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Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
As you all know Patsee and I have moved in to our new shop and Fred's meet in Oklahoma City (March 7,8 & 9) has afforded us an opportunity to show it off a little.

Every year we have a "Party before the Party" on the thursday nite before Fred's meet at our home, this year we are having a "Shop Warming" instead.

For all of you that are coming in on Thursday March 6th we cordially invite you to stop in and enjoy the your friends and hopefully make some new ones.

The Shop Warming (party) will run from 6 pm to 11 pm and we want to feed everyone that comes. Adult and not so adult beverages will also be available.

We hope you can make it...We do however need to know aproximately how many will be coming so we don't run out of food and beverage.

Please R.S.V.P. here on this post...and what ever you do DON'T EAT BEFORE YOU GET HERE...OK?

There is no fee being charged ...this is our gift to you and please don't feel as tho you need to bring anything...just come as you are and have a good time.

I'm trying to get a sign in board put together so we have a souvineer of your having been in our shop. Oh ...and we will post the address with instructions on how to get here as we get closer to the meet date.

Ok ...R.S.V.P. now... [Smile]

[ February 19, 2003, 01:01 AM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Monte and Patsee,
That alone would be worth the price of admission to Fred's meet !!!!

I wish you well, I know you have put a lot into your new dig's, show it off proudly, ol amn.

As I like to say "You are good folk's"

Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Count Sue and me there Monte [Smile]
Try stopping us [Smile]
Don't you USA dudes party after 11PM? hahahahhaaha
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
2 from Maine [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Sure we do Jon...I just want to make sure everyone makes it to Fred's the next day. haha:)
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Monte, meeting you is high on my list, however, we will not be able to make it. Keep the shop warm anyway.
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :

My fiancee and I are making plans to be there!
Posted by Signs by Shawn (Member # 426) on :
Hay Monte,

I'll be there, will there be a problem getting a hotel close to you for that night once I get there?

Posted by coop (Member # 504) on :
2 from "up North"! [Wink]
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
1 from a little further "up North" [Wink]
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Of course Marty & I will be else are Jon & Sue gonna get there?

Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Blatant Bump...I want to keep this up where those who are coming to OKC will notice it.

Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Count on a couple from a long way up North. Started digging the camper outta the snow today.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Hey Steve ... bring yer red "thong" thingy

I'll bring my red Ozzie Speedos [Smile]

WE will be the life of the party hahahahaahaha
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Hi Monte, anxious to see your new shop. Been there last year and plan to be there again. Probably with the Okies you met last year. (My family).
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
We'll keep bumping this til the meet ...I don't want anyone to miss it...So if yer comin let us know.

Yer all welcome! [Smile]
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
This is a great idea! I can't be there in person, but I will be in spirit. In fact the spirits will probably be in me that weekend, ha ha, if history repeats. Just learned this tonight on America's Dumbest Criminals; You Okies are no doubt well aware of it but all the furriners and Yankees comin' in will be sorely tempted (and I know some that can't help themselves); in Oklahoma you can be arrested, fined and jailed for making an ugly face at a dog.
Monte, does this happen a lot?

The thong display may well be the Death of such a party . . . imagine what would happen if a dog sees that!
Posted by Signs by Shawn (Member # 426) on :

Just wanted to let you know that I found the BAKERY!!

You don't know how many story's I had to listen to to drag it out of then, but I got it!!!

Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
12 packets Tim Tams (2.5 kilos or about 200 biscuits!) plus 3 x 20 packs Cherry Ripe bars (another kilo) take up a 2" layer in the bottom of my suitcase [Smile]

Guess I'm providing the desserts at the party. That's if Si doesn't get into them first! hahahahaha

Wonder what custom's officer going to think when they show up on the x-ray machine?
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Bump [Smile]
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
every time i plan on comin
i wind up having a stroke
so i won' t be there
as much as i would like to.
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
time for a bump.... hey Monte, how warm is the new shop????..... colder than a well diggers arse this winter!!... I keep tapping the thermometer thinking it is stuck at -10 [Eek!]
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Monte - I will be at Fred's Friday and Saturday and am really looking forward to seeing you again, but I'm not going to be able to be there Thursday evening for the Shop Warming. Drats.

It has been three years since I've been to Fred's and I really getting anxious to get on the road. It should be a great gathering.

My son, Mike (now 36), is working full time with me and he is making the trip also. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to all the "characters" that are a part of Letterheads. Of course, he grew up around sign shops and is familiar with some of the folks who have come and gone over the years, like Alton.

From what I hear we may have to take a deep breath to get into the shop since so many have signed up to attend.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Plenty of room Ray if you change your mind...Marilyn told me tonight you were coming...( I was there preparing some red wood panels for the meet).

Steve, does this mean you will be here for the "Warming"? Temperature in the shop all day today was 70 and it was 10 degrees outside with a wind chill of 4 below. We were snug as a bug!
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
10F ... wind chill -4!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh ... what have I let myself in for? I haven't been in below freezing for 20 years:(

If you think I'm going to do a "bushie" mural on yer shed wall in those conditions ... think again hahahahhaa

But I'm still coming ... try stopping me [Smile]

PS: Can I buy one those thermal survival suits at the airport. Can get one here, but too bulky to pack [Smile] May have to unload the Tim Tams and Cherry Ripes and stuff to make room.

[ February 25, 2003, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Jon Butterworth ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Monte, I'm gonna try to make it I'm just not sure when I'm getting on the road. Maybe this year I can show up a little earlier than I did last year. [Smile] If not, I know Si and Jon can take up the leftovers. [Smile]

I'm planning on leaving Wednesday evening which would put me in OKC early afternoon... might be able to catch a nap before the shindig. [Smile]
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
another day another bump!!!
Hey Monte could you send me Directions from a major intersection please???
Posted by Tom & Kathy Durham (Member # 776) on :
Monte, Tom & I are going to the meet, and will definitely try to get there for your warming...cant wait to see the new shop, we'll probably be seeing all the things we should have done when we built ours last year! At least you have heat! 3/4 of ours is heated, but the large bay isnt. Got a furnace, called 5 different people to install, but no one has yet to make it here! Brrrrr!!! See ya there? TomKat [Razz]
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :

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