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Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Hi, Steve, it's been ages since I saw you and your lovely wife at my house,
how you been?

I FINALLY ventured into my first non-adult project since 1998..

I'll let you know how it goes and if it warrants to update

I'm glad to see the site you started back in 1996 is KICKING major butt!
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
Nice site design. A lot of people have been wondering what Dan Spitz has been up to since Anthrax.
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Originally posted by Brian Snyder:
Nice site design. A lot of people have been wondering what Dan Spitz has been up to since Anthrax.

I didn't do the site design, therefore I can't take credit

My wife
is his new manager and works with him on puttin the new band together

the rest in his bio on the site
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
Cool. I'll be watching.
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
I used to have a sign shop in Cliffside Park, NJ

How is a sign buisness in the Garden State?
Posted by Chuck Churchill (Member # 68) on :
Good to hear your voice again Serge. What ever happened to Signs, Signs, Signs?
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Originally posted by Chuck Churchill:
Good to hear your voice again Serge. What ever happened to Signs, Signs, Signs?

the company is stil up and kickin', at least in the name, but the last sign we have made was in 1997.

Internet just overwhelmed us and Sign Shop was just closed.

"Internet IS the biggest Equalizer of all time",
I challenged Heffner on the Internet and..I have won

I owe Steve and Barb a big time...the "Company Profile" they have made was my "Visiting Card" ever since, I miss you, guys!
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Good to see you are still alive and kicking Serge. We go back a long way my friend. I see you have a new wife in your life since we last met.

Are you still living in that shack near Boca? Does Junior Soprano still rent the place next door? We're heading to Florida via OKC in the next couple weeks. Should be in the St. Petersburg area by the middle of March. Keep the fridge full and get in some quality toilet paper.

Here's a couple photos from the last visit we had with Serge. It was February 2000. I've had another heart attack since then, but I think I look healthier today than I did back then.


When we first met Serge back in late 1995/early 1996, he was sleeping on his Sister's couch. This is what he was snoozing in when we saw him last. Where do you go if the wife sends you to sit in the bed's corner?


[ February 15, 2003, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :

seems like we had much more hairs back in a day

Soprano Junior still lives next door,
we call him

any time you are in Florida, the doors of my house is wide open for you, my friend!

We'll go to Costa Rica for 10 days with my father and daughter on the 10th, but before and after-
we'll be here.

when my wife tells me to sit in the corner,
I cheat with.....



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