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Posted by atog254 (Member # 494) on :
I am in need of line art of the thumbs up design!

I was asked to do 3 large beer mugs with names of three room mates heading for Florida next week for vacation. I know I have seen it in my collection of clip art, but unable to locate it.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

SC - Cntrl Delaware
Posted by atog254 (Member # 494) on :
I would like to express my sincere appreciated for all the help and opinions from the members of this site.

I must admit after being here since 1999, I would hope that I could get more responses than zero!

Thanks for NOTHING!
Posted by Pat Foley (Member # 2683) on :
Steve, maybe I have something you can use. I'll be out for an hour or so, but as soon as I get back, I'll get your email something and find out how to get in touch with you. A "thuumbs" up vectorized image, right? I can help.... be back soon.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on : if we cant help you with a "vague" piece of clip art...then we are of no use to you?
did you think that maybe....its just posiable....THAT NO ONE HAS WHAT YOU ASKED no one replied????????????????????
do you have any version of COREL,(found a couple of hands, with a thumb,might be useable, with a little tweeking)PRINT ARTIST($49.00)found 4-5 you could use. ARTS & LETTERS EXPRESS 6.0, found 5-or 6 you could if i can spend 10 mins of my time looking for what you might you think you could/would purchase one of these programs to use in your daily work? ive had these programs since i started working with a computer......1992, and one thing ive can never have enough clipart!!!!!
thank you for your support(from the bartels & james commercial)

[ August 02, 2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
Hey, sometimes peoples POSTS "hit" and sometimes they "miss". Have you replied to every single post out there since 1999.....I know you haven't however, EVERYONE just got SLAMMED by you.

Thank YOU for nothing.

Frig, draw a hand, scan it, trace it, output it.......done.

[ August 02, 2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Corey Wine ]
Posted by Mike Murray (Member # 840) on :
Pick up a pencil and get it done! In the time you sit there b****ing about the Bullboard you could have it.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I was wondering how somebody could visit this board for 3 years and not know that fishing for clipart here is frowned on by the majority? I'm not flaming you or anybody else, just I thought it was common knowledge for anybody who frequents this board...which could be one reason for so little attention. I would imagine that a slew of folks didn't even click on your post because of the title. Only a guess.

Only reason I clicked on it was out of curiosity when I saw you got any responses.

Edited part----> Just came back to make sure you understood, I'm not blasting you...just offering an explanation of why you may not have had responses as fast as you'd like.

Maybe Steve should consider setting up a new page on this site just for trading copyrighted vector art.

[ August 02, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Don Coplen ]
Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
If you checked Don, the person has posted 31 times or so in 3 1/2 years....which there's nothing wrong with but, it makes me wonder if he only comes here for some freebies.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Yeah 31 posts sure doesn't leave room for anyone to figure this guys been out there answering others requests very often in 3 years.

Since Don didn't blast you I will... pull your own thumb outta wherever it is stuck that's keeping you from drawing your own artwork.

Next time a business inquiry made at 9 pm isn't answered by midnight maybe I'll try making an a** out of myself in public & see if people want to help me more.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
doug, don, corry, let be nice now.....i figured id get flamed for suggesting he buy PRINT ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
here ya go!
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
Sorry forgot the link

By the way, you should shop for some clip art cds
or join Art Today. There are over 100 clip arts listed under thumb. Good investment! Got me out of a bind on more than one occasion. If worse gets to worse draw one and scan....

[ August 02, 2002, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: J & N Signs ]
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
why not go here and get some lines here.
they have lots of it legal and free..
replace the stars with www
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
Hey, Doug Allan!... here's one for your post! This can also be turned 180 degrees clockwise for other purposes!

Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
WOW. i just opend it in PSD, saved it as a tiff. opened it in streamline, converted it to a vector and now i have it . a vectored thumbs up..

30 seconds..
thanks dude..
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Hmmmm full moon?
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Yo C.N.......


Oh yeah....

Have a great one!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
well hey.....I am going to go find my little red riding hood........

