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Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
Since it has become apparent that this board is a sqeaky wheel that gets the grease, I'm going to raise a product issue about SignFoam.

First of all, a little background. I've been using HDU almost exclusively for carving for the last four years. It has its good and not so good properties, but overall, I keep using it because I like the time it saves in carving and the ability to buy it as sheet stock, both of which are major advantages over mahogany, not to mention durability against decay, etc.

In that time I've used SignFoam and Precision Board, and have had good results with both. In the last two years I've been limited to using SignFoam because that's what's available - there are no New England distributors of PB that deliver to my area.

Now while I don't really care for not having a choice, I can live with just using SignFoam. My issue is that even with SignFoam3, I still see holes in the surface, despite this companies claims of having eliminated this problem. This is not an occasional thing; I have YET to buy a sheet of SignFoam that did not have imperfections. Again, they are small imperfections and I can live with it - but I get annoyed with claims that this problem has been eliminated, and that SignFoam will replace any imperfect products.

I don't want to have to be sending material back - I have neither time nor patience for that much hassle. I also don't want to put my suppliers in the middle - why should THEY have to examine every piece for pinholes? Especially, since as I've said, I get holes in EVERY sheet - which tells me two things:
A. SignFoam has not solved this problem, despite their claims, and
B. Their "guarantee" of a perfectly consistent product is pointless, as a result of A.

I would like to see a response from SignFoam about this. Since I no longer have the choice of which brand of HDU to buy, I'm going to start being more demanding and ask this company to step up and address my concerns.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
I'm giving this a bump, I saw Cam's latest nightmare and it looked like old man johnson shot the sign with buck shot it had so many holes
Posted by Fran Maholland (Member # 3609) on :
I'm in full agreement with your sentiments, Cam.

As stated in another post... for all it's benefits, it's way over-priced with all one has to do to get around it's shortcomings. (FSC-88 multi-coats, Sign Foam single coat???,
sanding...bla bla bla).

If it were 1-1/2" 30 lb. at $250.00 to $275.00 a sheet, I'd be a little more forgiving. That's why I'm always looking at better & less costly ways of accomplishing the same task with alternate materials.

Trouble is: We get spoiled with what's readily available and seek no further.

A national boycot of signmaking UF by *Signmakers United*...LOL.. might just be sufficient to get the Mfgrs. to reconsider it's price (much as the anti-war movement is putting the brakes on the UN). But, let's face it, there are no patriots anymore. Time after time, we Americans (signmakers) take and swallow what's dished out to us, roll with the punches, pay the price, and lapse into complacency so long as there's a sheet of UF on the table and the prospect of a job where we can pass-on the burden of cost to someone else. Bury me, bury you, bury them, bury bury. I rest my case...Give Me Liberty or Another Sheet of UF, Please?

I'm taking my steed out to pasture now for a pleasant ride through the nooks and crannys of the *slopes*. (Don't say I didn't tell you).

I also despise vendors or people with the attitude
that "you need us...we don't need you". Face it, we all need one another, symbioticly speaking, and it's important for providers to address our needs as well as our dissatisfactions. So, go get 'em, Cam. I wit cha; i.e, right behind ya!

Look out, another *red coat* of primer is coming!


Paul *Franni* Revere (Red Ox-eyed!-)
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Bump again I really want to see some answers from Signfoam, or from anyone else who has had these problems on this one.

Cam would do this himself , but he is having computer problems.
Posted by Keith Slack (Member # 2040) on :
I understand what Cam means with the pin holes.
Yesterday I routed a 18x24 piece of sf3 and there
they were - 3 tiny pin holes scattered about.
Other than those, I've had no problem
Posted by Russ Mills (Member # 3625) on :
I've also saw these same pinholes. I've done several this year already with the new SignFoam III and every sheet had pinholes. and I used everything from the 1" to the 2" in 15 lb.

I've also tried the Precision Board and though I found less pinholes, I had an small sign mounted to a steel bracket to WARP!!!!!!!!!!!! last year. And this product costs MORE than SignFoam.

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