (si and glen taylor make sense to me, for the record)...i'm sure there is another site somewhere else that would love to share all the view points and links that are constantly shoved down each others throats. we all know who is against the war and who's not on the BB..(whoop dee f&*kin doo..ya aint changin my opinion anymore than i'm gonna change yours...move on folks!!)...this is not the place for it, as steve has mentioned many times before...can't we show him the respect he deserves and take it elsewhere?!
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
I've answered about 5 on topic posts today. I posted about 5 on topic threads last week. There was so much BS going in the off topic posts, that I got little or no response. I notice that a lot of other folks needing help are getting little or none...... If I were King, I would be on the delete key all the time. "It's good to be King"
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Steve keeps a strong vigil, and if we are civil he has proven he allows us to be just a little multi faceted in these interesting times.

I think he is cool handling this by himself.

So please don't be upset, and about the wrong thing, at that.

I'm with Scooter on this one, even talking about paint vs. vinyl or mac vs. pc can divide us.

be civil or be divided...your choice (or be disrespectful)

Rationalizations aside, the fact is this post is not about war or politics anyway, it's a heads-up on a REAL LAW on America. Being so concerned about posting your interpretations of the laws of letterville, one would think you wouldn't mind an american law being posted in a civil manner.

With enough squawking this post that has already been derailed can get run into being deleted. I refuse to help do that any further

Thanks for the link O.P.
*edit* guess I should have said "I'm with Myra too", as I was quoting her.

[ March 27, 2003, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
"From a Jack to a King..."

LOL! Quite the jump, eh? Go for it... it'll look good on you!

Have a great one!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I'm with Karyn....time for Steve to start deteting all these antiwar, bleeding heart,make you feel guilty posts!

If anyone is really interested in these dicussions, on mIRC Chat, click on #politics!


I am tired of their incessant bleatings!
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
So its okay for Si and GLenn, who both I respect quite a bit,to post, but us free loving liberals dont need to do that Karyn? Only the posts that go with your point of view are the ones that should be allowed? I didnt read the link Joe posted yet, but I guess I will now to see what its all about. God Bless LEtterville!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
[Big Grin]

aint it funny sometimes?
Posted by Roy Somers (Member # 403) on :

[ March 27, 2003, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Roy Somers ]
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
I really do try to look at each post on it's own merit. Over the years, it's always the same people debating the same old issues. Nobody ever changes anyone's mind, and in my own opinion, it really does get old after awhile.

I'm not against political/religious debate, but it's counter productive to our goals for Letterville. I'm a signmaker and a Letterhead when I'm here in Letterville. I want to know how other signmakers,Letterheads, and their families are doing. I say we do our political/religious debating in Forums that specialize in those issues. Let's keep Letterville the one place we can seek refuge from these other issues and just be Letterheads and'or PinHeads. Does that make any sence?
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on : is "ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS" anyway.

The powers that rule this whole scam are quite aware of how we (Useless Eaters) allow our minds to process information. If you say "hey, I believe this or that because my president or CNN or any other of the many folks on TV say it is are living in a very deep illusion. Now, I am not saying that they are incorrect in is just that it is engineered to pacify and keep you in that illusion.

If you were really aware of how we are programmed to chase that carrot...then you would surely see thru the "Smoke and mirrors"!

All it requires for you to do is admit that the possibility exists and start to think for yourself. But I fear that the smoke is just too thick right now to see clearly.

Also to those that don't like this type of post....think of it this way: If I am standing out back taken a would walk around me so you wouldn't get your leg wet...same way need to get **** on your leg...your choice!

As the Group says: "It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together"
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :

[ March 27, 2003, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Chris Elliott ]
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
quote:john deaton
" So its okay for Si and GLenn, who both I respect quite a bit,to post, but us free loving liberals dont need to do that Karyn? Only the posts that go with your point of view are the ones that should be allowed? "

welllll yeaah!!

but seriously...the person i sided with on this post was bob rochon, stating the political bullsh!t should be debated elsewhere...i personally have stayed away from repeatedly pontificating my political beliefs...cause really who gives a rats a$$ what i isn't going to change your opinion.

just because si and glenn make sense to me doesn't mean i agree that they or anyone else should be duking it out here.

quess you missed my point. that's ok...i'm always misunderstood...or maybe i just misrepresent myself...yeah yeah that's it.
my apologies!
Posted by Steve Purcell (Member # 1140) on :
All right, children, it's time for your spelling lesson...

