Really..... how many Perverts looked in ????...he he he
At the present time we don't have any Dogs..but we recentely adopted this abandon Kitty...had all her shots performed and had Her Spayed.......
"Boots" is now Queen of the house....
"She has 6 Claws on one foot" that unusual ?????...I am not very familiar with Cats..
Lets give equal time to the Feline World....."Show me your Pussy"
Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
Pervert Here! Dammit Shep, I'm dissapointed!
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
I knew what he was talking about... but then again, I work at the SPCA !!
Shep - cats with multiple toes are called polydactyl. It's very prevelant in this area. I have seen many cats come through the shelter with 6-8 toes on each foot - mostly on their front paws. Sometimes they look like they are wearing catcher's mitts!
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
We also have a calico. Her main problem is that she's beautiful and that she knows it .... so she doesn't work very hard at social skills.
Interesting thing with calicos if that almost all are females. Males occur only rarely with calico markings and are considered to be an abberation.
Posted by Jdee (Member # 2970) on :
Chainsaw Says Hi Boots.
Chainsaw only has a few toes here and there. He was born that way.... Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Meet "Killer". I also have a parakeet but can't find him anywhere to show you Tweety's picture. The two of them are cute when they play together.
[ February 27, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
Hey Bob...
Since you can't find "tweety", have you wondered about your cat's puffy cheeks? hmmmmmm... Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Arvil, you sure woke me up, first I said this morning was "Man this dude is bold!" Then thought about all the dog posts and knew it was subliminal. Bob that is a funny picture of the cat who ate the mouse, maybe he was tricking you that he ate Tweety.
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
We also had a beautiful female calico, if she ever caught us sniggering, after she fell off something or made a fool of herself in any way, she would sulk for days.
Here's Buffy, I first noticed some blonde fur on the the workshop chair, where she made her home for a few weeks, before moving in and taking over the house.
Posted by Steve Nuttle (Member # 2645) on :
Cool "pussy" Shep! Shep and Boots meet Cleo, Cody and Pevis.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Ok... here's a picture of our girls - Shirley and Sophie.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
A couple of Max, my fiesty maine coon.
This one was taken the other day, under my work table. If you look at it upside down, you can see how cute and serene his face is ... and he looks less like a dead cat that was thrown there! hahahaa
This is what he looks like, right side up!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
This is fun! Here is 'Bubsie'... what a lover boy!!
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Posting this for Dave. He's got two cats. Only have this one photo for now. Will add another later.
This one is Cosmo
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Here is our other cat Cossie and of course Astro ....our dear little buddy we miss every single day.
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
Misfit is her name.
"Dogs come when you call them,...cats take a message and get back with you later".
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
I put a Citizen's Arrest on Freeway The Tuxedo Cat for jaywalking the I-10 14 years ago...
...I've been in custody ever since.
[ February 27, 2003, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Mike Languein ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jdee: Chainsaw Says Hi Boots.
Chainsaw... that's an awesome name for a cat! and judgin by his pose, I bet his attitude fits the name too! Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
For some strange reason, Shep's post has me wondering how Johnny Carson is doing.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Johnny Carson ??????? Maybe David Letterman...ala ..Stupid Pet Tricks....he he he he
Boots says...........we are going where ????????
The Body Lotion he prescribed did nothing for me !!!!!!!
And I am not going back !!!!!!!
Posted by EmpY (Member # 138) on :
When you take the tour of Hemmingway House in Key West Florida, they tell you that all the cats there are of the 6 toed variety.
My favorite sidewalk performer there was the guy who does the "Kitty Cat Circus". Really amazing stuff he has trained his cats to do.
I like cats but I'm allergic so I can't be close to them very long.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Man, I'd show you my cats. But three of them are buried in the backyard and the last one just. ran away. Quess I'm better with dogs.
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Shep, Glenn was referring to the episode on Johnny Carsons tonight show with Zsa Zsa Gabor. Either she told Johnny he could see her pussy or Johnny asked to see it..
But then that must have been a hundred years ago. Probably before your time haha.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Bob, Thanks for the compliment (Before my time) he he he
I remember that episode..In fact I was here when they brought the first load of dirt......I was standing out there in the water.......he he he he
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
I had a cat when I grew up called "Toes" since he had twenty seven toes! He was part siamese and alley cat, go figure, what a tuffie, and he could walk the fence quite well in his old age, just like his brother Tiger!
Coming are some pix of my kitties that I visit to help with.. in the meantime you can visit their website! WWW.VOTK.ORG (I'm here in my spare time)
These guys are pretty mellow, as they get to eat everyday, not like the places they came from (rescued from zoos, unwanted, drug dealers, and mills) We have the tinies here too, and those are the big house cats, which hang out in the barn in the feed room, and like the scratching just as well as their bigger than big cousins.
Posted by Tom & Kathy Durham (Member # 776) on :
Hi Shep, Here is our shop kitty, sometimes known as the "Devil Cat". Most of the time, he is a doll, but he has fits of anger much like his owners His name is Jasper, Tom calls him LongTailFunkyButt...he is in his favorite bed with the teddy bears...
quote:"Dance with the Ones Who Brought You Here"
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
This is a purrrfect post that attracted a lot of cat calls. I'm furrtunate to see it enriched by these catty responses. Meeoow.
Posted by Dave Cox - That Sign Guy (Member # 3517) on :
yep pretty much....
Posted by Bill Biggs (Member # 18) on :
I don't have a 6toed cat, but I have a bird catching cat, that has two different colored eyes, yellow and green. It lives under my house and I have been trying to catch it for months, I finally gave up and started feeding it, I also raised my bird feeders up to five ft level, that cat can leap about 4.5 ft. It's favorite meal is a goldfinch. Bill