Hey guys, I am back at my computer....and I would like for all who attended the Woodgrain Class to respond as to when they made it home. I thoroughly enjoyed everyone..
I hope that all learned enough to make it profitable for each....
And does anyone have photos to post??????? Especially the panels that CJ's 11 year old daughter did......
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
Hey Shep, i am sorry i missed the class buddy. chris eliott came by the shop yesterday afternoon and was showing his panels he woodgrained. awesome stuff! we stayed up till 4 a.m. swaping stories and tellin' lies!!! LOL he is headed to kentucky now to visit CJ.
chris left me a CD with photos from your place and i will post them tomorrow morning when i get to the shop.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Mark, I too am sorry you missed the class....... But there will be another time.........
BTW Chris has a way with a story....doesn't he ??? His voice reminds me of Tom Bodette.."We will keep a light on for you " (Motel 6 commercial) You should have heard him and Grabowski.as well as CJ ,myself and others,,,,,,, Seems as if the Woodgraining was secondary.....it surely was a great time.and enjoyed by all......see ya Ask Chris about the "Shop Rabbit" Shep'
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Hi Shep!
It's Michele Thomas....Rob's wife, from Naples, FL. We drove straight through last night from Maggie Valley, NC and arrived home at about 10:30pm.
Regarding Charlie, (for others out there....he's the infamous "Shop Rabbit")....anyway, on one of those really good stories Chris was sharing with us, well, he was telling me about how he once shot what he thought was a nuisance rabbit, when it was actually a guard rabbit. It's just that "story telling" that we do love about our Chris. AND, also, that Norm is just one great guy! And what a hoot! :-)
Shep, I really, really enjoyed meeting you. Please consider this your invitation to come visit us.
My best regards to you and your wife and with love, Michele
[ October 01, 2002, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Robert Thomas ]
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Shep, Thanks for everything! I came home with some very cool woodgrain panels. Norm Grabowski and John Lenning did a dashboard to take home. I bought two of Shep's very cool automotive prints.
You are a great artist and a soft spoken, modest gentleman, I like that. What a mix of personalities, and in a beautiful setting as well.
[ October 01, 2002, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Robert Thomas ]
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
I sold a job today, from the panels I did at Shep's wood grain class! Hope everybody made it home. Hey, John Lenning from Big Top Graphics, how did your dash come out? I had to leave early Sunday, so I didn't see all of the completed stuff.
[ October 02, 2002, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Robert Thomas ]
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
a flash slideshow coming soon!
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Three of us are here at our house......Jzena, Chris , and me.........Robin's still dealin with her "Brown Recluse" bite.....but we're havin a great time still......
Will post more after Chris escapes...........
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Here is a trivia question for all those that did not attend the class...... What was the sign painters name on the Andy Griffth Show??? I assumed his identity for a week, until today, when I relettered my truck back to my current company name! Hopefully, Mark Fair has a pic of my truck to post.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
John Lennig made it to my shop and when I last heard from him he had had a wonderful biking experience in Winston-Salem (imagine that?) and was heading home. I got to see his panels and his fabulous dash, photos of his work, and as a souvenir he painted 3 bullet holes on the side of my truck.Yeah!! Never too old to have a happy childhood.
He was filled with excitement about what he had learned and said it was well worth the trip and expense!
I have a great photo of him doing my bullet holes and as soon as I know how I'll post it. He probably had the longest traveltime, he'll report soon.
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Hi Shep', Chris, CJ,Jzena(she loves to mix paints!!) Robert & Michelle, Norm & Timi.
I got home Wed. night about midnight, left Raleigh 5pm wed their time. Raining here, I know I'm home!!
The last 7 days , wow, what a lot lof fun and learning and riding!!
Shep', you made it so easy for us all to create fine woodgrain panels.THANK YOU!! Yes, Robert, the '39 Ford dash turned out GREAT,it's going to sell my work real well.
My head is still filled with Norms antics, banjo music, 3-4 guys all telling different stories, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!, Golden Valley Buffet, thanks, Chris, and overall, the full on friendliness of everybody I met on the trip. Raleigh to Charlotte, up to Mt. Airy, down to Winston-Salem, fun at Myras, and back to Raleigh, way more HIGHWAYS than I'm used to!!
To put faces & personalities to names on this BB means alot to me.
Shep, does Charlie have any cousins down Winston-Salem way?? I sure saw lots o' rabbits whilst RIPPING on the fine trails out at Hobby Park. Imagine a bike shop employee saying, here, take my bike, ride, have fun, i'll hold your visa card. Thanks Mark.(Paceline Bicycles)
Anyway, I ramble, must come down to earth and make some $$$.
ps will send reprints to appropriate places, maybe even investigate this new fangled "posting pictures" scam I've heard tell about!!
John Lennig
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
here ya go robert... this is a photo chris eliott took of robert's...er...uh i mean charlie's truck.
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Thanks Mark, I had a lot of fun with that one!.......Nobody knew the name of the sign painter on the show. I happened to see the show where Barney buys a motorcycle at a salvage sale and he tells Andy that he had "Charlie Phelps" letter it up and he matched the sheriff star on the cruiser. So I went with it. We went to Mt. Airy during the Mayberry Days Festival, cruising down Main St. People where even asking me where IS Mayberry N.C.? And we were in N.C. I had T-shirts printed front and back as well.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
I have just talked to Norm......seems he made it home ok..with one exception......he ran out of gas.....he had the caddy on cruise..and he was probably set on "doze" ..he he he
The Class was a hugh success..everyone seemed to enjoy each others company as well as to learn a technique that will enhance their income....