[ August 02, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: cheryl nordby ]
Posted by Pat Foley (Member # 2683) on :
You know, I'm really feeling pretty stupid about right now. I don't know the rules. I paid my dues and just because I don't post doesn't mean I'm not in the background reading, but sometimes, yes, I'm too busy to even drop by. I don't post #1 because I don't feel I know enough to compete with all you pros; and
#2; most of the time I'm afraid of getting my feelings hurt and then just going away... so USUALLY I keep my big mouth shut.
Yes,I believe we should buy our clip art and fonts, for I'm sure, all the same reasons the majority of you believe that.
I'm not crossing the line, I just moved it back a little.
I was concerned about was "visitor", and did give that some thought, and since 1999??
I'm sorry for offending any one for offering this guy a "thumbs up". I was just trying to be nice and perhaps help someone in need.
Anyway, I offered it early today, and got really busy and just got back to get his email and found much more! I usually don't say much, but ya'll got me on this one.
I also really like my Print Artist 4.0 and only wish it would work without crashing my computer!
I'll go back to reading now... so sorry I didn't know the rules. Maybe when people come to this site there should be a rule list, or guide or something? Just an idea............
Happy Friday!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
pat...there is something seriously wrong with your computer...PA 4.0 minimum req. are 386x, 4 megs ram. you need to uninstall the present copy, delete all files in C:\WINDOW\TEMP, empty all TEMP INTERNET FILES,EMPTY RCYCLE BIN. then run norton SPEED DISK. shut down restart and reinstall PA 4.0. i have version 6.0(last of the good ones) and 8, but i dont like 8's clipart viewer.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Hey Pat,
I guess you are saying that you got email from folks here speaking out against helping out or something? I am sure no matter how many emails you got, there is a far greater number of people reading this thread who no nothing about whatever it is that was emailed to you.

I for one did not send you anything, but even though I was pretty quick to blast this atog guy, I got no problem what-so-ever with you helping out the guy. We don't need to know specifics about what you sent him, or even that you did. As far as anyone here knows you could have sent him your own hand created artwork. I am not above the ocassional sharing of a piece of clipart now & then, but have come to learn the possible consequences for this great site if copyrighted violations are carried out in full view of cyberspace. This is probably among the comments you were sent. These rules are on your own copyright CD anyway, & to put commentary about that on a huge web-site in no way means all will read it, in fact it probably is here somewhere.

I have given artwork & recieved artwork through this site (royalty free art, of course [Smile] ) So I commend you on your helpful gesture. My remarks to the "touch of glass" character were based entirely on his crybaby second post, the clipart request was no big deal.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Smile Pat Foley...

We still like ya... Now go to your room... LOL! [Wink]

Have a great one!

[ August 03, 2002, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Bruce Bowers ]
Posted by Pat Foley (Member # 2683) on :
Thanks Doug, you made some good points.

And, O.P. what a doll you are! Thanks! I guess you figured I would need ABC instructions and I certainly do! Your instructions are good and that I can do!!

And, as soon as daddy Bruce let's me come out of my room that's what I am gonna do!! I'm going to go play computer person and fix my PA!!
Thanks! P
[Smile] That's a smile..... so can I come out now?
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Quite frankly, atog254, most of us here are way too busy to bust our butts doing your work for you. We don't care if your vacationing buddies have to drink beer from a plain cup, and as far as giving it a day and a half before you blasted us for not responding, let me remind you this is not the McDonald's Free Graphic Drive-Thru Window. Personally, I see Letterville as a distinct community with lots of quirky characters and a give-and-take style where you'll get more out when you put more in. I'm not a mega poster, but I'll always add an appropriate 2 cents if somebody else hasn't already provided an answer. With an average of 10 posts a year, you're not adding much, pal. It wouldn't hurt if you mailed a measley 50 bucks in to support the site either.
Pat, I'm not sure what's transpired with your e-mail, but I think the clip-art question that Don referred to is sort of an "unwritten" rule that respects the original artist, and/or the time and money people have spent for their own collections of art. It may also be a sense that the person asking for the clip-art is either too lazy or too cheap to get it themselves.

