I need to paint/vinyl a light blue watermark graphic on white magnetic material. I will then add graphics on top of the watermark. I was considering cutting a cardboard mask and lightly spraying blue Krylon….
Has anyone done something like this??? Any other suggestions than the cardboard mask? I want this to look good. I will be doing 14 of these…
Thanks, Joe
[ August 26, 2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Talisman ]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Why would you want to "cut " it out of cardboard as oppossed to other types of mask available???
Posted by Talisman (Member # 1869) on :
Hi Pat,
I thought I would save material... I am doing 14 of these. But in hindsight I could easily cut vinyl masks for short $. Thanks for the kick.
Any other suggestions for the paint?
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
I've cut a spray mask out of transparency film, lite spray with spray adhesive, spray. And you can reuse it. Depends on how complex it is.