I need to try and print to print a two color logo for a customer. He gave me the two pantone colors I need to use (pms123c and pms259c). How do I convert them to cmyk colors? I am using corel 9.0 is there a way in corel to do it?
Thanks Mike
Posted by Randy W. Robarge (Member # 2022) on :
I don't know how accurate the colors are, but CorelDRAW gives the following equivalents:
pms 123c: C=0, M=30, Y=94, K=0
pms 259c: C=65, M=100, Y=0, K=15
Hope that helps.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
If you'd check out the step by step I wrote a couple months ago (it's on the step by steps page linked from the home page of letterheads.com), you should be able to get a real good match with your printer. You'll need a color chip of the PMS colors you're matching, though.
Otherwise, just go by the CYMK estimated equivelents that Randy offered above.