Well, I have seen just enough of the new PDA's to know that there is probably one in my (my wife's) future. I don't know enough about any of them to make a rational decision based on features / benefits. She does a lot of data gathering, statistical processing, etc. I don't know much about that either. Anyway, I'd like to spend about $300 for a versatile, flexible PDA. Any suggestions? howard keiper
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
I know how you feel right now. I knew my fiance wanted one so I went shopping a few days before her birthday. Talk about confused! I went to 4 different electronics stores and surfed the web a bit too. I ended up getting her the Palm M130 - was about $200. Color screen and came with MS Excel and Word. She loves it. I play some neat brain teaser games on it but I don't think I'll ever buy one for myself. Its hard enough to keep track of where I leave my cell phone...
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I bought my husband one 2 years ago. The info that I turned up was the designer at Mindspring used to be over at Palm and had developed a bunch of new features. He couldn't convinved Palm to add these features on so he pulled away and started his own company. The reviews that I read raved more for the Mindspring vs the Palm.
Keep in mind that the color ones will eat up batteries much faster than the b&w. Garry started having some problems with his a few months ago (probably from all the times that he has dropped it). It costed $100 to get it fixed or $100 to buy a new one from the company - so he bought a new one just like the old one.
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
I've got a Handspring Visor myself, but my buddy bought a new Sony Clie with the color screen. I'm very jealous, it's a sharp little unit.