It's now a month past the deadline and I'm still waiting for just under half of the panels to be sent. Almost daily, I'm getting e-mails from people wondering if I've heard from whoever is making their panel.
I can't (don't want to ) inquire to each person still working on theirs if they've been sent out yet.
Perhaps it's now time to just contact the person you are making yours for and let them know you're still working on it and when they might possibly see it. If you can't find an address through the member database, I will forward you the address. But please do me a favour and try to find it yourself first. Hope this doesn't sound selfish, but added up, it turns into a whole lot of extra work that I don't think I should need to do, sorry.
Also, I didn't think I'd need to say this, but when you do receive yours, please let the sender know you received it right away.
I'm almost at the limit to the amount of pictures I can post on my server. There's still room for a couple more, but once that is filled, you're going to have to wait till all the pictures are in and the main website is posted to the Letterville server.
Thanks everyone, now get those panels finished and sent out!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Hi Terry.....I did hear from the person making mine, and it will soon be here. I am so excited to see it!!
Posted by Karen Stein (Member # 241) on :
Hi Terry...Great solutions!
To whomever is making our panel...please do get hold of me before shipping because our address is about to change very soon. You can contact us at
Thanks Can't wait to see it!
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Whoever my panel person is, my email is Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Whomever is making mine, please don't fret as I am taking a little bit more time on mine. 300 foot walls take a long time to do!
Btw, please give me a jingle for the address also since it will have to come to my brother in law's engine shop since I don't recieve mail at my house and it shouldn't go to the PO Box, as I would be afraid it wouldn't get the good care, shuffled and forwarded. No Hurry! I'm not going far, and will be feeling a lot better if I am not rushed!! good wine takes time!
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Hi Karen,
I just emailed just caught's all boxed up and I was on my way to the PO in the morning with it. Make sure and email me ASAP and let me know where to send it.
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
I am one of the procratinators, it took me a bit longer that antisapated but it is shipped! Jeffery Vrstal your panel is on its way!!!!!
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
WOW! Now I'm excited. The UPS man showed up here about three weeks ago with my regular stuff and an ADDITIONAL package that I was not expecting. I looked at the shape of the package and KNEW it was my panel......... not, just some advertising stuff from some vendor. After that, I figured I'd get it when I'd get it.
Thanks! I'm watching for the UPS man again!
Posted by Karen Stein (Member # 241) on :
Wow! Thanks Kimberly...I just sent an e-mail reply to you so we should be good to go. Thanks for writing and oh my's gonna be Christmas!!! I can't wait!!!
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
We're on the road, but we call the kids daily to ask the kids if a special package has arrived yet. Our email is
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
WooHoo!!! It's OUTTA HERE!!!!! I finally got everything all packaged up last night - after staying up till nearly midnight getting it all perfect and then taking pictures.
I ran off to the post office before I took my daughter to school this morning and it is now on it's way to Jeff & Karen.
Look for a BIG white box - the lady at the post office told me it would be there Wednesday or Thursday.
Posted by The Moon (Member # 452) on :
Woo Hoo.... I'm not the ONLY one who's been creatively s l o w.
I'll do just what ya said Leader... I'll contact my panel intended and hope mine contacts me. But if mine doesn't, it's "ok" too... I can wait. Kinda like Christmas.
The slow but patient side of the Moon
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
It's 1:30am here and ....
For some reason I find myself working on things like this after Penny and the kids go to bed, I slip away to my little workshop, turn up the tunes and there you go.
I did walk outside the other night and relized just how little insulation (none) is in my workshop. I hope I haven't ****ed off the new nieghbors too bad yet..
Anyway, I have already talked to Kathy and I hope to ship it out this week, if I can figure out a way to pack it. Anyone have any luck with these "Box Shops", I will insure it, but still I worry.
I had to make myself quit tonight and say it was "FINISHED", Do you ever do any of those projects and you say, "It needs a little here and then a little here" and sometimes you just don't know when to quit. I hope I siad "WHOA" fast enough.....
