I have to bid on either repainting or replacing with reflective vinyl all the letters on each aisle in our civic center. Many years ago I repainted the existing letters with 3M Scotchlite paint and white One Shot mixed. I added the One Shot to make it easier to apply. The steps are concrete. Seems like the concrete had some type of clear sealant applied at the time of construction. Is there a reflective vinyl made that will hold up applied on a concrete floor that gets heavy traffic? I have been googling and so far have found highway markings info but nothing pertaining to this type of application.
[ January 28, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Judy Pate ]
Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
Just a suggestion, I have seen the highways departments use a reflective tape to mark lines on asphalt until they can paint it. It is highly reflective and has an bitumous backing that will stick to almost anything.
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
Can you apply the vinyl to aluminum or plastic panels in the shop and then install with VHB tape?
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Thanks Peter....will check out that material. Brian, I had something like that in mind because it will be difficut to match the existing letters. I was thinking of applying the reflective white letters to blue vinyl panels.(since all signage in the civic center is blue & white) But aluminum or plastic panels might be the ticket because of the scotchlite paint that I put on there years ago.I am going to check things out tomorrow. Judy