[ August 03, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Sonny Franks ]
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Dotn worry dude, ive gotten a few negative emails too. I gotta tell ya they go right where they belong.... in the dumper.. and ill keep on doing what i think is right iregardless of what a very few cyber bullies think or say..

love to all..
sharing is caring...
our knowledge is our power...
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
Reckon old dude musta got peeved or somthin' cause he sure ain't said nuthin else. My thoughts on clip-art are if you don't have something then you need to have it and KEEP it and spending time begging for it instead of doing a search or buying a set is SORRY. I have just about quit going to several other boards because of all of the BEGGING for fonts and clip-art going on. I haven't not been able to figure out something if I didn't have a piece of clip-art. I bougt Art Explosion 600,000 for $70 just for situations like the one old
dude was in because even though you have ot edit the stuff to make it vinyl ready, at least you'll have almost everything you will ever need. [Cool] [Razz]

[ August 03, 2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: John Thompson ]
Posted by Desire Rusovsky (Member # 2876) on :
Actually Atog just used the Thumb Down emoticon on his second post [Razz]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Leave it to a Yankee from Deleware to get offened
by the citizens of Letterville.
BECAUSE... of an insecured need to impress the beer drinking friends.
The lack of ability to draw.
The un-willingness to buy.
Along with the nerve to represent ones self as being a professional sign maker.
(sorry) [Confused] just wanted to BUMP this one up!
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Hey Pat...

Being a Yankee or from Delaware has nothing with just being rude. A butthead by any other name is still a butthead. I can't imagine why he wasn't able to find one in a clip art collection. Oh, that's right... he wanted a freebie.

Aren't you glad, Pat, that we have the ability and resourses to be somewhat self-reliant? I mean, you and I never ask for anything, do we?

Dana and I hope you and Bobby are well... even if they just don't listen.... LOL! [Wink]

Have a great one!
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
e-mail me if ya still need it,to me its a peice of clipart,some of these people really get off when someone asks for a little help.Like a pack of wolves waiting for someone to ask the clipart question!They should not reply at all if they dont agree with the post not treat someone like they asked for a kidney!!!Nobody has time to vectorize one for ya but they sure have alot of time to flame people for simple mistakes.Too bad a couple people who jump on others, make people scared to post.Go ahead flame away, I DONT CARE!!!
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
zzzzzzz. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzz
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :

It isn't the clip art request that offended me, although I still think it is wrong to ask. It is the manner that he responded when people failed to jump through hoops to his request.

As far as people waiting like wolves to jump on people, you are guilty of it, too. A little like the pot calling the kettle black, eh?

Have a great one!
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Now I heard it all, I try to help people all the time. Maybe u never ask for anything cause yer well off but some of us are struggling everyday.I dont wanna get started with argueing cause last time u sent yer wife Dana after me.I'm sorry but it really bugs me when u brag about never having to beg for nothin and to call the guy a butthead for getting frustated,and by yer signiture u say yer a man of god?Now give it a rest or go ahead flame somemore if ya want.Just don't get Dana after me.
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
It's official. This thread has hit the gutter.
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
I agree with Bruce here. The clip-art question is always a difficult subject here. Some may respond with a personal e-mail including the actual or similar clip art, some might include suggestions for where the art can be located, some may ignore the post and others will flame you. I guess this is to be expected when asking for what seems to be a very simple piece of ready to cut art. For some others, it may not be so simple. There are some of us that have no confidence or maybe time to pick up a pencil and sketch the art, refine it, scan it, refine it again and convert it to a cut file.

Sometimes posts DO just get missed.

The second response was short and to the point. It was also like throwing gasoline on a fire. What did he expect would happen? Perhaps another way to approach this would be to ask again - bump it up? Or maybe if he felt this way he could have just let it go and tried again another time.

I posted the thumbs up picture because this just seemed funny at the time. I stuck my hand in the scanner and there you go. Took maybe 5 minutes to scan, upload to the web and then post here.

I encourage this guy to stay with the BB and try it again. We all sometimes get off on the wrong foot. Maybe this guy DOES have something to offer to the rest of us... or maybe he's just a guy with a short fuse - ready to blow.

We'll see how he handles it, so far I've seen nothing.

I've gotten more out of friends who tell me like it is... if I'm acting like a jerk or an a-hole than people who feel they are too polite to let me know I'm in the wrong. Hey, I might feel kind of ticked for a while but then I figure it out and things get better. Good Luck.
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
This has in no way hit bottom yet,you gotta wait till they leave forever and come right back for that to happen
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Still not too late to crawl out of the gutter. Shall we try?

