Lots of people seem to ask advice on what kind of camera to buy. Hope fully this will help out. This list is far from complete. The variables are many and I would never believe I could cover them all. This information is factual to the extent of what I believe or have been led to believe. In other words, don't hold me responsible. If you find anything incorrect, abnormal or if I left anything out. please let me know with a follow up post !
I do hope this helps anyone that reads it.
This topic is a little complicated, most of the time the real issues get overlooked. Real research and study can make you a much happier consumer if you are willing to do the work.
Here are some of the things you should consider...
First and foremost on everyones mind when you mention digital camera you are going to hear the buzzword, "megapixel".
This means millions of pixels per square inch.
Though it's not something to ignore, it's not the issue it's made out to be. Pixels are actually easy to come by. Most comparably priced modern digital cameras are going to be in the 3-4 megapixel range. Take that into account and then move on.
Probably the most overlooked issue with digital cameras is the one that has the greatest impact on results. The lens. There are many different manufacturers of camera and lens'. The only way to really know if the camera you are considering has a superior/inferior lens is to research that camera individually. There are tons of websites dedicated to digital photography. Extensive reviews are easy to be had. I lean towards getting a camera with a lens made by a traditional film photography manufacturer. For this issue experience seems to count for a lot.
Next in order of importance would likely be connectivity. How are you going to get the photos out of the camera and into your computer or print device.(some printers have smartmedia,compactflash readers, etc.. built in.)
The first and most obvious way is to plug the camera directly into the computer, via either 'USB', or serial cable.
Serial is particularly slow and will typically require some sort of proprietary software, and will use up a serial port along with an IRQ address that could be free for other uses. The latter is not generally a big issue, but should be realized nonetheless.
'USB' is much faster and will probably not require any software other than what is built into your 'windows' operating system. There are two flavors of 'USB, versions 1.1 and 2.0. Users of version 2.0 will likely experience greater transfer rates than those with 1.1. Which one you will be using will be determinate by the computers motherboard or 'USB' card and the version used by your device, in this instance the camera.
The other options for file transfer will be 'ram cards' or 'cartridges'.
SDC or SecureDigital card
Sony's "memory stick"
The individual pros and cons to the different types of media are issues unto themselves.
smartmedia is the oldest of the three and if I'm not mistaken, is also the slowest.
Compactflash seems to be the market mainstay for the moment and has the plus of being particularly versatile, it can be used in pda, mp3 players, and a host of other devices.
SDC is newer to the scene and I regret to say that I'm not very familiar with it yet. Most likely being newer this type is the superior. However the only promotion in conjuction with these cards that I have seen so far is their size ( little larger than a stamp) and security. I personally can't think of a reason my flash memory needs to be secure. Not in this stage of the game. Later on when our portable items become more connected, but not yet. If there is a great advantage to 'SDC' I haven't figured it out yet. It may be that larger amounts of memory can be found in 'SDC' it might be worth a look.
I don't know diddly about the 'memory stick other than it is proprietary to 'sony' devices. This is enough of a red flag for me to stay away in and of itself. Doesn't mean that it might not be a good option for someone else. Maybe if you own a Sony notebook or desktop computer.
Each of these come in different amounts, sizes...32, 64, 128 megabytes and higher. Voltages also vary, some cameras will only use 3.3 volt cards or 5.v cards, some I think can use both. It's important to note that most cameras have a max for the size card they can use. Don't go and purchase a 512 megabyte compactflash card if your camera can only handle 128 meg.
The speed at which information can be written to the cards varies as well and can be damned important for those that wish to take pictures in rapid succession. A slow card has been as issue for me on more than one occasion.
Card readers are usually 'USB' devices that remain plugged into your computer. You come in after a rough day of shootin pics of your kids birthday party, you take the card (whatever kind) out of the camera, insert it into the reader and voila' there are your photos ! The card reader, when there is a card in it, shows up just like another drive in 'my computer' in your os. Simply move the photos to whatever directory suits you and replace the card back into your camera.
Next...POWER! what kind of batteries? Are they rechargeable, how long do they last and under what operating conditions ? Can you own more than one for a convenient switch out ? Is the camera compatible with something that can be picked up at the convenience store for when you really took a lot of pics and simply don't have time to wait for a charge ? Is there an automotive adapter ? etc...