Posted by Chuck Churchill (Member # 68) on :
For those of you that still have a panel to ship here is a packaging hint. All that styrofoam that came with the last TV/stero/computer you bought makes great sign packing material. Just cut it up to fit around the corners of the sign. Corrugated cardboard is another great invention for packing material. Take a box and cut panels to the size/shape you need. Put it inside the package along with the sign. This is the material of choice for people that have to ship acrylic signs. The corrugated cardboard takes more impact compression than most other materials.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
I guess I must be almost totally impatient. I love things and people to be on time. Anything later than a little bit makes me loose interest and want to move on to the next project.
I see alot of very patient folks here.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hey Terry! When are we gonna do it agin? Love- JILL
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Boo Hooooo, I hav'nt recieved anything yet....Boooo Hoooo..... Mine went out a couple of weeks ago, did you get it?
Posted by kc (Member # 650) on :
Hi. I'm Mark Casey of Casey Signs. My email is I jump in anticipation whenever a delivery truck approaches, but I'm getting tired.
I don't post much, so y'all don't really know me, but I know you all. I love visiting Letterville and promise to contribute. I've been checking in daily for a looong time. This panel swap was a great motivator for me and I'm ready for the next one (you gonna run the next one, too, Terry?).
Posted by Robert Carney (Member # 2016) on :
I have sent mine out a couple of weeks ago also and haven't heard whether or not he has received it.
Please let me know!
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
I actually have the UPS man watching for mine!
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Peace and Harmony, Does come from the Person that likes to give!
Loving every minute of this PANEL JAM!
I believe in giving more than I receive, because that is (Who I Am!)
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Look I know I am going to get flamed for this so here it goes. I am very disappointed in some of my fellow letterheads. This boiles down to a lack of respect. You knew what you were getting into when you VOLUNTEERED for the panel swap. I understand that things pop up but it is your responsiblity to deliver on your end of an agreement. If I had worked on my panel as hard as I did to get it out on time and I had not gotten mine by now I would be very disappointed by the fact that I valued this more than others. This was the most fun I have ever had on a simple panel. I waited till the last min. like a lot of others but it did go out on time becouse even though I didnt know my receipiant at the time I respected him. I took for granted that he had done his on time and I didnt want to disappoint my fellow head so I burned the midnight oil to get it done.It has been weeks guys so get off your assses and finish your panels. Dont blame work, just go back out to your shop and get it done!!! Can you imagine going to a live meet and agreeing to swap with some one. After you poured your hart into a panel and when you give it to your fellow letterhead there reply is sorry I couldnt make the time to do one for you. Ill send it to you in a month or two.
I am sorry to all of you who havent gotten your panels and if some one does not get one I would like to volunenteer to do one so I will have an excuse to meet another great letterhead.
Flame on Your friend Ryan Young
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Shizzt Happens on the Best of Days!!
We all live a life that revolves around the things we have to do First!!!!!!!
And then fun begins.
But most people have the right to play with the panels as they go along....
Patients!! is the Next Step!!!!!!
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
UPS guy comes in twice a day, every day, anyway ... today .... We're a few rooms over from where the UPS guy puts the stuff, he finds us, turns looks straight at me and say "I got something for YOU" ... so I sign, turn and punch in my name (do it myself for years for obvious reasons) finish what I'm doing and excitedly go to where ... nothing is there for me ... just a box of fax toner, Not my name on it B****RD
Was the UPS guy just *@ing with my head ... left it on the truck ... just a dumbass?
