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Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
iam home from LA. 1st time i ever ben dar in my lif. hehehehehe. the best 2 1/2 days ive had in a long time!
i arrived at 2 pm friday, walked in the door, got handshakes(da guys) and hugs(da women, and some of da guys)and a couple of kisses(always good).proceeded to enjoy myself. that was the most important thing....everybody makin sure you have a good time. the hosts were most gracious, and concerned about my vegitarian eating habits, well..i got to say 12 years as a non flesh got to make a some concessions when your in CA-JUN country.....i decided to try the local long as it was seafood....and i also ate a small bite of "BOODAN"...dont know what it was made off...but damn dat was good..i ga-ron-tee it!!! had etofay(spel)and seafood food of da gods....i will tell you dis....when i go to LA. again....i will EAT SEAFOOD!!!!!!!!!!
got to meet some of the best people in the world..(which i have meet before) and some new ones that will now be in the above listing..hehehehe.
curtis hamond, who is only..a guy nothing more, and zee(gavin) who is not a vampire or zombie but a really nice guy.....kathy, rt, si, the 3 dons, robert and joann, judy and hubby, robert from dreamweaver...p king & bobbie, timi, and santo....your on the list bro...if i forgot to mention any one, its because my head is still tryin to sort all the great fun and conversations i had with i said in the begining...SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY, CANT GET NO BETTER....then we had here and all the DIXIE LETTERHEAD MEETS. this one was right up there with em....and kathy tell MARIE..SHE PUT DA HEX ON ME.....hehehehehehehe.....

[ September 09, 2002, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Joe, when everyone was yelling "Show your t*ts!" They weren't talking about you!

[ September 09, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Santo ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Joe, that's spelled Boudin, and it comes in seafood and crawfish versions.
Now that's the last time I correct your spelling.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :

Starting too feel like a coonass! [Smile]

Kathy, Timi, Curtis, and all the others who "busted Butt" getting it all together.... THANKS!!!

Had a GREAT time!

It was great meting old friends and new friends!

[Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

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