I often think some people believe Letterville is just another sign industry. Letterville is a community of Letterheads, and Letterheads are not your general, everyday signmakers. Our goal is to preserve the best of our craft's history by exchanging information and fellowship at live meets held around the Globe.

There is a very successful contractor that I know. He has developed communities all around our area. He's a wonderful builder.

His greatest passion is getting together with others like himself on weekends to build structures the way they did in the old days. Last year these CarpenterHeads built a bridge without using any nails or screws. All the joints are hand crafted and the way everything fits together is a work of art.

Letterheads are much the same. Most have the latest computer technologies and other tools, but I know many of us oldtimers, myself included, miss the way we did things in the past. It was a slower, more hands on time.

Truth is, a signman was a very special person not so long ago. We all have a basic, human need to feel special. For many of us, investing years in learning a trade that few could not or would not pay the price to learn gave us a feeling of satisfation and selfworth. It wasn't unusual for a crowd to gather around a sign painter at work, and don't let anyone tell you we didn't love their attention and all the dumb questions.

We live in a different time today. Technology has increased our production, but in the process, we have lost something. It's sad, but to most of today's public, pushing buttons on a computer is nothing special. I'm sure some of you must feel like performers who have lost their audience. [Smile]

So along comes Steve with his request for artwork. It's not a registered trademark he is after or any other copywritten material. His request seems to be well within the Laws Of Letterville. So why do these requests always seem to generate such a negative response and what can we do to reduce the number of times we rehash this issue?

Much of the answer is doing a better job of educating new users on what Letterville is all about. I hope I've started that process with some of my comments above. Some of us have become grumpy old men, ready to pounce on anyone that does not understand or respect our way. Could we be a little more tolerant?

At the end of the day, Letterville is not going to appeal to everyone. It was never our goal to develop a website that would attract all aspects of today's sign industry. Letterville has always been, and will always remain, devoted to our understanding of this thing called The Letterhead Movement. We're proud of where we came from and very vigilant of where we are headed together as a group.

To those who brand us snobs and/or elitists, I offer no apologies. I know of no other group more willing to embrass those who sincerely love what they do and want to discover just how good they can become. As with any worthwhile quest, there is a price to be paid. You are going to have to invest some time and money attending live meets and purchasing your own tools.

I've got carried away as usual. I hope someone has the image Steve wants and sends it along without all the lectures. Letterville has no plans to get into the image trading business. It's just not our main focus. If you are coming to Letterville just to request clipart, I really feel you are missing the big picture. You'll probally have more luck using the sign websites devoted to exchanging clipart.

BTW! Have you seen all the great clipart on the Auction? Letterheads are getting some great bargains. Take a look for yourself!

[ August 05, 2002, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
So along comes Steve with his request for artwork. It's not a registered trademark he is after or any other copywritten material. His request seems to be well within the Laws Of Letterville.
Steve Shortreed, how is it that this is automatically a legitimate request. Can I give away art from my Roland mega collection? or maybe my Corel Draw clipart? or how about my Broderbund CLICKart? Maybe I could find something in the Designer CD I got from Victor? Well it may not be the Harley davidson logo or Mickey Mouse that ATOG wants, but according to the terms of use on all my clipart cd's they are for my use & not for distributing on the internet to anyone lurking with their hand out in Letterville.

So why do these requests always seem to generate such a negative response
I am all for keeping threads out of the gutter, but mis-placed blame is not my idea of the way to facilitate that. Lets look again at where the "negative responses" began

I must admit after being here since 1999, I would hope that I could get more responses than zero!

Thanks for NOTHING!

The only other gutter trolling inflamatory remarks that were not a justifiable reply to the original posters comments were by the only other Steve on this thread, besides Atog.

& you of course, Mr. respected Mayor, so maybe you have a slight bias [Smile] , but I respectfully have to disagree with your defense of the request, & judgement of the responses.
How about the request for the creepy skull "right away" which came about at the same time? That guy was taken care of quickly without negativity. I happened to locate a specific setion of Rolands VectorArt site to direct the guy to as I know that individual artwork can be bought for immediate download. Others sent art direct. I know the guy sent me a personal thank you, so I'm sure he showed the same respect to others.

