Although I did not take part of the wave that has taken hold of this BB lately with this Panel Jam, I just want to show some extreme appreciation to Terry Whynott for having the idea, and for getting and keeping it going as he has.
B R A V O !!!
You have affected many on here by all this commotion! Even those of us on the sidelines.
We've been humbled, inspired and enriched. Folks have gotten charged up and have come together with respect for each others skills. They've elevated and stretched themselves on this ... and it shows. It shines! Furthermore, folks have been touched by all the thoughtfulness, and considerations involved.
It's been a beautiful thing. Thank you Terry!
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Nettie...did you see the latest Signs of the Times Mag?
I opened mine up last night and said "HEY!! I know that guy"!!!!
Jackson Smart is holding up his panel and pics of some others by Mark Fair, Mark M. and Steve Bolt's were inside!!
Pretty cool!!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Nettie You are right! Terry....the panel swap was a great idea. Thanks very much for getting it together. My panel hopefully will be here soon.
Maybe the next one could have a shorter time frame like Mike Languein suggested.
Everybody sure has done a great job. What a bunch of creative thoughtful people! I love each and every panel. Oh and did I mention I am looking forward to seeing mine? Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Here Here!!! and Pip Pip!!!! Terry!
Thank You!
Joe, Makin chips and Havin Fun!
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I wasn't in on that round but I sure was impressed with the effort and results shown!
Thank you!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Well, shucks.
Thank you Janette. This couldn't have happened without the participation of everyone else as well.
I've really enjoyed e-mailing back and forth with many of you out there that I had never been in touch with before. I hope to meet with all of you in person someday.
It's also made me really happy to hear that some of you have made new friends from this. I know of a couple situations where someone has called the creator of their panel to thank them and ended up finding they had much in common with each other. That's cool.
I've got a real kick out of the diversity of the panels that have come in so far. I can't wait to see the rest! You guys are still working on them right?
I don't think we'll be starting the second round for awhile. But I would love to see maybe a couple smaller exchanges going on throughout the year. (I won't be volunteering to put those together) And then finish off with an annual BIG one.
Again, thanks very much Janette! Sure hope you join in with the next one.
And thanks to everyone else that has offered their appreciation in all the e-mails I've been getting through all this. I think everyone's had a fun time with it and that's all I was hoping for.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :