I'm trying to get ahold of John Jordan from Sydney. anybody got his email addy? I need to let him know the details of our arrival in Sydney. any help would be apprecited! thanks, Mike
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Hiya Mike. I think John is still overseas at the Letterhead Meet in England, but his Son will be at home.
e-mail is aussiejohnjordan@bigpond.com.au
Meet details, his phone numbers etc are on the Aussie Letterhead site. There is also names and addresses of a lot of the OZ Letterheads there too.
Look forward to meeting you in real life
Posted by ticks (Member # 575) on :
Hi mike, i'm sure you have everything under controll but if you need i can come pick ya up from the airport providing i'm in sydney by then. when does your flight get in etc. Email me the details if you need help. (i wont forget ya mate....promise "wink wink") hehehe
hope you are getting excited.
Posted by Paul Jordan (Member # 1198) on :
Mike, Dad is still overseas, at another Letterhead meet in England, you can email me with your details. My email address is paul@jordansigns.com.au
Posted by Gail & Dave Beattie (Member # 572) on :
with just less than a month till jordo's meeting who is getting excited now? ME!!! ME!!! ME!!! ME!!!
i can hardly wait so much has happened in our lives in the last few months that my head is spinning but i really want to get to sydney to see everyone so come on letterheads
cheers gail
Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :
Hi, thanks guys Rod we got it under control thanks mate ( besides I wouldn't want to give you a chance to get even with me! hahaha )
gail, we are finally gonna get to meet each other to cool! rod I want to talk with you about working on some projects together there. I'll contact you soon. thanks Mike
PS Paul, I'll email that info to you in the next few days. Mike
Posted by Stephen Broughton (Member # 2237) on :
Last seen Mr Jordan was sitting in a pub chatting up an attractive blonde young lady about 60 years his junior GOOD LAD Paul your dads a great bloke, I had tears in my eyes through laughing so much listening to his banter.
[ October 01, 2002, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Broughton ]
Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :
Hi John,
I've been trying to email you and and your son but my emails keep coming back. can i have your number with the country code and a good time to call you from here on the west coast? I have no idea why the emails are coming back. we're pretty excited about coming down under to play! Mike