Anyone heard from TBUK, in a while? I haven't been around the board a lot in the last year or so and I'm borryn' Ardmore's channel to pipe in here. Seems the old group has got their hat these days and fell off the board. Lots of other names I ain't seeing as well. TBUK, is a class human in my book and I just wonder how that wordsmith is doin'?
CrazyJack, using Ardmore's spot to broadcast. Thassss,it !
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
[ October 15, 2002, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Terry Whynott ]
Posted by Wilson Ardmore (Member # 3230) on :
Hi Terry, I'm not familiar with an uck board. Can you give me an address? Thanks...I'm thankfully not net aware these days. Jack, using Ardore's pipeline