I fully realize that many folks are havin a tough time these days. And I realize that many folks don't enjoy many aspects of their business at times. I feel for these folks.
But I just had to share my good news story.
I'm currently having the time of my life!! I'm under contract for the next 18 months or so with a job description of designing and supervising the construction of an entire theme park - 9 acres of fun and theme. And I'm happy to say my client is the client we all wish for. Appreciative and a prompt payer too.
The theme park is called CandyLand (TM) You can't imagine the fun I'm havin with this!!!
Right now I am still very much in design... I sit at my desk and draw out the most fantastic of ideas and concepts. I have daily meetings and many phone calls and emails to sort out the feasibility of these crazy ideas and refine them further... leading to many revisions and eventually final design... fun stuff.
The work is as varied as my head can handle... from logos and signs to rides, buildings, landscape design, and sculptures and everything in between. My bulletin boards are pinned full of sketch ideas and notes, and my desk piled high with reference books. Needless to say I'm dreaming this stuff at night too.
I am doing the practical jobs as well, blueprints, costing, and timeframes, finding suppliers, and contractors and all that kind of work. I enjoy it all!
Sweet dreams!!
Posted by Phil (Member # 3474) on :
That sounds like a load of fun!
Hopefully you'll share some of the fun and some pictures as the project progresses... keep us updated. Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey dan, great post buddy.
while working on the set of the movie i am currently employed with i have been watchhing these guys carve the interior to a "cave" out of styrofoam, everytime i have watched these guys at work i thought about you and your wonderful work!
my biz has slowed (the reason for me signing on with the movie) i am having a ball pulling the brush, life is wonderful.)
may you and your family have a joyous christmas and a prosperus new year.
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Sounds great Dan! I just finished an International Airport, WHAT A LONG JOB! And was just thrown into a major redo of a themepark/tour here in the U.S.. And guess what!!! most of the signage is hand painted period signage!!!!! I'm pretty excited since we are so busy I can pretty much just run with it! WE are super busy for at least 3 months with more work on the way! I feel bad about the smaler shops having a problem in this economy, most likely we will feel the pinch again, but for right now I plan on enjoying it. Rick
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
That's terrific news Dan! I've been having fun lately too. Built 3 small pylons, a rod and standoff directory, an interior sign package, and some dimensional stuff too. Here's the directory Stevo and I installed yesterday and the pylons waiting to be shipped. www.comsign.ca/recent_projects.htm
Have a Merry Christmas and a terrific New Year!! Cheers, Duncan
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Dan, it just makes me grin wide to read your post. We need to celebrate it when things are wonderful, and we owe recognition and gratitude for those times. Otherwise peak experiences in life come and we miss the wonder because we get bogged down in the peripherals which of course are always taxing. When we don't celebrate the good times, I have experienced and observed that we have less of them. Go figure!
Go for it all! Sounds just wonderful, and also as if it takes almost everything you've got, which as I know is very very considerable.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Lookin good Dawgie!!!
Dan..You always have an upbeat attitude..THAT is why you succeed. I try to emulate that attitude and it works!! My work is no where near the quality of yours but the volume is there for me.
A positive attitude engenders positive results!!!
Merry Christmas to all of us!!!
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Dan, you just show us how to LOVE what you do! that's what it's all about, to find just a tiny bit of satisfaction, then let it grow. Live the dream!!
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Great news, Dan. Isn't it nice to not have to work for a living?
Your attitude has as much to do with your success as your creative ability, I believe. I've always heard that if you look for the good you will find it. The opposite is also true. If you think you can succeed or if you think you will fail you will be right.
Some might say, "Isn't that Dan a lucky guy?". Nope. Dan has spent a lot of time and effort preparing for an opportunity. The opportunity was there because of his ability and attitude. There is always a door somewhere, but we will never find it with our chin on the ground and our eyes shut.
End of sermon.
P.S. Merry Christmas, Dan.
Posted by Pierre Tardif (Member # 3229) on :
Good for you Dan!
Sounds like a dream work for all the sign guys, like Mark Fair is at now. It reminds me the time I had the big fast-food chain as a regular customer, It was a dream job. We ALL have that kind of opportunity a couple times in our signpainters life, we only have to keep our eyes and mind open and to make a little effort to make them happened! I'm sure that it did'nt happened all of a sudden for Dan, and that he made something, somewhere to finally reach the goal.
Enjoy the moment and don't forget to look forward to still be in business AFTER the park will open.
Have Fun!
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
That sounds like so much fun Dan! Is it based on the boardgame "candyland"? My kids loved that game. Another thing it brings to mind is a movie I loved as a kid. "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory" I remember wishing there really was such a place, it just seemed like magic. Funny how you watch those movies now and everything seems fake. We've come such a long way.
Have a blast Dan, and keep us updated.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Can't think of a project more appropo for the king of sugar-cube castles!
Great news Dan! ... and I agree with many on this post that a positive attitude is a very powerful thing!