Posted by utter (Member # 634) on :
Rob Carney! I got mine today! And I don't get to see it until Sunday. I'm out of state right now. I emailed you and Terry also to confirm it. I don't know why it took so long for the mail service to get it here but, its here. You can rest easy my friend. I can't waite to see it now. To the reciepiant of my panel, It's all but done. I tried to get it done before I left, but I did not want to destroy it by rushing. I've had some problems with some aspects of it, and have even redone some of it, to get it as perfect as possible. I could have done something simple, and had it done "ON TIME", but I'm a patient person. I didn't care if mine got here next November. I've had fun doing it, and didn't want to send out a piece of $#!+ that I did overnight. Mine may not be, and definitely isn't, the best one that was done, but when I ship it I will know that it was done to the best of my ability, and with all my heart. I'm not attempting to disrespect anyone. I guess if I was a business, and was opening next week, yeah, I'd want my sign next week, but this is for fun, and if it takes a while, what the heck. Just MHO. Thanks Rob!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Anudder bump up!
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
Hey Ryan, I was the luck recipient of your prompt and beautiful panel, just so you know it sits with good company as now I have a great collection of panels, from Joe Rees to Bruce Deveau to Joe Chesilowski, now Ryan Young...awesome! Unfortunantely i was not as prompt, i just got word from Jeff Vrstal that he has indeed recieved his panel and just over a month late, not too bad.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
quote:This boils down to a lack of respect.
Ryan, you can boil down your interpretation of the actions of others any way you want, just don't get yourself too boiled up in the process.
quote:...I valued this more than others.
another grossly opinionated assumption
quote:...get off your assses and finish your panels.
Believe me, if my panel were for you, I would send out the completed test panel & be done with it, but I have challenged myself to learn completely new techniques, bought new tools & materials. Bought & read new books, & done tests because of the value I place on this "fun" project Terry proposed. I deal with commitments & deadlines everyday, & do as well as the next guy.
My impression of Terry's original intent was to place more emphasis on the fun part, & hopefully the learning part, rather then it being just another job to prove we can juggle our schedule to meet deadlines. I generally don't sell work I've never done before, so it is easier to follow stricter timelines. I also want to impress a letterhead, which takes a lot more effort then impressing a typical client.
I stepped up the pace hoping to finish up as February came to a close, & then got slammed with 15,000.00 worth of work that needed immediate attention. I also ran into some learning curve set-backs. There is only so much midnight oil in my lamp & I would like to think the results from my not seeking to cut corners on my panel will be worth the wait to my recipient.
I did initiate contact with my recipient when I read your post Terry, so hopefully this will ensure that no "lack of respect" is percieved where it matters most to me.
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Hey Ken........Joe Who??????????
Joe Cieslowski, Makin Chips and Havin Fun!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
lol Joe Chisel-owski...I like it!
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
knew it was Chisel something or other.... give me a break i just had to spell Mike Zee's last name!
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Doug I dont know what your problem is with me but I sure wish you would let me know what I did. You are right. When I saw how you took it I realized that it looks as if I threw everone into one class. I was only thinking about the few that I suspect that have not even started on there panel!!! I wanted to remind peaple that there are peaple that are waiting on there panels that have spoken to no one. We had months to work on this and all I was tring to do was motivate a few that had not had any contact with Terry or the recipiant. I read the few post after mine that didnt agree with my ideas and didnt respond at the time becouse they were respectfull and I was wanting to apologize if any one felt I was jumping on them personaly.
I stated my oppinion on one accasion about a subject and you and someone else took as an insult. I had alot of respect for you and this person at that time and was bothered that you two felt that I had insulted you. I went back and said I was sorry to you both dirrectly and have been very bothered that I had ticked you off. It still bothers me to this day becouse I have never gotten a reply from you one way or another.I had just figured i would get my answer one day. Well I think I may have gotten yours today
You said- Believe me, if my panel were for you, I would send out the completed test panel & be done with it, Is that how you fell about me for just voicing my oppinion?
I still fell that every one should try to finish up there panel so Terry could have a break and maybe we could start thinking of the next swap. If any one else agrees please post if not I will slide back in my corner with appologies to any one I offended
I know my spelling is terrible but I felt I needed to reply to this post and I need to get back to work. I do not type as well as others.
