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Posted by De-Signs by Stacy (Member # 3758) on :
Hi Bullboard,
This is my first time on the bull board. I have a question. I have a design that needs a white birch tree. Is this ok to ask for? I'm not sure if you can get vector pictures or is that concidered a copy right thing? I have one in vector art mega collection but I can't break the colors so the leafs are green and the tree is black and white. Its all attached.
Thank you,
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Stacy....if it is a vector drawing, you should be able to take it apart.
What program are you using? Depending on the program, someone here should be able to tell you how!
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
You should be able to cut the tree into sections. What application are you working in?
Posted by De-Signs by Stacy (Member # 3758) on :
I am using Signlab. The outer line goes around the the whole tree so if I make the leaves green it turns the base of the tree green. Sorry to be so "daaaa" but I have those days! I have selected ungroup and that doesn't help.
Thank you, Stacy
Posted by Larry Presnell (Member # 265) on :
I don't use Signlab. Try using uncoumpound command if it has one.
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :

I don't use SignLab but you should have a tool which will perform a slicing action. This tool will allow you to cut through one loop and end up with two. I do this regularly with the programs I use.

In other words, cut the tree trunk where it joins the leaves. Use your node tool to create a small overlap that looks natural. You will now be able to set the leaves to green and the trunk to brown or whatever colors you choose.
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :

I just did the cuts and overlapping to the birch tree and sent you the file by email. Look it over to see what I did and then figure out how to do it the next time yourself in SignLab.

Hope it works out for you.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Stacy, I know squat about computers, but I do know you came to the right place to find out !!! These folks know how to make ya feel right at home, huh?! [Big Grin] ........Noticed you are a new member today, can a welcomed visitor welcome a new face?! [Smile] .....oneshot (on chat)
Posted by Karen Stein (Member # 241) on :
Hi Stacy, welcome home to Letterville [Smile]
If the ungroup feature in Signlab doesn't do anything, then try the "break path" option under
Arrange. If that still doesn't work, you may e-mail me the file and I'll see if I can get it apart for you [Smile]

[ March 25, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Karen Stein ]
Posted by De-Signs by Stacy (Member # 3758) on :
Hi Fred and Everyone,
Thank you so very much for helping me. I opened signlab and brought the tree right in. I can not get over the kindness that everyone has given me. Its wonderful having a question and getting so many replies so fast. I am a one person shop and have been tring to teach myself. I have been in business for 5 years now. I have only done vinyl lettering and graphics. Last summer I also got into the embroidery business and sub out silkscreening. I would love to get into the digital also but that is something I haven't done yet. I did get into sublimation but that didn't pan out for me. I'm probably a little behind not having a digital printer but am having a hard time justifing the price of them. I'm very glad I have found this site! You people will probably get very sick of my questions!!! Thanks to all.
De-Signs by Stacy
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :

Some of us drove our mentors absolutely loopy with our constant barrages of questions twenty or thirty years ago. Now, we consider answering them as "paying our dues". Down the road, you may be one of the gurus of a future generation of Letterheads.
Posted by david drane (Member # 507) on :
Stacey, just one more note on breaking paths. Sometimes when you break a path the whole image may turn to the color on the existing pallett. To make it easier to manipulate the colors you want to change and bring forward etc., by using ALT"S" it will quickly change between wire frame and full color so you don't miss any of the smaller sections. [Big Grin]
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
If you haven't gotten it done and can save or export as an .eps or .ai, send it to me and I'll do it. Or else I can look out my window and take a picture of all the white birch that we are surrounded by. Problem though-no leaves right now. Hey but I can fix that - I are a graphixs person.

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