I'm new to all this Photoshop stuff. How do you take a file built in Flexi with outlines and shadows and import to Photoshop 7, select parts of it and add effects or change colors to only those parts.
I am learning about the layers and have all the plugins, etc. for one-click effects.
I tried saving a flexi file as ai and eps and it says something about not being able to parse the file....
I have lots of stuff built in flexi that I would like to do more in the other programs.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
I don't use Flexi so don't know the export filters but ...
out of Corel or Gerber I export each layer (piece I want to effect seperately) as an AI or EPS then place into my photoshop file (file->place) said graphic will come in to its own layer
are there different ways to export out of flexi? ... like turn off special fills or outlines
when I go out of Gerber GA I have to go from there into corel re-combine things then re-export to photoshop ... pain in the ass but only way I've found
some things just take a bit of work arounds
[ February 22, 2003, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Mark Matyjakowski ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
What Mark (too many marks around here:)) says is what I do also Mark. I use illustrator and export each piece of a logo, etc. seperately as an eps file. Then in photoshop, after you've set up your work area, place each piece, and either add effects as you go, or go over to the layers tab, click which layer you want to work on, and add effects, etc. then. Least thats the way I do it, and it works good for me. Fun too. Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
If you can get your work into Illustrator (the actual program, not just the file type) you can use Illustrator to save as a Photoshop (PSD) file which will maintain all the layers and transparency. I use this method all the time and saves time not having to save each piece seperately.
Otherwise, exporting each piece as EPS is about the only way to do it.
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
I'm a long time Flexi user as well as PhotoShop and have had similar problems when using some of Flexi's preset gradient fills. As best I can figure, the way Flexi is doing their gradients produces a set of instructions that PhotoShop doesn't now how to interpret.
I've found however, that bringing the file into Illustrator seems to work for resolving the issue. The other comments here about bringing sections of the job into PhotoShop are great advice and will save you time and frustration.
One other thing you may want to do. Starting with Flexi 5.6, Amiable changed the way they export PostScript® files and will create a second set of vectors without fills underneath of what you think are single vectors. They have yet to explain why they are doing it this way but did add some code to allow it to be turned off .... which I highly recommend.
To do it:
In Windows, open WordPad and change folders to C:\Windows\User. Set the file type in WordPad for "All Files". Look for a file called FSPxx.ini. I have used "xx" to indicate that this may be something other than the file on my system which is FSP55.ini. If you started with version 6 or 7 the name may be different.
Once you have the ini file open, look for a two line entry that reads:
ExportWarning=0 CorrectAIExport=0
If you don't find both, add whichever may be missing. If either is set to a number other than "0", change it to "0". Save the file and you will no longer have double vectors being created.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Well I don't know if Flexi is anything like SignLab as I have never used it.
But in SignLab after you have done all your set up of the file and everything looks right. I convert the file to a bitmap at a higher resolution (around 300 dpi).
Save to a seperate folder for bitmaps only. Open PhotoShop and bring in your project. Do all the effects or rederings.
Now you can resize the file (Image size to Dpi size) to your liking and save as anything (Tif,Bitmap,Jpeg,Ai, etc.)
Hope this helps as I know it works for me!
Good Luck! Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
Why export anything out iof FLEXI to PHOTOSHOP? You can do it ALL right in FLEXI.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I had never tried what Mike said, but I did this morning after reading his reply. It works! Really simplifies things. Make sure you set up your drawing in illustrator in layers before exporting or it will export as one layer. Thanks Mike!
[ February 23, 2003, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: John Deaton III ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
No problem John! I do a lot of my work in CorelDRAW and Illustrator, but if I'm working in CorelDRAW I have to open the file in Illustrator because Corel's PSD filter doesn't maintain the layers. I usually only need to do this when I'm preparing web images of my stock designs... or designing a new interface for my website.
Posted by Gene Uselman (Member # 2508) on :
I have found the not able to parse thing is often related to not changing the text to graphics. Gene