[ March 06, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: Ryan E Young ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
One day, there'll be a knock, knock on my shop door. It will be the UPS man with a package for me. It will be my panel. When it will come, I dont know. Where from it will come, I dont know. What it will look like, I dont know. Who is doing it, I dont know. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day. My panel will come. Oh joy! I will jump up and down with great glee! I will fart and cough and laugh and pee. When my panel comes.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Ryan, I guess maybe I just feel guilty for not having my panel done. I don't have any problem with you at all. I've have been my blunt self around here enough that I have stepped on a few toes, & have owed a few apologies in the past, & I owe you one now. I don't recall whatever other time I may have responded to you like I was offended, but if you apologized & got no reply from me consider it accepted.
I thought of editing out the part about just sending a test panel. Since I didn't, I guess my point was that your opinion seemed to be one of placing the deadline priority somewhat higher, relative to the craftsmanship, then I had placed it. My test panel is something I will keep & be very proud of. I am sure my recipient would like it, but I have choosen to learn from it & spend more time doing another one even better.
I'll try to direct any motivation charged up by your post at getting on with the panel instead of blasting you. Wish I thought of that an hour ago
Posted by Jed Pedersen (Member # 2344) on :
Just got my Panel From Neil Butler. Great job! Makes me home-sick for the coast and the smell of salt air. (Too many years scrubbin' barnacles off the hull in the Coast Guard! LOL)
Can't wait to get it down to the shop and put it up! I would go throught the wait all over again to end up with something like this. Much better than Christmas!
Thanks Neil
[ March 06, 2003, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Jed Pedersen ]
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Thank you Doug. I quess since I dont type well I dont post as many positive posts as I should. I am a very oppinionated person and like you I get fired up fairly easily. You are one of the regulars that I enjoy seeing at this board. Thank you for your input on all matters and I am glad I got to talk to you about the other thing also. If you dont recall it then it was not as much of a big deal as I had hoped it wasnt.
Your fellow letterhead
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
I'm some glad you like it Jed, I know it's not like some of the great panels that some people did, but I wanted to do something that was related to our area, That little tiny Bump on the hill in the background is something really important historically. It's called Cabot Tower, named after John Cabot who discovered Newfoundland in 1497. Also it's where Marconi, remember that guy? That's where he sent the first Trans Atlantic wireless message across the Atlantic.
I just recieved word via Deb Fowlers Email that my panel is being worked on and I should recieve it sometime this month, I know it's not Deb, it was sent through her email to conceal the givers Identity, not knowing who it's coming from is half the fun.
[ March 07, 2003, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Neil D. Butler ]
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Hey proud of that panel!! It is nice!!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
So, I'm assuming everyone by now has contacted their recipient. If you haven't done so yet, please do.
Is anyone out there nearing completion of their panel? I haven't got a new pic in a looong time
...going into panel
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Has everyone heard from their sender now?
If you haven't, let me know. I guess I might have to go chasing people.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I havent Terry.
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
Hi Terry, I haven't heard anything yet. (whoever is sending me a panel.. please send some warm weather with it) Thanks, Bob Kaschak
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
Haven't heard from mine yet.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
I know where mine is. May even get a chance to pick it up myself.
[ March 12, 2003, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Masterhand Signs (Member # 785) on :
Hi Terry haven't heard yet either...I like the idea of the surprise but am wondering if and when???...My was sent out nearly three weeks ago...checked with the post office as was getting a bit worried...So heres just a note to all sending stuff across the line, apparently wtih the security issue @ the forfront you can add a week plus onto the delivery time they tellyou becuase of the backlog at the border. So haven't contacted my recipient but hopefully should be there within the next few don't want to spoil the surprise...and yes warmer weather would be nice we've been at -34 but am told today by the weatherman that we may see +5 celcius this afternoon...what extremes
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
Hi Terry...
