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Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
McAfee is pushing their on-line firewall service, similar to virus protection, but for hacker protection.

Our computer goes to a Linksys Router before going to the DSL box.

There is some firewall protection in the router, but how do you know if the protection is complete, or if more is needed?

What do you use for firewall protection? Vic G
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I use Norton. Norton has a feature that when clicked will go to the internet and check which part of your computer is exposed. When I checked, it went right to those directories that anyone could get to. I then had a new networking guy come in and set my server up to protect it from hackers.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Vic, I use the LinkSys router as well, plus ZoneAlarm for controlling software access to the net and guarding all the other ports (your machine has thousands of them).

One thing you have to remember is there is no such thing as 100% protection. Every system has vulnerabilities (especially when you're dealing with any versions of Windows) but you can make it harder on them to find you.

**Edit**: By the way, check out where they have some scanning utilities to see if your system is open.

[ January 25, 2003, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Mike Pipes ]
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Thank you Mike and Laura

Mike, that Gibson link is a keeper. It appears that the Linksys Router is doing the job, and that is reassuring.

Any of you with DSL or cable, who do not have a router or firewall, should test your computer's security with Mike's link.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
You may have a good router, and you should have it backed up with a firewall like Zone Alarm. (free)

because some software will attempt to call home and report your usage, or some other personal information.
Some software opens access ports on yer machine that will allow hackers in.
Computer networks are constantly being scanned for open ports. Once in, a hacker will look for passwords, serial numbers and other important info.
Broswers use port 80 to access the internet. Some programs will hijack yer browser to use port 80 to report back. (popup cookies or malicious java scripts)

Using a firewall like Zone Alarm will monitor all your system and tell you whenever anyone attempts to port scan you. (you will be surprised to see about 2 or 3 attempts a day). And a firewall will notify you whenever a program tries to access the internet. (popup cookies, comet curser, parasite etc.) You will be really shocked to see what programs do this.

A good router and a good firewall is a great team to stop all the snooping, probing, and phone home attempts.
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
I have no clue what's happening ,but since I installed McAffee firewall I get several notices a week about it intercepting something.Also the virus program is updating itself 2x's a week or so. One annoying thing is the window that informs me about the program doing something, positions itself over my scroll button at the lower right side of screen, and I cant seem to grab it and move it.

Several people in the past have posted stuff about McAffee, saying it's not that great, but I seem to have a clean system. How do you really know if any security programs are doing their job, until you actually have a problem?? [Confused]
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Jeff, your message is what started this whole post. A friend let his McAfee expire after using it for many years. Well, he's cleaning a virus off his computer right now.

Curtis, I used ZoneAlarm prior to getting the router and turned if off because the router was supposed to do the job. The computer was always a little flaky when ZoneAlarm was on, probably the resource thing, so I was happy to turn it off. Now you are saying I would be wise to reinstall it. Groan! Vic G
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
well. it depends.....

However, since i do so much work online i really need it. And there was a virii intercepted by Zone Alarm just the other day that came in via the email port...
Also, ZA had a prob with ver 3 when it first came out, now its fixed,,,,

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