I feel slightly empowered today. Yesterday at a local Gerber/Roland reps showroom, I was looking at all the toys and jabbering with the tech. I told him how I had just purchased a Camm 1 and was cutting from Corel 10. He asked if I was using CoCut and I told him that I simply cut directly from Corel. He said, "That's not possible". I went on line to Letterville and went to tips and tricks and Dave G's tutorial.You could have knocked him over with a feather!! He thanked me and said he was going home and try it on his Camm 1. Thanks to Dave G. and Joe P., I feel a little less like a computer idiot today!!
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
I can only assume that rep hasnt been in the sign industry very long. Besides being able to cut directly from Corel (and price), what other reason would anyone have for buying a Roland? They always come up short when comparing specs, they dont track as well, they never have the downforce of other machines, but they have that one magical trait that makes them 'special' - a Windows print driver!
To this day, one of life's great mysteries is why the other plotter manufacturers havent figured this out. If you can build a Windows print driver, they will come. It aint rocket science, people......
CoCut/Flexi/Casmate/etc is OK, but there is nothing nicer than clicking PRINT in CorelDraw, and being done with it.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
hey easy there Robb..... I love my trusty ole'Roland!! I have had it 14 years! No problems...ever!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
YEA ROB.....WATCH IT!!!!! i got a roland pnc-1000 and a pnc-1100.....i been cuttin from corel since 93 and i do runs of 10-15 feet all the time....and i was smart enough not to get into "goober ware"!!!!! when i buy a new plotter....guess what it will be?????
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
OK, dumb question time. How do you cut a 10 or 15 foot length on a PNC1000? I always thought that it was 60" max.
[ February 28, 2003, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Jeffrey Vrstal ]
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
You are correct on the 60"-62" length limitation on the 1000 Jeffrey, however the 1100 had no such limitation.
I am currently using a CM24 and have no problem cutting 10'-15' continuous runs. I do agree, however, that the downforce is lacking on the CM24. I can't cut sandblast resist on it. For my purposes though it is a workhorse that has performed admirably and in conjunction with CorelDraw has made me a lot of money with a minimal outlay of cash.
(Product endorsements are freely offered and are not paid for by either Roland nor Corel!!! )
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
ya'll missed the point of my post. I should've signed it "A proud Roland owner/operator since 1995". I was congratulating Roland on a great product and even better marketing!
10-15 feet is admirable, I've done it as well. Still, for a high production shop, a Summa, Graphtec or Gerber that tracks 40+ feet at warp speeds unattended is a whole other animal. (unattended, speed, downforce and repeatability = keywords)
Roland is and always has been the 'Chevrolet' of plotters. Good, dependable and with a little coaxing, a hot rod. Everyone stocks blades for Rolands. Everyone knows Roland. Is it the Ferrari? No. What is? That's a personal preference I guess. I wouldnt trade my Rolands for anything else in a 15" machine, for what it's worth. I doubt any other brand would have returned the investment as well, at the same level of workflow.
Like most tools or tips & tricks you'll find in this business, if it works for you, that's all that matters!
and now we return you to your regularly scheduled flaming Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
15" machine?????? the only roland that was stricly a 15" was a pnc-1050...and it will work right along side a 4b any day in the week. it was also the only tractor feed roland. the pnc-1000 i got will cut 3 sizes only, 15", 18" and 20". because thats the only places that the main roller grid is open. and if you have a sign program that will panel..the pnc-1000 will cut every 60", then move to next panel. the pnc-1100 now is a REAL ROLAND PRO machine. has down force of 300 grm. will cut whatever length you want and will also cut fron 2" to 23" and anywhere in between. between my 2 rolands i got $2600!!!!! for 2 cutters....the 1000 resides in the step van...mobile shop, the 1100 is in the office at home. like i said if i was to buy a new one... it would be the cm-300 or cm-400. and ill still keep these 2.....heheheheheh.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
I'm cutting directly to a 48" Graphec from Corel, using only the print driver that came with the plotter.. works great.