Anyway I agree clipart threads blowing up into fireworks are getting old already, & I'm still one of the relative newbies here, but this time the fault, IMHO, lies squarely on Atog's shoulders.
Posted by Stan McKinnon (Member # 2316) on :
per the mayor...... "Some of us have become grumpy old men, ready to pounce on anyone that does not understand or respect our way. Could we be a little more tolerant"

I agree with you Mr. Mayor completely. I've noticed that some folks here don't post much at all until they see an opportunity to "jump all over" someone and then they become relentless in stating their "personal" opinion.

As I have posted earlier...I have never been to a Letterhead Meet, but plan to go to the swamp next month.

To wit...if folks here act the way they have concerning this post without even knowing the guy, how will they react to someone new that they do not know when meeting them "in person". Will they me as rude and unhelpful to them as well.

I admit the guy did show his frustration in his second post but face IS sometimes hard to figure why posts that DO involve the sign trade get very little response while posts commenting about such token things as the "weather" get many replies.

And finally in regards to the clipart issue. Everybody don't take it so personally.

We ALL have clipart we did not legitimately obtain whether we wish to admit it or not. Maybe it's some a friend lent us when we were in a jam. but we ALL have some. Let's not be so quick to "call the kettle black".

Just my two cents.
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Stan, I disagree, we don't all have clipart we didn't pay for.
I have to disagree with the mayor also, this has nothing to do with grumpiness, at least on the respondents part.
Everyone of us has needs like this everyweek and we usually purchase clipart, digitize or draw it. Now if this board is about anything, it is showing this gentlemen how to do one of those actions. Heck, Jeffrey's scan of his hand is a good starting point for a simple how to. Wouldn't take long to turn that into a good b/w vector.
The only consistent negative responses on this board, don't seem to me to be from the
"wolves" but the whiners.
Posted by Stan McKinnon (Member # 2316) on :
David my only response can be as I stated in my post....

"We ALL have clipart we did not legitimately obtain whether we wish to admit it or not. Maybe it's some a friend lent us when we were in a jam. but we ALL have some. Let's not be so quick to "call the kettle black".
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Stan, is that a nice way of saying I am not telling the truth?
I still stand by my statement, hard as it is to believe.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
well, i go back to the days of BBS's.....and it was the only place you could find clipart/fonts.
and i still have some stuff on 5 1/4 disks....(but dont have a 5 1/4 disk reader..heheheh)for all the good it does me. as for beliving that you dont have 1 piece of clipart that you didnt buy.....if you scan a logo, then turn it into clipart...did you buy it?????? we all scan stuff and make it cutable...without purchasing it. and this guy that started the one got "grumpie" with him till after his 2nd post...then he opened the doors.....anything i post i would say face to face.....
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
All I am going to say about it is that I have seen other boards go all to ?ell because of all the too cheap, too lazy, too whatever folks and especially newbies (some who don't even have a clue why most of these message boards exist! Not for trading clipart!) and I for one DON'T want to see it happen here. This is one of the last boards where every other post isn't about trading clipart. If I myself (which I have never done and I hope I don't have too) needing clip-art that I couldn't produce myself, I would e-mail one of you guys that I have gotten to know and ask for help NOT sit around waitng for it to fall in my lap. I really hate to see Letterville get clogged up with "I need a clipart of a Monkey eating a Banana while jumping through a yesterday" I have learned a lot from here and other boards and I beleive in charity BUT I myself have had to pay for 99.9999% of my clipart and I beleve that if we here at this board let clipart swapping get out of control, a lot of these guys would start relying on this place for most of the stuff they needed and never have to spend a dime on clipart. There are boards where that is speciffically the purpose, trading clipart..why not go there, they'd get it quicker. I found them when I first started. It wasn't very hard to find. Oh well. Now back to work.
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
What a bunch of bs! u mean to tell me nobody has ever helped u out b4 David?You have a point about showing him how to do it himself,but some ppl dont know how to vectorize things.I TOTALLY agree with Stan,and Mr.Shortreed. Personally I have never been to a meet either or even paid to be a resident why?...cause why would I pay $50 to get flamed or to be made fun of.I think the snob attitude comes from people like Doug who thinks its his personal fight to track down and blast ppl for askin for clipart,relax man have a beer!Some of u guys even blast OldPaint for tryin to help out.I have been a signguy for a few years now and started out hand painting and lettering, untill i saved enough for a small 12" cutter,some will now assume i am a hobbiest because of my cutter but with a wife and 3 kids and I cant afford a big cutter like some.Pat had the right idea untill u guys made him feel like he is doing wrong.Maybe we can all learn something from the women on the board........nuff said
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Mr. Spirey...IF you have never been to a Meet, then you have not seen the real Letterhead movement in action!