This is an O. Say ohhhhhhh

This is a T. Say teeeeeee

When you see an ohhhhh and a teeeee get put together on the playground, then you have to decide whether or not you really want to play in THAT particular sandbox. Cuz the kids in there might be talking about something that's not FUN for you! [Frown]
Or maybe it will be about something that you don't understand very well. [Confused]

When that happens, you should not go into that sandbox and kick sand all over the other children, who are playing nicely together. [Mad]

No, if you see the ohhhhh and teeeee, you should go to another part of the playground and find some kids who are playing a game that YOU like. [Razz]

Or, maybe you should go play on the swings.

Or, go suck your thumb...

[Roll Eyes]

( btw: Roger and Chris, you were playing nice in Joe's sandbox [Wink] )
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
i posted this NOT FOR ANY OTHER REASON THEN WHAT I SAID...."JUST READ".....and as for me driving wedges....that wasnt my intent......again like i said....JUST READ.....if it upsets you, as it did me then maybe there is a reason to KNOW WHAT YOUR GOVT HAS DONE. as elmer fud says...bubububububudup...thats all folks.
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :



[ March 28, 2003, 03:46 AM: Message edited by: AdrienneMorgan ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Putting it in the context of sandboxes, this whole BB is one big sandbox and these " Ohhhh Teeeee" posts like these are those little tootsie rolls in the sand that the local cat leaves behind!!!!!

And if you going to crap in the sandbox then you well deserve sand kicked in your face. So maybe I will go play on the swings but as for the thumb I got another spot for that but there isnt anyroom cuz somepeole have their heads in the way! [Big Grin]

Oh BTW, I agree, Karen's point was totally misinterpreted with all due respect John. It is funny sometimes how the same words can mean different things to different people. especially in the written context.

I may disagree with some of you on topics like this but I do repect each of you for you contributions as far as the BB is concerned when talking about anything but politics and religion. And I also enjoyed reading what Joe linked to but I'd rather talk to him in private or on another BB than bring it here.

Agian go back and read my earlier post. Its all about RESPECT so that in mind I will do the same and walk away here, seeing as I'm the village @$$hole. I wasnt coming back here but another head made mention to me about some posts.

plus who wants to play in a sandbox full of sh*t!

and the above line makes reference to the topic not anyone in general. [Wink]

[ March 28, 2003, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :
I still think the problem would be best solved by Steve opening an OT forum, and enforcing that these posts stay there. That way we would get to talk about these things (which I think is an outlet everybody needs) without filling the sandbox up with s**t, as Bob so eloquently puts it. [Wink]
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
This post and the current political climate have got me wondering and looking around.
Specifically, what is Mark doing in that picture?
Awfully suspicious. [Wink]
Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :
LOL David! I'm looking through the periscope on the Russian submarine Scorpion, docked and on view next to the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.

I'll take this opportunity to STRONGLY recommend the Queen Mary as a hotel for anyone going to the Long Beach show this fall.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
I agree with you Bob Rochon,
i am sick of this political sh#t.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
I ’m a happy camper this morning. This post has produced some creative responses.

Yesterday we were sort of stuck in the morass of the righteous and the angry where the main message, (along with an AMEN chorus) was
time for Steve to start deteting all these antiwar, bleeding heart,make you feel guilty posts!…..
I am tired of their incessant bleatings!
This morning it’s more fun, like Bill Murray diving in the pool in Caddyshack
And if you going to crap in the sandbox then you well deserve sand kicked in your face. So maybe I will go play on the swings but as for the thumb I got another spot for that but there isnt anyroom cuz somepeole have their heads in the way!

Read on because I’m learning a few things.

I agree with Mark that an off topic section or forum would be worth discussing (again). Obviously we are filled to the brim with “stuff” of one kind or another, and it surely gets misdirected the way things are now. No matter how much we are reprimanded, OT’s keep popping up. That’s, I suppose, because we are people, not robots.

