I've been designing in my sleep quite alot in the past week. Anybody else do this?
The craziest stuff too, and I remember them because I've been doing it right in that last stretch of sleep, just before consciousness. hahahaa.
The odd thing is that non of them are even any jobs of mine. Just random sign ideas.
I came up with a crazy name for a sign, along with the concept in great detail. When I woke up, it wouldn't leave me alone and I found myself wanting to come up with a type of business to attach to the name and embellishing on the ideas. Don't want to fill you in completely here, as I hope to be able to make this one happen ... just as a fun project.
This morning I woke up after designing a produce label in my head. One for tomatoes, of all things! Oddly enough, it's the colour scheme that sticks in my mind on that one.
In my slumber, I also recently came up with some design ideas for two upcoming Letterhead meet panels.
Where is this stuff coming from? Meeting Dan? Disney? The Letterville Panel Swap? Too much espresso??? I've just gotta put some of these thoughts into play for samples to add to my showroom wall.
Whew, ... right now I'm finding it hard to keep up with my own imagination! My head seems to be in over-drive and there's not enough hours in a day! I wanna play!!!! You folks know what I'm talking about ... don'cha?
Well, for now, I better get to work on making some paychex. Nettie
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
You need to get a life, girl.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
hahaha... I was thinking I might need more than one right now. I want to be in so many places at once!
Hey ... I just noticed I wrote this in the wrong forum! I wonder if I could move it to where it should be?
Raymond ... your phone's ringin' ... pick it up! Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Nettie this is the portfolio section. I want to see the pictures of your dreams!
But in answer to your question. I do have dreams about signs. In fact there are certain times and I cant explain why, that my mind is exploding with creativity. Everything is right there in my minds eye for me to see with perfect ease and clarity. I have no explanation for it either.
Posted by Shirley Carron (Member # 2446) on :
Hi Janette, This sort of thing happens to me as well.
Usually as I'm Starting to fall asleep, the ideas come,on goes the light and I grab the sketchbook that I keep in my nightstand.
The BEST ideas happen like that, only promblem is that it usually becomes one of those all night design sessions and I'm exhausted by morning.
I keep all those skethes in a book since many of the projects aren't actual jobs...yet.
I have in fact redezzzined the entire downtown of Renfrew by now and my customers like to hear how the idea hit me at 2:30 am!
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Designing in your sleep??? Posting in the wrong place??? Uhhhh, did you and Dave cop any cigars on your trip to the Keys? I think you better unwrap them, those Cuban's sound like blunts to me Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
I have kept a note pad and a sketch pad beside my bed since I was 14 for that very reason.
A lot of times, I would figure how to solve a problem from the day before, but most were ideas for something I had not encountered yet.
After 29 years of marriage, Dora still finds it a little annoying when I sit up and say,"Damn, why didn't I think of that?", then turn on the light and start writing or drawing.
But I have to do it then, because most of them I do not remember in the morning.
[ February 17, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Don Hulsey ]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I know where you come from. I come up with lots of great ideas in that time period when I'm not quite totally asleep, both in the evening and in the morning.
Posted by Chuck Peterson (Member # 70) on :
I like that period where I'm almost asleep, right in between awake and asleep. If I'm in a very relaxed state, I see all kinds of stuff. Thats "When the elves take over the workshop". The ones I see in dreams when I am asleep are usually too bizarre to translate into reality.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I think the 80's must have been good for you, too... Hahahahahahaha!
Have a great one, Kiddo!
Posted by Pierre Tardif (Member # 3229) on :
hey what happens if your paint does'nt dry in you dream?? Do you call this a wet dream?? Raymond was right, you need to get a life!!
Have fun!!
By the way, I hope the meet panel design is for French kiss a brush!
Posted by Shirley Carron (Member # 2446) on :
Hey Janette,
This is why Nancy Beaudette has a hammock in her office. I guess when you get the chance to relax and "drift" a little the ideas flow.
Had "one of those nights" last night, only came up with about 5 designs though....
I don't know, it must be that time of year!Spring is approaching and I'm full of ideas for signs I want to make this year.
Posted by GARY CULY (Member # 3130) on :
yep i do it too,used to be worse when i smoked dope though,,man thatl get your brain cookin ideas!!!