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Posted by Ryan Ursta (Member # 1738) on :
Here is my newest helper at Ursta Graphics.
"Gunner" is a 3 month old mini longhaired Dachshund.
He gets his hair in the vinyl when he goes to install though ... were still workin on that [Wink]
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
heehee! He is so cute!

Looks like he's got himself a king sized bed there!
(seen in the background)

My motto around here ... no signjob is complete without alittle dog or cat hair. (or most likely, both)
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Awwwww really really cute! Check out those pudgy little feet!! too cute.
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Where's his legs?? [Big Grin]
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Just wait until Gunner tries his paws at using a quill!
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
I want one! Well, no I want a puppy that will grow to be big. No squeeky voices around here!

He is really cute though!
Posted by Ryan Ursta (Member # 1738) on :
Oh no squeaky voices here either. This little guy can bark ... when he actually has to. He's pretty quiet usually.

Well I have a lowered truck so I had to get a lowered DOG! [Smile]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Keep your vinyl up high or learn to laugh when he takes off with the end of the roll in his mouth and decorates your shop with it. [Smile]

I send a little piece of my dog Rizzo out with every order! [Smile]

Hey, I also have a lowered truck but it's because my dog has an illness that makes her sore and achey. Had to lower it to make it easier for her to jump up into.... I'll probably have to add an air suspension to get it even lower cause Rizz isn't gettin any younger.. yeah - that's the ticket [Smile]

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