Would all you Crawdaddys and Galligators please let us know that you arrived home safely?
Thank you so much for coming. Each and every one of you made the meet something special. I am now feeling symptoms of "Post Partum Meet Depression". The only remedy is looking forward to Don Hulsey's meet in October and also the formation of "Sonny Franks and The Letterhead Cajun Ragae Band!"
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Kathy, Just walked in the door around 11 PM our time (10 PM your time). We are tired but had a safe trip. The further we came east the more sun we saw. We had a great time..thanks Kathy and RT for putting on such a great meet. Judy and Roger
Posted by R T Thomas (Member # 355) on :
I think I made it. Not sure, things are still reaaaal foggy.
Thanks to all of you that came to the meet. I hope you all had a great time. I know I did. I'm so tired right now that I'm having a hard time holding my head up :)But,....it's a good tired! Thanks to all the great suppliers that donated things for us to give as door prizes and for everyone that went out of their way to make sure this thing came off as planned.
A huge THANKS to Kathy & Lloyd for letting us take over their world for 3-4 days. I think it was an experience a lot of us won't forget for the rest of our lives. I think Lloyd wants to have another meet next weekend. Any takers? hahaha, No, not really, but I think he enjoyed the meet as much if not more than a lot of us did. He sure had a big smile on his face a lot of the time.
The pics will tell the tale!
See ya'll, R.T.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
made my appointment with the manager of the restaurant befor 4 pm. was in pcola at 3:20. IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..... HAHAHAHAHA......awesome meet, even the rain didnt dectract from it...made the frogs sing really loud.....hahahahahah
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Posted by Mark Perkins (Member # 296) on :
Well it was back to the real world not long after I left the meet, got caught up in a traffic jam on I-10 for a hour LOL I had a great time, I think Kathy and R.T. should put a meet on at least once a month.
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Got home about midnight, but did not come to the shop to get online.
Dora left for work this morning, but I don't think she noticed the stripes yet. heh heh I am not going to say anything till she does. I am going to print out the pic Curtis posted of me dancing with Marie, cause I want to show it to her before someone else does.
Came in this morning, and the shop looks just like it did when I left... Man, I gotta hellalotta work to do before October. See yall then.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey kathy, i made it home safely.(oh yea, i forgot, i did'nt make it! LOL) did you receive the panel i sent ya?
Posted by Tony B (Member # 935) on :
Yep, made it home safe & sound around 1:46am. Kids went right to sleep as soon as the car started moving, traffic was very few & far between.
Smooth sailing.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Nice job on the panel Mark! It was mounted on the wall right in the Registration area.
Barb and I are loading up the rental and preparing to check-out of the Friendly Inn. Our flight back to Toronto departs at 6pm, but we want to drop by and see Kathy and Lloyd one more time.
It's been another wonderful Letterhead Meet. Stay tuned!
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
Made it back yesterday about 4:00. Relatively uneventful drive home...well, uneventful if you don't count that spare truck tire we ran over that jarred the hell outta the car and tossed our hubcaps across the interstate. Retrieving those was fun!
Thanks to Kathy and RT for a great meet! Lotsa good folks, amazing work, and killer food!
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
WE made it in around midnight last night and all is great!
You and RT put one heck of a party on and Karen and I thank you for your hospitality!
Until next time!!!!!
I will post the panel as soon as I have it completed!
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
Kathy,...I just walked in the door,....stoped by to see an old friendat his shop on the way home today. A very special thanx for a LARGE time!!!!
Posted by JoAnna Nouis (Member # 2838) on :
We made it home last night around 8:30, the traffic on I-10 was incredibly slow! We had a great time and the food was awesome, I need the recipe for that crawfish soup!!! Whenever you guys are ready to host another event we will definitly be there! Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
We made it home by 11:00pm....thanks for a great meet!
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Duckette and I stayed the night for a well deserved rest. Fresh start in the a.m. arriving at the Duck Pond bout 4:30! Thanks Kathy and RT for the GREAT time and putting up with ME. See ya'll in October at Don's
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
So glad you are all safe and sound at home! Barb and Steve left here heading for the airport a couple of hours ago.
Mark Fair, I'm so glad you are safe at home, just sorry we were not all unsafe with you here! hahaha You and Michael Boone were both at the meet. You played the accordian with Danny T. and we put Mikey in the porta potty! That crazy thing sent a "Poop du Coupe" he made from a real cow patty from his barn! We must all be sick because we thought it was beautiful. Wish you could have been here we could have written a song about Mr. "Poopycat" Boone!
Marie Leveaux came by today to help and said she can't beleive what a great bunch the heads are. O.P. she confessed to me that she cast a spell on you. Please get yourself to someone who can mix some frog urine and gator feet into two pounds of boudin to set you free from the spell before all your hair falls out!
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hahahahahahaha hey kathy, send me a pic of that "poop du coupe" and i will award it "Sign of the Month" ! LOL
also mr. boone, we would like to see a "step by step" (no pun intended)
i missed a good one i think!
[ September 09, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Mark Fair Signs ]
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Cheryl and I pulled into the "city of palms" about 6pm tonight. Nice ride home...course the ride there was more fun! haha
Great meet, great people, great hosts, great food..only regret was never jumpin in the pool.
Thanks guys!
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Mark, I will send one to you tomorrow!
Don, you didn't swim, but everyone used the 300' wading pool.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
We walked in our front door just after 1am Tuesday morning. Right now I am sitting here pinching myself and wondering if the last 5 days were just a dream. AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!