I am using wally world acrylics to do my bedroom mural. I can remember reading some of saying you use these in an airbrush, course I can't seem to find the posts using the search feature. Any tips? I played around this afternoon and got the clouds done, but that's as far as I got, any detail is gonna be a real bitch. I was thinning with water...a mistake? Seemed like if I got it thin enough to spray good it wouldn't cover worth a flip. Instaed of driving myself crazy, I'll just ask the experts.
Posted by Gilead (Member # 158) on :
Wally world?...
I use Createx acrylics and like them pretty well. The coverage verses fuidity problem is the real trick with any acrylics, but the cheaper ones will always be worse because there is just less pigment in the paint so it won't cover unless it's thick.
Try using airbrush mediums from Createx, Liquitex or Goldens ( all the same as far as I can tell ) for thinning instead of so much water. Of course even these mediums will reduce the opacity of your color, but will retain the integrity of your paint. Too much water will make the paint fall apart.
What pressure are you using? I find that even when I thin paints a little, I need to use about 45 psi to keep it working smoothly. Too low a pressure just seems to blow dry the paint without really moving it.
just my opinions
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
Don't know that brand but any time I've tried to spray the craft acrylics I didn't thin as much as it sound like you did. I would thin with soapy water (just a drop or two of dishsoap in cup of water) to add a little "slip" to the paint. A little more air pressure.
Posted by Mark Neurohr (Member # 2470) on :
CJ (Ed Willaims), pipe in here anytime!!
Posted by Airbrush Bobby (Member # 5) on :
I may not be da man but George, my hero, but you can use any paint. I'm not sure what your using to spray but a workhorse like the VL will do those paints fine. The eclipse will to, but may be a tad tempermental to tip clog. Strain and thin paint to a consistancy of milk and have a blast!
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Hey George, if you're using latex paints, thin em with Floetrol.(sp) Any paint stores should have it or another brand. Sorta like a gesso only thinner. I use it and it works great.