Name calling and labeling of other people’s ideas, even unexamined, wins out here every time. At least on the surface. That’s really kind of awful, isn’t it?
We all walk on eggs, not knowing what will happen, and in the diversionary tactic, and preventive verbiage, the message gets lost.
I see what in my opinion is interpersonal abuse and rudeness, and what in my opinion could be called careful discourse ( does not matter who does which or what), all get poured out with the bathwater.

Many interesting people have given up in disgust and disappeared from here, in my personal observation. I miss them, and the dimension they brought to the table. Additionally, this is a much wider circle of people on many sides of the issues, than the few who post. I hear from some on the board privately, or from some who are gone forever, who do not speak up because of the abuse and rudeness prevailing.

I could not presume to speak for Steve, but I don’t think it can be fun for him to constantly have to decide when the labeling of personalities has reached its apex once again, and when to come off the fence and in which way to interfere on our “playground

Since the idea of an off-topic forum has been discarded in the past, and may be again, I think it might be in the best interest to seriously discuss to not allow any OT posts.
Period. No exception, no vacillation. In “raising children” we have to be consistent. In the few years I have been around here, the problem will not go away, that has proven to be true, it just circles around and around, increasingly viciously.

In such a case the self appointed OT vigilance support team could be freed up.

Especially since they do not always turn out to be correct in their assessment of what they need to “purge”. Like they were not in this case. A good idea, like a suggestion to read about the Patriot act, which will affect our lives and therefore our sign making livelihood, got covered up in brown speckled sand, and discarded.

No question it would sure as heck be easier for me to make a post that says:
time for Steve to start deleting all those pro war, stone hearted posts, that make me feel righteous…………….I’m tired of their incessant barkings………………

(and "bark" reminds me: I would like to add"tree-kicking conservatives"for the sheer heck of it),

But then, if that's my contribution, what's gained by that?
And how would it make me feel?
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
I've said it before and I'll say it again; there are other sign and striping bulletin boards that deal only with the subject at hand but they do not generate the attention that Letterville does. They don't have the diversity. Mark has a good idea about the separate forum, suggested several times before, btw, or there is plenty of room in the heading to give a hint as to what your post is about; you can say OT-Political, or OT-Pro War, just like you can say Brush Q., or Vinyl Related, etc. That would make it easier to choose whether or not to take a look -- then later on, when you are looking for past info on a particular subject you might be able to find it in the archives.

Maybe we should have a forum just for stupid comments, fighting and name calling - no holds barred, not monitored. Wanna do something about it you #@!!)(*&!!! ? [Mad]
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Not sure what the big deal is. If you don't like the topic don't read it.......but then what do I know? I am just a 'visitor' [Wink]
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
I'm with you Cheryl. If something doesn't interest me, I just don't read it. It's pretty simple.

If anyone wants to start slinging insults at anyone else or cutting them up for their beliefs, that's their perogative. They are only embarassing themselves.

If I'm at a Letterhead meet and there's a seminar going on that doesn't interest me, I'm going to move on and find something that does.

Now if a couple people start getting in an arguement and it turns into a fistfight, I just might hang out and watch that. [Wink]
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
yep, o.t. topic don't belong period. This site is about signs and that's the only reason i come here. I don't care about anyone elses political views are about their new dog(no offense). Those topics at best should be in another ot forum, especially on a site like this where people are capable of arguing about what color the sky is. I doubt there will ever be a OT forum because my bet is that people just wouldn't go into the forum too much.
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
No, it won't happen Bruce because like Steve has said over and over, Letterville is like a Letterhead meet. At a meet, people mingle and talk about all kinds of stuff, on and off topic. Limiting Letterville to on topic only pretty much takes away from what this site is all about.
Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :

My suggestion was not to "limit Letterville to on topic only," as Terry said.

My suggestion is to limit the Letterhead/Pinhead Talk section to on topic only, and create a forum titled "Off-Topic Discussions."

This is an extremely common approach to solving exactly the problem we are facing. Here are examples found through a google search:

[ March 28, 2003, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Mark Smith ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
people who write "I don't agree with you & here's why..." are almost always recieved & responded to with a fair measure of respect. Or "I do agree, & here's why..."

To completely hijack a thread with incessant bitching about how someone's fukked for having some opinion, or fukked for posting it because it will divide people is so ironic it would be funny if it wern't truly dividing people I respect from each other.

