Mike Meyer here in Sunny Scotland......today is Thursday Night and we have been traveling about lovely Scotland. The Meet at Ashley Bishop's was TOP NOTCH! Lots of Americans made it and the attendence was the highest ever! Lord Bishop put out the Red Carpet with 2 Large Tents and Gypsy Caravans with a Pig Roast and complete with Cream Teas and Scones...Pip pip Tally Ho! The Pub Crawl was good for chaps who like the Bevy....Downtown London was really fun...Interesting Signage and the Trains and Underground was fun as well! A large assortment of Photos from all around the meet/london/ Windsor Castle/Tea with Betty on the back porch, Ran into Bill Clinton in the Underground shaggin' some dirty ol' midden who had a face like a burgler's dog..(He's still got it!) The weather was great and I learned a few tips and met some new people and got some people fired up! Kilkenny Ireland next year...If you have read this and said to yoursellf...." I wish I could go over there" Why can't you? The people who came this year for the first time will drive you Mad by tellin' you the great time they had! Save your money NOW!
So there...We fly back home this Sunday...any of you blokes out there who were at the meet? Let's hear ya!!!!!
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Hey Mike! How's the accomadation there at Stewarts? Is the bed nice and comfy? I don't know how yet, but Barb and I will be there next year.
It's funny how the brain works. Am I the only one that tends to place limitations on myself based on my upbringing, self image or some other belief? None of us would allow others to dump garbage on our property, yet we have allowed others to dump garbage into our subconscious. For the first 40 years of my life, I just could not see Steve Shortreed getting across Ontario, let alone an ocean. It's a shame it took 4 heart attacks to change my way of thinking.
Going to meet across the country or another continent is a possibility for any of us. The first step is to make a decision to be there no matter what it takes. Then make a plan and work that plan. I've learned that dreams can come true! The hardest part is giving yourself permission to step out of your comfort zone and dream bigger.
[ October 03, 2002, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]