Thanks to all who attended......it was good seeing old friends and making new ones..... And for those who met Norm Grabowski for the first time...I am sure you will never forget the experience.......
And a special thank you to my friend Foley Bowman for his playing the Banjo.it was great entertainment...and a big thank you to Joe Hill for cooking up those great Chicken Sandwiches....
And of course to "Charlie the Guard Rabbit"
Looking forward to the next class......it will probably be held on a Saturday..with Sunday to be a Hot Rod show and "Bull Session"..I have plenty of room for Hot Rods to park.....and several of my friends have already asked if they can bring their cars..and be a part of the gathering....
Stay tuned for more details.......if you would like to be a part of the next event please sign up now.......The class will be limited to only 10 participants,and will be held sometime next Spring. Dates to be announced. Shep'
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
I kinda took the long way home but finally made it after stops at Mark Fair's & CJ's. My last stop was at my chiropractor's to get my back popped back in & I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone for a great time!!! Right now I should be unpacking but I'm headed to bed & will post more later
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Chris, I was getting concerned about you.. Glad you finally made it home ok.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
OK- here goes-I'm about to click on ctrl-v to insert John's picture, as he is lettering the bullet holes on my truck door. If it works I owe it all to Barb who sent me instructions on how to do it. http://mediaservice.photoisland.com/auction/Oct/20021056289791821043380.jpg Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
It worked......thanks for the photo......he is one talented sign writer...and also one nice person. Shep'
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Wow! thanks Myra!!! and Shep'
That's WAY BETTER than when I had my picture on the cover of Rolling Stone...(not THAT rolling Stone.... "Rolling Stone - A Trade Magazine For Landscapers"
John Lennig / Signrider
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Been home for a while now........just up to my eyebrowz in engraving work.....!! Das Goot...!!
Had a great time with everyone over there in Mayberry country......and learned some really Kool stuff........in fact got a high dollar home decorating store wanting us to do a bunch of woodgraining, on some of their items, for them.......
If you don't take advantage of Sheps next class.......I don't wanna hear about how tough things are, and ya ain't makin any money........This stuffs a money maker......and NO, I AIN"T agonna show ya how it's done......hehehehe!! Call Shep...!!
Had a GREAT time with Chris on his visit here for a couple of days.........he finally "Escaped".......ahahha!! But we are looking forward to his stopping back by for a few more, after Don and Dora's meet next week.
Jzena is out of school for "Fall Break" (whatever the hell that is) Damn kidz got more breaks than I ever had........heheh!! We plan on woodgraining everything that gets in the way this week..........and this kiddz "GOOOD" at doin this stuff....!! 11 years old, and already makin money...........KOOL!!!! She's my new retirement plan....
Well.......Gotta get back to it........just wanted to let ya'll know what a great time the "kidd" and I had over there, and the Kool folks we had it with..........
THANKS SHEP....We'll be Back...!!
.......cj, and Jzena (aka "the Boog")
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Here is a few more photos... (Chris I haven't received the CDs !!!!!)
I was asked if my method of Woodraining could be used on surfaces other than flat ???? Well the above is a "Burl Grained Walnut Grapefruit"
Front Row.CJ.."Boog"....Rob.....Norm...Chris Back Row....Shep'...Timmi...John
This is Norm stirring up the "Secret Brew"
Timmi...Norm...John...Shep'..."Boog"...Cj.. I am not sure what Norm was looking for !!!!!!
"Stay Tuned MORE PHOTOS to come"..That is when I get the CD from Chris. Or when Mark Fair has time to post the "Slide Show"
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Finally got some pics up. It's a shame none of CJ came out, bummer 'cause he's not a bad lookin' ole timer.(hehehe) I did a panel today at the shop that looks just like mahogany, and I've also been playing with burl walnut, cherry and curly maple. It's not hard at all wants you know the tricks.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Rob, Send me some photos of your woodgraining when you have the time.... Hopefully the photos Chris took will show up better.... I think Mark Fair has a copy of his CD and will post some more photos when he has time.....
Well I am heading back to the Mountains again today for another week or two stay..I will post when I get back to my computer. Shep'
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Hey Shep,
Sorry, I thought you got the CD that I left with your mother-in-law at your shop but I'll be glad to burn another copy for you. You are still on speakin' terms with her, aren't you?
I'll send you a copy also. Since you had film, let me know how much I owe you for a set of the pix you got. Sounds like you're getting some nice grains there. I'm hoping to do some more myself but I've spent most of my time down with back trouble since I returned (probably too much rain)
John, Timi, & CJ, I'm burning copies for y'all too!! (and yeah, CJ, these might even work on YOUR computer!)
I hope all of you realize that I never claimed to be a good photographer but what I did get turned out OK (well, they do need to be cropped)
[ October 11, 2002, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Chris Elliott ]
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Yo Chris........ I forgot that you had left a copy with my Mother in law....I picked them up this week...Thanks again.