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Posted by Dean Stafford (Member # 1212) on :
This most likely is a lame request because it's probably right under my nose but does anyone know the typestyle - or a close one - for the "got milk?" logo.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I don't really have a photographic memory of it (even though it was one of the more successful ad campaigns) But I have just used lower case Helvetica extra bold condensed for the many spin-off decals my clients "got" to have.
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
I believe the typstyle is called Phenix American (sic)

Posted by Dean Stafford (Member # 1212) on :
I sure appreciate the response guys.

I did however keep up on the google search thang and the guy at this site got the font (called Borzoi) straight from the "horses mouth." It's in a post about midway down on the page.

I just thought I'd post this since I finally found it!

Thanks again!

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