Im presently looking for a health plan for me and my family, and wondering what attributes to look for. I havent had one for quite awhile now,and decided I should have done this long ago. I know they are expensive, but its a needed thing for sure. I know most offer different plans with different deductibles. The mainly used plan here is Blue Cross Blue Shield, and our local hospital is a participant. I have a local company drawing up possible plans for us. Any ideas on what to look for?
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Hey John,
I don't have an answer for ya but am curious as well since my husbands job and insurance will be gone March 31. I put up a post before about the ISA insurance and didn't get much response. Have you checked it out? I'm not a member but it's pretty cheap to become one. I plan to see if they will tell me anything before joining but who know's!
If you find out anything good let me know.
Posted by Stephen Bolin (Member # 2234) on :
Health Insurance is going up another 15 -20% this year and there is no end in sight.
HMO's (Blue's, etc) are usually more expensive than PPO's because you have low or no deductables, and they don't ask 'pre-existing' type questions. Consequently the HMO's are insuring a broader class of more unhealthy people.
Joining some kind of group can save you money, like the local chamber of C, local builder groups, or trade associations.
PPO's are the way to go if you are healthy and plan to remain so. You can select a high deductable, like $2500 a year, pay for any check-ups yourself, and save a bundle on premium. Yet your are insured if something 'big' happens.
I have a local HMO, and pay $670 per month for a family. $20 DR visits. We pay 1/2 of prescriptions.
It could go over $800/month in a few months. A year from now it might be up to $960.
The answer? Don't get sick.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
My wife & I have been risking going without, but when I wanted to spend some serious cash on nice gifts for Linda's December birthday & Christmas gifts, & asked her what she wanted, she said health insurance. Well, it was on my list for this year anyway, but that made it pretty clear that the time had come, so I mailed my application yesterday after a month of research, and compilation of records. We will choose between the basic $325/month for 2 w/ higher deductable, no perscription discounts & no vision, dental, or chiropractic, or the $425/month better coverage with some coverage on scripts, vision, dental & chiropractic. Most likely we will choose the more expensive one. I know of one office where the acupuncture or homeopathic treatments will be written up as chiropractic visits for insured clients. The alternative healing methods are a priority for us so that will effect our decision.
I will check on group rates for chamber of commerce members, thanks for reminding me. & the ISA members thing sounds interesting too, hopefully more info will surface on that.
Posted by Steve Purcell (Member # 1140) on :
Like Doug, my family plan is just under 450, and includes script discounts, and other benefits.
There is a yearly deductible, but I don't have to deal with some faceless, HMO beancounter. And I can receive whatever treatment I need from whomever I choose.
I got it through the Nat'l Association for the Self Employed.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Interesting, how much does it cost to become a member of that assoc.? Are there any other benefits to membership that you have found worthwhile? I just checked their web page & although the button for "free health care quote" was a broken link, I did find this number, which I will try tomorrow:
quote: For more information about the National Association for the Self-Employed, call 800-232-6273.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
well...i aint alone here i see, havent had any insurance since 1986, when i had last job. and it wasnt worth a s*** either. iam 57 and only thing i can even hope to get is V.A. if something happens to me. as for medicare and medic-aid this administration is is taken it to new lows. i get really upset when this govt can spend 300 billion dollars that they dont have on a war we dont need, which will undoubtedly create more people in need of more medical attention and then cut the medicare/VA/welfare budgets to nothing and also want our senior citizens to put their money into HMO'S(which are a crock to begin with)and put social security money into the stock market(its back below 8000 AGAIN). also the brains in washinton when clinton was president decided to spend $40 million on the investigation of the clintons, and 3 months after bill was outa office the came down with a finding that nothing was done that was unlawful. that $40 million would have done a lot for hillery's HEALTH CARE, which all those up there said would cost to much!!!! also it really P***** ME OFF that senator and congressmen..can buy full coverage for $90 a if i was makin $180,000 a year, $90 a month is chump change. i know this is gona start a war with the right/left here...BUT DONT GO THERE...... all i want is an AFFORDABLE HEALTH more then if i just jumped of the boat from cuba or came across the mexican border illegally.....
[ February 07, 2003, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]