ok... ok.... I hear ya grumbling about another request for clipart...
Well, I dont really want clipart. I want a digital photograph.
Of your door mat.
Yes, your door mat. that is, if you have the right one... I need a photo of one of those rough hemp looking doormat's that says "WELCOME" in black letters. Just shoot straight down on it, preferrably not all muddy!
I'm working on a brochure for a mortgage company, and thought of this as a cover. A picture of that mat, with their logo and tagline above and below it. Simple, but effective. (hopefully, anyway).
A strange request, but this is a resourcefully strange bunch!
Thanks ahead of time, if you can supply a shot.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
While in the door to door ministry, I've seen some that read "Beat It!", "Scram!" or "Get Lost!". Nah...I guess those wouldn't send the message you wish to on your logo.
Posted by Frank Weidman (Member # 3004) on :
give me a email i might just have what you need and when do you need it, give me a ady and i can have it for you new email address
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Hi Robb,
Any time I need photos I usually turn to a royalty free photosource such as www.photodisc.com. They have a huge inventory of professionally shot images (9 welcome mats). their search engine is awsome.
Once you register (free) you can download comping (lo res) images without charge and without watermarks, which are suitable for doing drafts and showing proofs to customer, once you decide which image to use you can download the image at whatever resolution you need, prices depend on resolution. The costs, of course are passed on to the customer (with a markup).
I did one project a couple of years ago, doing 12 food panels for a supermarket, I was drooling every morning by 9 am every day for a week, while looking over and working with images of great looking steaks, and bbq's and deserts etc... I've also used their images for restaurant menus.
I was able to get a picture for a panel for a clothing store that was closing ('papa bears' was the name of the store. I got a great picture of a polar bear walking away, the caption over the sign said 'Papa bear says Goodbye' , looked fantastic, the store owner burst into tears when he saw it -- Totally fitting -- , I used keywords 'bear' and 'back' in the search and had the image within minutes.
[ July 20, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: TransLab ]
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
Thanks Mike. I've looked in on the image dealers before, and agree they are a valuable source. But, too expensive for what I need. If this were a billboard job, a 72dpi image would be fine, but I need the 300dpi for this one, as it's for a brochure to be printed on a color laser. I'm just not willing to spend $120 for a single image, and I know my customer wont. I made the mistake once of using a comp to layout a brochure before finding out the calculated price - it was over $600! My customer had a cow and my profit went in the toilet.
I'm off to Wal-Mart and K-mart (if they still exist) and Garden Ridge if need be, since I could use a good mat anyway, and I can shoot it on a piece of white PVC board in 50 different angles for free.
Thanks for the good info and advice though, it will benefit someone I'm sure.