Ok... something little and inconsequential that bugs me!!
I have Internet Explorer 6. You know when you go to FAVORITES and the window pops up? On the left of each listing is a little icon in the shape of an "e".
Well, I noticed when I add to my favorites, there usually is a cool fun little icon at first... but it changes over to that stupid lil "e" when you start up again.
Where is it that I can change something to keep the first icon?
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
Right click on the favorite listing and click on properties. Under the tab titled "Web Document" you'll see a button titled "Change Icon". If you have a library of icons on your system you can then browse to it and select what suits you.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Oh, I know I can do that, but where is the setting the prevents the icon from changing from the original one when you first save the favorite to the stupid "e"?
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
Dana, not something I know but, could it be that you have your computer set to reject cookies? I think your browser looks for a file called favicon.ico on the site you wish to become a favourite. Assuming it finds one, it will display it for the session but probably not save for displaying again unless allowed by your permissions. I'm probably completely wrong, but may be worth checking.