I've learned volumes here on the sign topic. Mostly advance knowledge I wasn't even looking for which is thoroughly interesting even if I may never use it, but of most value, I usually learn what I need every time I ask.

In truth I feel I take home a wealth of information from OT posts as well. Not just absorbing the offerings of others, but then circulating others views & information through my own mind to make myself grow. I learn from the alternating exchange of ideas within a thread to dig below the surface & encourage better understanding of the views of others even when I don't agree.

It may not be about changing each others opinions.

Instead of gritting one teeth, & flashing the cross, the strand of garlic, or the wooden stake in hopes to repel the approach of the evil of different ideas, open your mind & allow diversity to exist.

No one says we all need to believe as OP does, or Bob R. does.

Arabs will never be the same as Americans, but how can we hope to live peacefully in the same world if a bunch of signmakers can't upload typed discussion onto the same server without attacking anothers right to a different opinion.

(oh, & don't give me that crap about the OT topic started the act of dividing us, & the self-appointed ethics enforcers are innocently protecting our peace here. As any can read...that aint how it happened)

[ March 28, 2003, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife.
Who more than self the country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life !
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Hey Doug.....

I am an Arab AND an American....and proud to be both!
Now if I can only learn to type correctly!


[ March 28, 2003, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
I thought Mark was "peeping" into the womens showers....hehehehehe [Smile]

I am of the opinion that there should [b]NOT[\b] be an "OT forum" for reasons that Terry stated echoing Steve.

"At a letterhead meet people talk about all sorts of things"

Just my half cents worth....
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
there you have it, if Si can maintain a healthy, content, un-conflicted self image, which he always seems to... then this planet being one single sprawling organism should have success in striving to do the same.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
your leboneses....hehehehehehehehe and thats like calling all dagos...."latinos"
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
A quote from CJ Allan's new soon to be released book....
"Ya Don't Have ta Be All There, Ta Be Alright"

CJ on Politics.........

"I know Nothing......I have absoluty No Real answers.........

All that I have are "OPINIONS and QUESTIONS"..
and all of my Opinions are based solely on the "Amount of Crap shoved down my throat, and The Smoke blown up my ass!!!"

I have no direct pipeline to GOD, and even if I did........I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be telling me much about political BS...!!

So when people tell me about how much they know, or don't know about everything going on in this world.......I simply say.........
"Ya don't "KNOW" Squat, and if you really believe you the above !!!" -cj allan-1985-

Hope this helps......cj
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey CJ,
i stopped by barnes and noble at lunch and picked me up a copy!!

great reading!!!! LOL

Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Great Mark, glad ya liked it, and thanks for the cover design......... [Smile]

I've been meaning to get with you.....I would like you to be in charge of my booksigning tour for the southern states this summer........ [Smile]

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
it's a deal CJ,
i will meet you at the Books a Million at the corner of peachtree st. and 21st avenue in atlanta georgia on the the 15th of april.

Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
Si, if you (and OP) learn to type & spell correctly you won't be nearly as much fun to read.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
That's just too darn funny!

Consider this thread officially hijacked. [Big Grin]

[ March 28, 2003, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Terry Whynott ]
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
terry, i almost forgot...

Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
I just love it. I was out and all this happened. I'm laughing so loud my neighbors come running...
Mark you are the best!! and CJ - the picture alone will sell the book.
Excellent Hijack!!!
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :
Hey CJ.....

Non Carborundum Politicus Illigitimus!!! [Wink] [Razz]
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :


disclaimer, this stuff is intended as fun.
i have met cj at my meet back in '99, a great guy, what you see is what you get, thanks CJ.

hey myra, sorry for hijacking yer post! LOL

i promise this is the last one. [Smile]

[ March 28, 2003, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Mark Fair Signs ]
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :

Wish it had been. Very important topic.

Honor is Old Paint's.

(still trying to talk him into running away to Aruba..............)

