A lovely service was held in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA this morning to say goodbye to our dear friend Rick Glawson.
Raymond Chapman outdid himself with his eulogy. There were many tears, many smiles and many laughs. Several of Rick's friends shared their remembrances of Rick resulting in more tears and more laughs. Jim Ingram honored Rick with a rousing hymn.
After the service, we all gathered at the gravesite where Ray again spoke and Patrick Smith shared a haunting rendition of Amazing Grace on his accordian.
Despite a lousy weather forecast, it was a stunningly beautiful sun-filled day. On either side of the freeway leading from my town over to the Los Angeles area, there are two huge mountains. They are incredible this time of year, covered with snow. As I approached them on my way to the service, I looked up to see a huge, perfect rainbow linking the two mountains. I actually laughed out loud - someone up there was playing with their signkit!
For those of you who knew and loved Rick but couldn't join us today, please know that you were there in all of our hearts.
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Thank You Kimberly.........
Very Much appreciated....!!
CJ, Robin, & Jzena
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Thanks so much Kimberly. Rick has been on my mind, and I am sure the rest of Letterville, all day. Cisco called and talked to me about it while on his way home. sad day.........
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Thankyou for sharing that Kimberly....
Posted by Kent Smith (Member # 251) on :
Judi and I just left Lola after getting her to go to bed for much needed sleep. She wanted me to thank all of you for your support. She is quite strong and doing well. Those who wish to contact her should write to Lola Grey, 1024 West R St., Wilmington, CA 90744 or e-mail lolaat1024@aol.com
Posted by Harry Malicoat (Member # 3720) on :
It was a very uplifting day for such a sad occasion. Ray was the perfect choice to lead our tribute to Rick. His words were not only eloquent, but his sincerity and friendship shined through. We had a gathering of friends from across the country and beyond. I only hope that we can continue to gather such a group without Rick's earthly presence. GODspeed Rick and all of our strength & love to Lola.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I am new to Letterville, but he must have been a great guy to know. May all of your good memories outlast the pain you feel from your loss.
Vital SIgns & Graphics Since 1982
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Thank you Kimberly for all of us who would have liked to attend but couldn't. You are very special.
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
Yes, a magically sad day but a very fitting service indeed. There will be more photos available for veiwing soon to share this day with more of you. The chapel was overflowing with folks that came as far away as England to pay tribute and offer support to Lola.
As Kimberly stated, There could not have been a more appropriate eulogy prepared as that from Raymond Chapman, and the folks in attendance were the best of the best and that further defined the impact this great man had on all of us. Lola was surrounded by sincere caring folks and I know that I will always remember this time in my life and the impact that I left having.
Posted by John Arnott (Member # 215) on :
Kimberly, thank you so much for sharing. . . .
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
You are all very welcome.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
yes kimberly it was. I hope this comes out, been awhile since I posted a pic...
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Anyone have a list of those who attended?
Posted by Kent Smith (Member # 251) on :
Joe calculated around 200 Letterheads in attendance but the photos will have to do for a list of attendees.
Posted by Kent Smith (Member # 251) on :
Joe calculated around 200 Letterheads in attendance but the photos will have to do for a list of attendees.