Ever notice the "good design" and cool inventions we are privy to in our day to day? All the little things that make our lives easier that we may take for granted.
I consistantly find myself being thankful for just the smallest things that help me during any given day. Little inventions and gadgets that in their small way, really do benefit me on a daily basis.
I thought it would be kinda fun to give a few of them a mention here and see if you had any of yours to add.
* I just love the pager feature on my cordless phone! Used it 3 times just yesterday! What a time saver!
* Thank goodness for my timer. It saves me from burning down the kitchen all too often. Also good for setting off when you get trapped on the phone with a long winded person!
* I have a small leather backpack that has a separate little compartment sewn on the outside of the pack, for my sunglasses. That's been soooooo handy! Now, I always know where my sunglasses are!
* That backpack! It's got just the right array of compartments for my "stuff". Even distribution of weight on my back, and I have both hands free in my travels. So much better than a purse! (I like those little fanny packs too)
* Caller ID
* The headphones for my phone! Such a great tool to help you keep working as you talk.
* Email!!!!! Well, maybe not such a small thing, but ain't it a wonderful? I do sooooo much business with email these days! I'm also in better contact with my friends, both in town and long distance. And to send photos ... whatta plus!
I'm sure I'll be thinking of more during the course of the day. How 'bout you folks?
Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :
Hi Nettie,
Funny you should mention it, but just yesterday, I marveled at our sanding paddle! What a great tool it is, light grit on one side, rough on the other and it's homemade!
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
I love my George Foreman grill. It cooks great hamburgers, grilled cheese and especially parmesean chicken breasts, so easy, and yummy on a ceaser salad! Just wipe it off and put it away.
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Nettie, Lemme get this straight. You're thankful for a phone that you can loose 3 times in one day? Then you're happy when you find it? Hmmmm (:
At work I couldn't live without spell check, my apron and appropriate hand tools, the 60" printer, 63" laminator and 110" trimmer. The simple things I appreciate the most out side of work are family, Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip cookie Dough, hanging on the back porch with a cold one feeding the squirls peanuts after a bad day of work. As much as I appreciate modern technology, I could learn to live with without it more often than not.
Cheryl, What's a sanding paddle?
Havin' fun, Checkers
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Fax machines ...the client calls and says "fax me the invoice and I'll send a check".
my 2"x4" wrench
plastic squeezable coin purse...I keep my spare x-acto blades in it so I can carry them in my pocket
redial (for obvious reasons)
I like my fanny pack too (it has a cell phone pocket)
remote for the shop stereo (so I can mute it from my desk when I get a call)
call forwarding (so I can forward the shop phone to the cell and th customer thinks I'm at the shop when I'm really shooting pool somewhere)
Good post Nettie
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Nettie, you're cordless phone features reminded me of a favorite. I've upgraded my phone when I needed another one for a second work station, but I went back to the old one because of speaker phone right on the handset. My others don't have this & it is such a plus.
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
Band-Aids 46 indian chief motorcycle
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
One of my favorite gadgets is my digital camera.
Yardstick compass.
Apple peeler is wonderful when there are boxes of apples to turn into something in jars.
How about those sensors that turn on the yard light when you approach.
That big black metal box we throw wood into and it burns making the shop warm in winter.
Have A Heart traps
Lightweight footwear
Rapid Tac
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Mr.Coffee maker!
Great employees!
Eye Glasses!
Fanny pack that holds my wallet, digital camera, cell phone, my whole life you might say so that I can ride my motorcycle to see clients and do site surveys at 100 mph... Hey time is money!
Having my computer set up to receive fax's so I dont have to wastes toner cartridges on junk fax's I don't requests!
Lifetime membership to the golf course across the street!
New super Walmart one mile down the road! Now if they would only put in a Home Depot next to it.
And finally all the wonderful technology that has made my life more complicated but made the work more easy!
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Proportional scale wheel
Mack/Hannukaine green handle brushes
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Gotta say, my digital camera, then E-mail, what a leap in technology. I don't use my cell phone all that much, try to avoid it, but it's great when needed. My reciprocating cordless saw, just the other day I was working on my new covered deck at home and needed to cut some lumber in an awkward spot, no other saw would work but the reciprocating saw came to the recscue.
[ October 10, 2002, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: Neil D. Butler ]
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Hi folks!
Cheryl Lucas sent me a photo of her sanding paddle. Here it is!!! Sanding Paddle
Oh and Checkers, ... yes, I really do mis-place the damn phone almost daily! sigh! Thank goodness for an invention that can keep tabs on it for me! hah! By the way, my last phone had a paging device also, but only gave me two beeps to find the phone. Not good! This one keeps beeping till I hone in on it! Now that's more like it!
[ October 10, 2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Janette Balogh ]
Posted by Tony Vickio (Member # 2265) on :
Janette, I sat here thinking, and you know.....................I just LOVE "stuff"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :
Thanks for posting the pic of my sanding paddle!
For those inquiring minds, it measures approx. 10" high x 3" wide. The sandpaper is attached using 3M 77 spray adhesive, it's cut wider than the paddle on each side, for removal purposes.
Changing out the paper isn't always easy, water works good, to remove the grit and if all else fails I take a hand sander to it!
This baby is awesome for taking the sharp corners off of aluminum and splinters off of cedar boards.
The rough grit I have on one side is a reminent sandpaper piece for the belt sander, works best on the aluminum edges.
Oh! If someone gets out of hand, it's good for a firm pat on the bum!
Enjoy, Cher.
[ October 10, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Cheryl Lucas ]
Posted by david drane (Member # 507) on :
I love the little hooky thing that attaches to my belt for hanging keys or sunnies on. The cordless phone is also very handy.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
After all those years of hand drawing and coloring sketches for a client... And driving several miles to his office, and 9 times out of 10 he forgot the appointment, and was off playing golf, And when you finally get up with him..... he says "I wonder what the sign would look like with a different color ????..and by the way I really don't like the font you used on that particular line of copy "
Well..here comes the computer and Sign Programs.
And of course email...cell phones....and this was a blessing to all ....... Who wants to return to "The Good Ole Days ?????" Not Me. Shep'
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
I just love that Nestle's slice and bake cookie dough. I am thankful that I don't have to follow the recipe anymore just to get a hot chocolate chip cookie! Slice Bake and EAT. Now that is progress. ya gotta love it.
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Cordless tools and Tapcon fasteners. Best thing that ever happened for installations.
Posted by LEE ATTEWELL (Member # 2407) on :
Calculators, digital camera,my computer, my mobile phone, and I'm just playing with a laser level...Great for getting perfectly straight lines especially on an angle.
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
A hot cup of tea,....that should take care of just about anything.
Posted by Jackie B (Member # 186) on :
Having one more day - now that's the best "stuff" I could ever have. That simple gadget called the Sun - when it comes up you have a whole day to use any other gadget you got. The sun - the best gadget in my book! Bomba-Dear
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Several days ago I typed a list of the "small stuff" that I celebrate, and it never published. In contemplating all the small stuff, there is nothing that compares to the joy from the kids! Even as they outgrow us in stature and knowledge, they're still the "Small Stuff."
Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :
Ok here goes, I think the one think I'm most thankful for would have to be masking tape, I mean think about it how could I ever mask anything off to paint? I have no idea how they did it before it was invented. I guess thats why Fords came in black only! some other little life savers are wire ties, Duct tape, and last but not least...Velcro. and of course the Internet, man was life different before we all owned our computers?
oh and how could I forget....every night I get down on my knees and thank the people who invented Photoshop! AMEN