HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That has to be the best name for an A/C Service company!
Posted by Randy W. Robarge (Member # 2022) on :
Now THAT is funny!!
I can't believe someone actually named their business STIFF NIPPLES!!
However, it does sound like a perfect name for an air-conditioning service.
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is unreal. I guess that guy musta had a real hard time coming up with a name or something. I guess If I ever open up a dirty book store, I could call it stiff.........we'll you know! HA!HA!HA! HO!HO!HO!. HARDEE!HAR!HAR!HAR!What is the world a coming to. Posted by Bill Preston (Member # 1314) on :
The kid and I can't wait to hear------er, see------ what the ladies of the board have to say about this one.
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
Hey...It's a guy thing...
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
OK, my turn. Many years ago as a teen working in a locker plant (meat) one of my jobs was to be responsible for allowing the people to go in and remove frozen meat from their locker.
Near us was a lake/resort area with many folks from the Chicagoland area coming for weekend visits.
Many of these folks would come in (in the summer) after a round of golf or tennis and pick up meat for the weekend.
You know where this is going?
When the guys would come in, I would hand them the key and tell them their locker number.
When the gals came in, I would escort them to the locker and offer to assist in any way possible.
It's a guy thing.
By the way, it was 20 below in there all the time. Most folks that went in refused the offer of an overcoat beacuse they would only be in there a few minutes. That was all it took.
I have reformed, sort of.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
That's a funny one. I remember lettering some tow trucks in San Jose years back, it was the $15 dollar tow, the owner's slogan was "The Best Hooker in Town" Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Hmmm.... while the rest of you guys were concentrating on the nipples, I picked up on the 11 digit phone # ...
where's this photo from Coop?
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Hey I picked up on the phone number too, then my attention went right back to the biz name. Posted by dispatch (Member # 1053) on :
Name: Stiff Nipples Tel: (020) 8797 2690 Address: 59 Gainsborough Road Hayes London UB4 8NY
hahahaaa ... great to see folks with a sense of humour take it to the edge like that in business. Besides ... doesn't everyone's nips get stiff when it's cold? ... not just us gals!
Very clever, and fun. Grabs attention, and makes ya giggle.