Can anyone tell me how to prepare the surface and what paint to use on inflatable dinghies? I can't get any answers from the dinghy manufacturers. Also, has anyone had any success putting vinyl on an inflatable? I've seen vinyl offered on some "order your boat name over the internet" sites for dinghies and life rings. They are both flexible and I'm not sure they would last? P.S. I need my sunglasses the sun is shining in CA!
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
inflatable dingies.......Id rather use viagra... Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
We use Gerber's InstaChange vinyl for a paint mask. It's very conformable and has a nice sticky adhesive. Than we use vinyl spray paint from the auto body paint suppply. Seems to work fine. You might wipe down the surface first with one of the prep agents. So far we've only used it for registration numbers and the occasional "POLICE" on the side. Build it up with light coats to avoid paint creeping under the vinly.
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Dawn, yes, You can clean the inflatable with Rapid Prep, and apply vinyl with Rapid Tac II.
I won't advise paint (though Im sure there are paint types and sealers) that will work, there are too many variables in that area.
Have you ever worked with my products ?
If not, I will send you Free samples, just need your address. Email address to;
Roger Posted by Ted Nesbitt (Member # 3292) on :
Bill; so the paint will stand up to buckling and cracking when the inflatable is uninflated and crammed into a ball?
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
Enaml-Kote from Best Buy Banner in Calif. and One Shot. I lettered my "Rubber Ducky" with it 18 years ago and it's been inflated/deflated/in & out of fresh & salt water a hundred times - still as good as new.
Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
Ted, I supply stencils for one of my marina customers who has been doing the registration numbers on his dingys for a few years now and has had no problems with the automotive vinyl spray paint on them.
Roger, Are you sure that vinyl will keep on this surface? Last I checked, vinyl on this type of surface will succumb to plasticisor migration and will shrink and wrinkle.
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Hey Bob, Ha, Ha, think I'm going to be able to concentrate on my work now? Aren't you concerned that with viagra, "the surface will succumb to plasticisor migration and will shrink and wrinkle."
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Thanks everyone. This is such helpful information and I now have some "experimenting" to do.
Posted by Jeremy Vecoli (Member # 2278) on :
I painted a Zodiac inflatable boat a few years back with Flex-Art water-based urethane. It's what I use when I paint giant inflatables for the balloon company.
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Bill M., yes I'm sure. The "plastic migration" has never been aparent in this kneck a the woods.
Here in southern Oregon everybody goes "white water rafting" or salmon/steelhead fishin, or runs jet boats up and down the river.
I know many of these folks (infact I are one), because of applying vinyl to they're boats/rafts, includeing the "sevlor cheapies" and plastic kyacks.
The trick is in the "cleaning" if you find someone that had trouble with the vinyl peeling off, then chances are it was first "cleaned" with a solvent from the "paint industry" or some household cleanser (just as bad)
You see, the solvents soak into the raft material, then they cause release of components within the material(polymigration),they also (solvents) turn around and begin an "outgassing" of sorts.
Cleaning with any of the following will eleminate this problem;
Rapid Prep
Rapid Tac
Rapid TacII
They will all clean for you without the worry of "polymigration, outgasing, ill residue contamination"