Hello again! i know its been a very long time since i have visited this site, but i come to you because i am i desperate search of this font and i have no clue as to what it is called or where to go to get it. if you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. for those of you that dont know me i used the name SignLizard on MIRC and was commonly refered to as "Louie" by Old Paint and some of the other regulars. Anyways if you can help it would be greatly appreciated. i know i came to the right place here is the link http://www.el-triunfo.com/herrera.htm Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
Looks kinda like MATISSE ITC to me ,or maybe not exactly but it would be pretty damn close.
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
nope, not matisse. Matisse is too 'artsy fartsy' and bouncy. But it does look like the correct font, just through a glass of water
I believe what it is, is Pritchard Plain. It's made by Letraset. If it's not Pritchard, it's definitely based on that face.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Het Leeeeezard.....glad to see ya back!
Posted by carlos herrera (Member # 503) on :
Thanks to all. the font in question is indeed Pritchard. i had actually found a similar font on the internet right after i posted called Farscape that looks almost identical. i used that one to get the job done, just had to tweek the letters a little bit. Once again i knew i came to the right place. havent had much time to work on signs lately. still working for the man trying to get out of debt. i will try to visit more frequently if possible.