Mark: you are too hot for the room, and CJ if I still had a teenager, I would buy the book, beg or borrow or steal or payfor or make up your autograph,
and tell him/her that YOU ARE MY FRIEND.
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Next time I'm over in Winston/Salem at Timi's and Sheps.....I'll be sure to stop by to meet you and give ya an Autographed copy.... [Smile]

Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :

Gee- my caps were still on....
this is exciting stuff.
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
If I had my act together, I'd have more time to look at other people's faults. (Seriously, no implication).
Now that I've got your attention, I thought I'd talk about a couple of my recent blow-its that might be revalent to the earlier part of this thread.
The fist one is like a contradiction.
Off and on for the last 20 years i've had a one man shop. I spend alot of time alone, which is no problem, I dig it. But it seems like when the opportunity for a conversation does come up, it's always in the middle of a rush job, or when I'm about to be late for an appointment. You know what I mean.
So a couple of months ago, I get on the 'net and find this BB. Wow. Pick a posting, and it's a conversation that lasts a couple days. I can come and go according to MY schedule. This is so cool!
but what do I do? I read a post, then immediately type a response. If the conversation will be there a couple days, I could go away, word my response more carefully, then post it. (duh-buh-gee!)
The second blow-it is similar. Call it a lack of observation. I previously spouted off how people should be able to talk politics and religion, but they were already doing it. Some things are obvious. (duh-buh-gee!)
Some of the responses on this posting make me think about musical instruments, where some of the strings are "HIGH STRUNG".
On the other hand, maybe political/religious posts ought to be limited to that which is relevant to signs. So here I am telling Steve how to do his job again, but in a sense, it's everybody's job. It's called discernment. I firmly beleive that you govern yourself from within, or you'll be governed fron without (not my quote). You guys might already have that down, having "been around the block" a few times, but me? I could be the tour guide! (duh-buh-gee!)
I don't want to sound like a lighthearted optimist, 'cause I'm not, but " the darkest hour is just before the dawn". Maybe talking about these things will help fine-tune the format. Maybe I could first write-out on paper my replies, as I have this one. Maybe I could reply like talk radio: "Thanks OP for taking my reply, ...")
I've been loud with my presense here at this site, like "testing the waters". Better to know sooner than later, and end up like a burr in the undershirt on a long hike. Some people might read my posts and find them offensive, (maybe just BOR-ING!). If it's the former, please try to regard me the way I regard liberals and others. We're people that have different foundational beliefs. For instance, if your convinced there is no God, then of course it will affect alot of your decisions. In another place, I might try to change some of your foundations, as I would fully expect you to try and change mine. In this sense, an activist liberal is better than an apethetic moderate.after all it's easier to steer a wheel that's rolling! And people do get pursuaded, I found Si's "questions" interesting.
So there you have it, today's ultra right wing blather.
I was doing some repetitive type work today, and I was rehearsing this stuff in my mind, when I had to laugh out loud. I was wondering if when people read this they'll think about that guy in the rickety old plane on the old MASH show, that would fly by and drop a bomb, but always miss.
Then I laughed again, thinking no, they'll probably envision Maj. Frank Burns! Go ahead, be that way. Sincerly, Jim.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I'm thinking... Radar!
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Doug, THANK YOU THANK YOU! I was having SUCH an identity crisis! Could've been worse. you could've said CLINGER! Jim.
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
I won't even attempt a though after all that.......... [Smile]

Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
News flash! This just in! (Where's the italics when you need 'em?) True story: In my late teens, I was a druggie. I wore faded blue coveralls, like a mechanic wears, tall, skinny, scruffy.
There was a group of us on a freind's porch. His new wife came out, and after a minute, she looked at me and said: "You know, you look like that guy on the "A-team". Well, I grinned, stuck my chest out a little, cuz I KNEW she was going to say "FACE"! She paused, pointed her finger at me and said "You know, "MURDOK". Boy did everyone get a laugh. So much for false expectations.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
and iam MISTER "T"..........
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
I was about to say don't make eye contact with him, but what the Hell? Maybe OP has found a soul mate?
[Wink] [Wink] [Wink]
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
did someone say....."Hijack"? CJ, you know I'm semi-retired but I'd like to apply for a job. You're gonna need a bus driver/ roadie aren't cha?? I've got a current med card & I'm licensed to drive anything but a bus (don't worry...I'll get a bus endorsement added if you insist). I've got references, just ask your tour manager, Mark Fair (it's gonna take both of us just to get him across that Alabama state line) and besides, I'll help keep all of the groupies off of ya (Robin outa appreciate that). [Big Grin]

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