At a meet, you will find all kinds of people teaching others various techniques. Whatever you need to know, there will be someone that will take the time to teach you!!!!

To me, begging for clip art is unprofessional! It is a sign of a "quickie Steickie" newbie! Don't know how to scan and vectorize....learn how! Don't have what you need...get on the net and download from some free stuuf, or go to one of the sites that will sell clip art by the piece! Oh?? can't afford to buy some clip art? Then your prices are too damned low...and you are dragging down prices in the market, thus making it harder for the real sign people!
How long do you think that a carpenter would last on a job if he showed uo with just a hammer, and had to boprrow a skill saw, level, chalk line, tape measure, and all the other equipment?

The "I don't send in $50 to help support this site because I might get flamed" is the sorriest excuse that I have heard! Of couse it befits the "send me some free clip art" type!
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Please tell us one more time about your wife and kids, and their medical conditions, will you Steve Spiry? How long do we have to endure this?
We all have problems but you are too self centered to see any but your own.
And yes, if you don't know how to draw, vectorize, buy, invest time on your own to learn this business, then it probably is not for you.
As for being like the women of this board, good advice, toughen up and act like the professionals many of them are.
Finally, you keep bringing up the $50 hostage issue where you won't pay because of the way the BB is. Face it, you never will give it and always will have an excuse. There never was a contigency on my residents fee, I paid and accepted the way things are. Now that's about caring and sharing Steve. "nuff said".
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Well first of all I think I seen a guy named Si over at Beltons askin for clipart and second of all Dave don't even go there about my family, I am happy that yer family is in perfect health God bless them but mine aint and as for blastin newbies,weren't u a newbie at some point or were u just born a sign guy? Let just end this here I think what u said about my family really lets everyone know just what kinda guy u really are!!!
If any newbies have any Questions but are afraid to post email me I'll help ya!!!
God Bless All.......ya even u David
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
That guy took 3 days 3 hours and 18 minutes sitting and waiting for US to solve his dillemia. If I have a job, I will figure it out a lot sooner than that ON MY OWN! I just flipped through my $75 Art Explosion clipart book and they have no less than 29 thumbs up in vector form. If he hasen't gotten the ample cilp art collections or can't reproduce it himself than maybe he needs to rethink his situation and make adjustments to his business accordingly. I hate to have to spend money on tools, clipart, etc BUT that is part of being in business. Hell, you can write the dam? cost off your taxes. Heres a perfect example from myself. I needed to drill into brick the other day so I needed a hammer drill. I already have a perfectly good DeWalt standard cordless drill BUT needed a HammerDrill so guess what, I WENT AND BOUGHT ONE!!!!! I didn't want to BUT I HAD TO!!!!! Clipart is the same thing as a tool or a program or hell for that matter a vinyl cutter. WHEN WILL THE BEGGING STOP? And if you do beg and nobody replies, DON'T GET MAD! GET A
GRIP!.....and some clipart!

Oh by the way I need some clipart of a big ol' pair of butt cheeks and a set of big ol' puckered up lips, any of you guys got it.....HA!HA! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
I don't think this post is the size that it is because we won't trade or give the guy clip's the fact that he slammed the board for not suiting his needs.

Go to
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Aw hell, just declare an "ask for freebie clip art day" where all request made between the hours of say 8 to 10 could be posted without fear of flaming. That way anyone who would choose to send it along could do so and those who chose to ignore the request could do so.
The mayor could provide a radial button designating that this is a genuine poor boy request for free clipart. Acronym letters like INFCA (I Need Free ClipArt) can be used in the title line. All without fear of reproach or flaming dialog, now that would be cool(for about 2 minutes).
But remember if you are outside the time period allowed for free request, you are fair game and it might take Danny Glover and Amnesty International to get everyone off your butt.
Posted by Stan McKinnon (Member # 2316) on :

Look in the!

Just a funny to lighten things up as this is getting way too serious.

