As most of us do not screen print, I am taking a shot in the dark on the bb, but don't know what better place to get steered in the right direction. I have a friend who wants to buy silk screen equipment which can turn out 1,000 signs per day. He called me for advice, and I don't know who would have the latest update in quality and prices that wouldn't put the hard sell on us. Would you have any suggestions? He wants to print single color on white currently and will be possibly wanting to run the self feeding printer everyday, except Sunday, all year round. The color will be red on white, and other signs blue on white, no larger than 14" by 20" I believe. He also wants to buy raw materials from the manufacturer directly. Thanks a bunch!
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on July 23, 2002 03:16 PM:
They have a used Eclipse Model listed that might be suitable. There are also other dealers of screenprinting equipment that have used & reconditioned equipment that's available with limited warrantys, and there's also the possibility of leasing such equipment. I don't know their web address, but you might also do a search for Cinncinnati Screen Printing Equipment, and possibly Colonial as well.
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on July 23, 2002 03:43 PM:
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on July 23, 2002 04:50 PM:
I have a like new fully automatic that will print 38x60. As good a printer as you will find. I don't want to give it away, but I don't think you will find a better buy from a used dealer. I sure couldn't. Can send photo and specs. Thanks, Jack
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on July 23, 2002 05:03 PM:
Hey girlfriend. I don't know squat about screenrprinting....I just wanted to say hello. How've you been????? Hope you are having some hot fun in the sun.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on July 24, 2002 12:22 AM:
A BIG THANKS to you: Ken, Jimmy, Mark, Jack, Cheryl! It is so good to hear from you guys. No, I don't know jack about screenprinting really either so this is a treat. I will indulge in your enlightening info. My friend is an old friend of 23 years and from Pennsylvania. I will be looking into this for him. Many, many thanks, I knew I could count on the bb but really thrilled to hear from all of you and taking the time to help me is much appreciated. (I know reds fade, of course, tee, hee). And Cheryl, I am just hangin in there, it's been a couple years that I have learned a lot and taught a lot.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on July 24, 2002 07:11 AM:
You can find new and refurbished equipment. Also, you can find replacement parts for equipment who's manufacturer is no longer in business.
If you are looking to run a minimum of 1000 impressions per day, a clam-shell press would be the route to go.
A take-off unit would be nice to have, but not necessary for running that size of an order. If he starts running a good deal more than that, then I would definitely get a take-off.
Also, he may need to consider switching from solvent based inks to UV inks. This would require buying a UV dryer. The nice thing about UV is that 100% of the ink is converted into a solid. You won't have a bunch of fumes in the air to deal with. Plus, once printed piece is run through the dryer, its cured and ready for the next color.
I just took in a 10,000 piece order recently for some 22"x28" political posters. It will be a two color print which means we'll be running 20,000 impressions. With our setup, I'm estimating that it will take us between 56 and 60 hours to run. If you break it down, that means we will be pulling a stroke about every 9-12 seconds.
I bring this up because it will be important to get a durable press. The last thing you need is something to break down during a job.
In our shop, we are running a M&R 30"x40" Renegade press with take-off and a M&R Vitran UV dryer.
Feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on July 25, 2002 11:58 PM:
Thanks to you too, Glenn! You have always been generous with info. Need to get with this in case the electric goes out sometime (you never know!). This endeavor may be the right stimulus to find a hand operated one too when brushes don't keep up with the volume. Thanks a bunch. I'm a little behind with my responses, his website was down to give him the info and you know I work two jobs (or try).