Finally, features. Ranging from options indigenous to film cameras, shutter speed, focus options, aperture, over and underexposure, self timer etc.. to options only found on digital models.
close up mode ?
Zoom is tricky because the way it's advertised is misleading. You are interested in the cameras "optical" zoom capability. Digital zoom means almost nothing. ie...optical is like using a magnifying glass while digital is just bringing it closer to your face. You can do that anytime with software.
repetitive shot mode is a good option.
Movie and sound recording can be cool options, however they generally require a great deal of ram to be of signifigant value.
Timer, most cameras have this option and should be a non-issue but you might want to check. Not something I use often but very cool when you need it.
What kind of display the camera has is important. The kind that twist are great for getting angles that would normally be difficult or impossible. The larger displays are awesome for people with vision impairments. It might be worthwhile to note that you most likely will not do most of your shooting with the display on becuase of the signifigant battery drain that occurs.
Look into what types of accessories are available, cameras with many accessories are generally supported for longer periods of time. You might find that an underwater enclosure option would be cool to have, where's my snorkel ?
Happy Hunting !
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Thanks Steve Very informative on Digitals.
(Digital zoom means almost nothing. ie...optical is like using a magnifying glass while digital is just bringing it closer to your face. You can do that anytime with software.)
I find that the picture taken, means nothing until I pull it under the software I am using.
Most pics. with Corel/PhotoShop can be cleaned up to the point of Print or Production.
Print items also mean the ablility to crop the image before process DPI/Sharpness/Colour control.Etc.
Very good article on your part.
Thank You Again!
[ March 06, 2003, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
Well Steve you have narrowed my choice dowm to about 3000 cameras Whatthe*&^%.Thanks
Posted by E. Balch (Member # 3545) on :
My list of important digital camera features:
High camera speed: minimum speed must be equivalent to 400 ASA speed film. There is nothing worse than taking indoor pictures with a slow camera. Note: this requires a large diameter lens and a low F# like 2.8 to collect more light.
SLR design: If you don't view through the main lens forget it.
10X optical zoom with Glass lens: If you can't change lenses then you need a big zoom range. Digital zoom is a marketing gimic ignore it, you get the same thing by resampling in photoshop.
Good handling: The camera must be easy to hold steady and use. Some cameras are just too small
The memory card should be 64 or 128 meg.
The interface should be USB so you can plug it into any computer and it looks like a removable drive.
My personal favorite for the money is the Olympus C-700 series.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
My largest complaint with high end digitals is the delay between depressing the button and the shutter. Trying to take an action shot requires a new sport involving the person behind the camera anticipating what's about to be and pointing and clicking there hoping it will happen.
Posted by Richard Bustamante (Member # 370) on :
Good post.
Another way to transfer your photos to your computer is using a "flash" card. Its not really a card, but a floppy. All you do is stick the media in the flash card, and put the floppy in your "A:" drive. So far, I've found that to be the fastest.
For cameras that don't have a high ASA or ISO like; 400 ASA or so, there is a setting on the camera that changes your exposure settings plus or minus (+ or -) In low light conditions, over expose the shot, by adding, "+" (plus) to your exposure. This changes the ASA setting through exposure, and can raise the value to 800 or 1600 ASA.
Action shots. To produce action shots set the camera to "continuous" mode, and the highest ASA mode you have. Hold the camera very still. Pan with the action. Take it off digital zoom mode.
Optical Lenses. There are only a couple of makers who make extreemely high quality lenses, "Zeise" "Nikor",and "Lica". Other good ones are Canon, Olympus, and Pentax. Minolta and Vivitar are, excuse my french, "Crap"
Battery life. How can you make your batteries last longer? Turn that damn color LCD screen off! The batteries will last twice as long. The "metal hydride" NI-MH rechargable batteries work great, a little expensive, but well worth it.
In closing. What do you want to do with your camera? Do you want to do high end photography? or Just take candid pics? Do you need large pics for digital printing? or Do you want to take pics exclusively for the net? The general rule is; the more money you spend, the higher quality you'll get. Nikon makes a real good one for the price.