No panel here yet, am waiting patiently, hoping to hear something from someone........ whoever is doing mine, just have fun and don't get too worked up over it, I'll like it whatever you do.
Posted by kc (Member # 650) on :
Terry, I heard from my giver. He says the wait will be worth it.
Posted by Joe House (Member # 3110) on :
Terry, I just emailed my recipient. Haven't heard from whomever is making mine though. No worries, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
It's been mentioned to me, the possibility that some people may be reluctant to contact their recipient inorder to "preserve the surprise" of who is making theirs.
If this is the case with anyone, I'd be happy to forward an anonymous message to your recipient on your behalf.
Type your message and send it to me and I will forward it to your recipient.
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :
I haven't recieved mine yet...But I know it will be here when it gets here. No sooner! chasen needed.
I have talked to the MAN already...he is werkin on it. Seems we have several things in common,he and I....go figger!
[ March 13, 2003, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: Jackson Smart ]
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
I haven't heard from anyone else since my last reply.
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Another bump up.
Still haven't heard from anyone else.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Bump. I have heard from my panel.....I think it was supposed to be shipped about two weeks ago...still have not received it. Shep'
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Jiminy Cricket,
I just received my panel from the one and only...Pat Welter!
This sign really rocks!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Pat! My panel is an oval with routed gold letters around the edge border of red, then a relief of an antique oval crackle process and hand carved script letters of my name, painted in gold, a carved rooster at the top and a carved Canadian "gold" leaf at the bottom, "letterhead" in red below my 3 D name. I feel so honored, tickled, flabbergasted, Pat you went way overboard (but I'm not complaining! ). What talent you have, I am very admirable of your skills and will treasure this forever, especially being as this is the FIRST letterhead panel swap.
You can post it now, Terry, and thanks for sweating it out guys as you both thought it may be lost in the mail. (three weeks in the mail can be a little nerve wracking, eh?) My brother in law received this at his engine shop for me, and was so excited for me to get over there and open it right away too.
[ March 15, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Deb Fowler ]
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Since my last post. I have saw a photo..........Very outstanding work..almost un describable..I can't wait to see the real thing....Very ornate wuth a lot of carving and Gold Leaf.... Thanks was worth the wait. Shep'
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
name correction, is Pat Welter, oops bigtime, Pat! btw, the stamps from Canada were an awesome treat, not seen around these here parts often!! loved that packing too! lots of egg cartons (did you eat souffles for a week! Or was it an great holiday party with eggnog I missed out on??? My family is trying to tell me where to hang this, I think my brother in law wants to confiscate it for his shop to show off!
Posted by Masterhand Signs (Member # 785) on :
Truely am happy it all arrived and arrived in good order...No no party just we keep them after use as the neibour has an egg farm which delivers eggs to the local grocery stores...They like them back to reuse...but they do come in handy for packing...Hope though you can hang on to it...that a great compliment..thank you...Did you also get the card? Its a print of one of my charcoal drawings that I use for many things ie greeting, birthday's etc....Thanks Terry for all your help and posting the pic...and I have had a mysterious e-mail from my panel maker to let me know things are on there way...Great way to let me know Harris with out devolging the surprise...thanks ...Agian thanks for the reply Deb and really glad you like it...Pat.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Is my panel maker out there? Drop me an email and let me know how its going.
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
Terry, I heard from my panel maker, and I told him to take his time and enjoy it. I am in no big hurry at all. Bob Kaschak
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
I'm still getting e-mails from people saying they haven't heard from their panel makers.
Please people, just drop your recipient a note or give me a message to pass along to them. It will be coming up 2 months past the deadline soon and there are people out there wondering if they are even going to be getting one now.
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Mine was shipped out today and I wasnt even involved in the original exchange. My panel partner and I agreed to a deadline and we signed the agreement in blood!
I sure had a blast making it. I can't remember the last time I got pleasure out of making a sign.