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Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I just finished a site for a friend of mine, Russ Mills, of Artcraft Signs. Check out some of his work. He does some good stuff.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Very nice, John!

The site is inviting and easy to navigate. Your buddy does some excellent work, too!

Have a great one!
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
John nice job on the site. It sucked me in. Russ does some outstanding work. Another panel addict I see. If it were not for panels I would be all over the place.

Again...Great work by both of you!
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
Great work on the site, John! Their work is first class, too.
You have a really nice web site yourself.
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
great site, very functional
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
John Deaton... That is a top notch production my friend.

nice look, well thought out.
that's what i come expect from a john deaton job.

nice work bubba!!!!


(yoo inspire!)
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
sorry i took the fire out of your post john.
some folks don't like me here, but others do.
your work is wonderful.
you are an inspiration.

Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Nice job John! I don't usually look at the website posts...but I had a feeling yours would be great.

I was right!
Posted by Bill Dirkes (Member # 1000) on :
Very nice job!
and done with us dial up folks in mind. loads up nice and quick at my ssslllloooooowww connection speeds.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
It's Alright I supppooose.. heh heh.

Great work as usual John,
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Very sharp John!
See some "Antonelli" influences there.

Russ does some bang up work too!

One suggestion I have is to make the top
corner logo a hot spot to click to take you back
to the home page. Didn't see a way back to it.

Very impressed with both you and your friend's work!

Posted by Karen Souza (Member # 2453) on :
REALLY NICE JOB on your friends'website - liked his trucks - readable & attractive! I also enjoyed reading about his family, shop & philosophy - I can so relate to the idea "good,quality, custom designed work takes more than a day!(or a few hours!)
Thanks for sharing the site & your friend with us!
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
Thanks for posting Russ' site. I've browsed him before and come up with nothing. He who tooteth not his own horn often goeth un-tooted. Fortunately, some of us Pine Mountain Kentucky people recognize talent among us and will promote our buddies ahead of ourselves. Tomorrow I'll look at Russ' site before I tear off to work, and I know it'll be good. When I get back home, I'll thank him for going digital.
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Originally posted by John Deaton III:
I just finished a site for a friend of mine, Russ Mills, of Artcraft Signs. Check out some of his work. He does some good stuff.

I see only one element missing from the front page:
Need a quick quote?
Click HERE

c'mon, guys and gals, website is NOT a vanity item,
it's a BUSINESS TOOL above the most.
Posted by Dan Antonelli (Member # 86) on :
Nice work John! Great colors and execution.

On one of the pages the html text ran out the bottom of the page because you nav area isnt expandable - but other than that it looks sharp! That could be a browser issue - you know how screwed up these macs are!!

Need A Quote? I'd advise against that. If they want a quote, they probably can't afford it.
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Originally posted by Dan Antonelli:

Need A Quote? I'd advise against that. If they want a quote, they probably can't afford it.

Only if one buys Bentleys, Rolls Royces...

are you telling me you never had to bargain with a customer for a price?

Lucky you....
Posted by Dan Antonelli (Member # 86) on :
No, what I'm saying is that if price is primary concern for them, I'm not the right person for the job. And I'd rather not put price on the forefront of a site, which will put in the clients mind that what I sell is a commodity. I don't sell 'things' per se, I sell ideas. I generally don't attract people who's primary concern is price - because I'm not going to win that game.

Perhaps if one is selling something that is very tangible (say, like a chair) than a 'get quote now' thing might be a good idea.

I just tend to view what we do as very custom, and subject to too many variables, which might make a page like that subject to broad interpretations.
Posted by Dan Antonelli (Member # 86) on :
ah - double post!

[ February 15, 2003, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Dan Antonelli ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Serge, Russ produces high end signs. He doesnt bargain on his prices, nor does he give quick quotes. He puts alot of effort into his pricing, as do I, and very seldom is it "debatable".
Therefore, I dont think a "quick quote" link is needed there.
Thanks for your input though.
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Originally posted by John Deaton III:
Serge, Russ produces high end signs. He doesnt bargain on his prices, nor does he give quick quotes. He puts alot of effort into his pricing, as do I, and very seldom is it "debatable".
Therefore, I dont think a "quick quote" link is needed there.
Thanks for your input though.

I understand.
I guess I never been a "TRUE" sign makers,
I always been more of a SALESMAN at heart,
and I don't really care what I sell.

I look at "salesmanship" as some folks look at..hunting.

It's a KILL which makes the blood boil and pump the adrenalin thru the veins.

"Humans are the ONLY animals who kill without hunger"
I don't have to "hunt" now a days, but I just can't help it, salemanship is in my blood and I do enjoy this "bloody sport", cuz you can beleive me,
I know NOTHING about Heavy Metal music, but enjoy promoting it anyway

off the rant, over and out

Posted by Ed Williams (Member # 846) on :
Site and signs, both great stuff.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :

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