I never was told but when I started posting here there was a logical assumption (after looking through previous posts) that there was an obvious disliking of posting requests for clipart. So if in need I simply found other resources for it.

Once you make your own "friends" here at Letterville, you can simply ask them via personal email for help. Which most are very willing to help.

That's four cent now.
Posted by Stan McKinnon (Member # 2316) on :
I agree with Corey!
Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
Thanks Stan!

Now if one of you LAZY BUMS could reply to MY POST.....GEEZ!!!!!! lol
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Steve Spiry... you are also a liar! I hav never been to Belton's asking for clip art! I don't even own a plotter...MY WORK IS DONE WITH QUILLS AN BRUSHES! Look at my Chat nick!

My opinion of you has sunk to a new low! Go find another place to spread your crap!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Oops, I missed the 3 day time lag betwen Atog's first 2 posts.I guess that makes me pretty bad at "trackin" down clipart requests. In fact being a frequent participant here, that is also a good example of how a post can settle to the bottom pretty quick & actually be missed completely by many who otherwise could have helped.

A "friendly" bump can often do the trick. On the other hand if someone is really craving attention, we've now seen how to facilitate that as well. I wonder if Atog ever had a client come back 3 days after buying a new sign & try to rip him a new a**h0le because the sign didn't bring him any new business yet?

Once on a thread not too long ago, someone suggested that to those who see an unanswered request slipping by & don't have any answer, a reply to bump it into view of others could be a courteous thing to do. I know I have done that on more then one occassion since that time. Many clipart requests have resulted in a referral, by someone here, to the exact source to buy a collection with the artwork needed. Although not free, that is better then risking a purchase sight-unseen.

Steve Spiry, I'm no saint & I call 'em like I see 'em, but I know I've lent a helping hand enough around here that I have no shame about my respectful:rude behavior ratio. When I see you gutter trolling the muck to get a reaction its usually not worth my time to respond to you, but if in a respectful dialog with our mayor you get called out for your behavior, that's your doing. Now you're calling out my actions. Fine, I can live with that.
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Last post promise! Si, my apologies but there is a guy named Si there.To all of you I'm gonna drop this right now,the bottom line here is I wanna help people when I can ,it's my nature and I dont get my shorts in a knot when people ask for somethin simple.Doug calm down, I've read some of yer posts and find u a very smart fellow.Dave,I am sorry but to say I whine about my family's medical problems????I was tryin to make a clipart disc to raise money for my son.......sorry.
And I apologise to everyone for taking up so much time and space for something that people have different opinions on. But c'mon people lets try to help each other and make this a better pace where people wont feel insuperior to some of you excellent sign veterans who have so much to offer.....Now lets get on with sign stuff!!!
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
I may be asking for trouble here....but would it be a good idea if someone would do a tutorial on how to create your own clip say with Corel or Adobe illustrator?

I for one would be interested to learn how.

I can do a line drawing of most anything, but some can't.

Maybe a step by step would help a lot of us.

Any takers?

Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Yikes... how did I get drug into this?? I haven't even been keeping up on most of the posts, only skimming thru!

Everyone that has sat here reading my posts and chat, especially 2-3 years ago, has a good idea of who I am. Does Bruce really need to 'sic' me on anyone?? Gosh... I thought I did a pretty darn good job of that all by myself, right butch [Wink] ? Usually I wait til it's really worth my time. Besides, Bruce is COMPLETELY capable of dealing with people all by himself (he just needs more practice dealing with me!!)

As for flaming... heck, I like flames!! A couple people used to call me 'flame' as a nickname (hmmm, wonder why). I think Mr Lavallee's flames are awesome.

Actually, I like flames so much that I would like some on my 94 Mustang - hmmm, I don't have an outline of it - hey can someone send me one? Heck, send me some flame graphics, too, while yer at it, ok? [Razz]

[ August 06, 2002, 07:01 AM: Message edited by: Dana Bowers ]
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
We forgot Religon and Guns! Can someone mix that in too?
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
praise ALA and pass the ammo.....will this do mike? hahahahahahahah
Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
I think the dog has run off with the meat and has left the jackels fighting over the scraps while he sits back on a full belly and watches the mayhem.
Just my dos centavos here.
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
Perhaps Atog is Kenny?
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I think you might be right Jeffery.
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say I posted on this.

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