Looks like Hollywood wanted to steal the name of my first film. dang! it actually looks like its gonna be a good movie, but sure will screw uo the search engines... Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Whats the movie about Ken,
About a guy who as a kid is amazed at what he sees? then devotes his whole life to learn the skills of his master, and when he finally gets to his peak and is on the top of his game, along comes a high tech droid called R24B does half ass work in half the time for peanuts and the guy withers away into history books.
Wait hasn't his movie been made before?
( the above character is strictly fiction, it is in no way realted to anyone believed living or dead) Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
Actually the REAL movie coming out next month is about aliens and crop circles.
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
A Mel Gibson flick, it looks like it'll be pretty good. Maybe a thriller? Hard to get from the trailer what the actula plot is, which has been getting played for almost a year. Maybe, sortta like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
I just seen the preview for the movie and thought that the movie poster would look good in my shop.
[ July 21, 2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Steve Barba ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
steve its ok..we know you just gota "thing" for mel gibson....hehehehehehehe
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
I'll take Mel Gibson's thing!!!!!!
Any movie (well, almost, can't get through the first half hour of Million Dollar Hotel yet...it's awful!!!) with Mel in it is ok with me!
Posted by Signs by Shawn (Member # 426) on :
Well unless your a real mel fan, its not a very good movie, hardly any aliens shown, plot moves real slow, and mel as a priest? nah, not mel. could have been alot better in my opion!
oh well,
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :