Looking to install printed vinyl decal over dry-erase laminated magnetic board, the caveat being that the vinyl decal will be replaced annually. I want to make the vinyl adhesive less aggresive long term ... any thunks ??
I thought of using static cling but thats not an option for delivery today.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Maybe a 2mil cast vinyl with repositionable adhesive will work OK... I know some of them, like 3M, say their films wont leave any residue behind for the first two years.
Definitely do not use Avery in this case, their permanent adhesive is on there goooooood once it's stuck!
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
In my Avery color chart at the back under "Specialty" vinyl they have a section called 'Easily Removable' Looks like it comes in white, black, red and blue. It's listed as A2 for 2 year durability.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
use paint mask vinyl. much less adhesive then the othes mentioned above. What type of "dry erase laminate" is on the magnetic board? Vinyl? that would make a second layer of vinyl even tougher to remove without damage, but I think the paint mask will work (I'm not sure if it will edge print, but if not print on H/P & apply to the mask.
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
I wondered about pre-spraying with 3M Spray Mount, don't know if it would work, but might be worth experimenting.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Mike: I keep Imagecal R in stock for all low tack needs. Edge printable, not expensive. I use it on some signs that get peeled off and relettered monthly (1/2" clear acrylic, no residue of any sort) my own truck doors where I edgeprint large panelled photos and remove within 5 minutes months later, etc. Comes in handy over and over
I know you said you need it today. I think Doug's idea about paint mask is excellent.