This is topic Santa Fe gallery....finally open! in forum Old Archives at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
Updating the long story of making the change from a splash artist to a gallery owner... It has been way too long since I last updated you fine friends. Two and a half weeks ago we opened our doors and began selling art to Santa Fe tourists. Ran into Johnny Carson in one of our smaller side rooms and was amazed how old the guy looks, now. Closed the doors on Friday nite after the 4th and went over to Evangelo's bar for a cola and ran into Julia Roberts and wedding party... Lots of celebrities around here! Julia looked swell and was wonderfully warm to everyone who came up to her. George Clooney was also there.

Art sales is much different from selling showroom window splashes to car dealers and fastfooders. It is a much different sell. So far we do have some respectable sales and are now in high gear with the summer trade. Life in Santa Fe is mountain temps and we have had some nice rains.

Everyone who might be coming thru this neck of the woods should stop by. Paxton & McCall Fine Art, 221 W. San Francisco, a couple blocks west of the Plaza before you get to the big hotels. It is immediately across the street from the Municipal Parking Garage, so no problem finding a spot to park. All letterheads are welcome and I will do my best to remember names! Thanks for all the letterhead support!
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Marvellous! And thanks for the report. Do you have a website with pictures of what's for sale?

I love San Francisco, and if I get lucky and get to go again I'll stop in. I was about 25 years old when I saw my first screen print in a gallery window near Fisherman's Wharf, it was Eyvind Earle's print "Santa Inez".
I suppose that it might have been the first screen print I ever noticed. I was wide eyed at its beauty and remember I just kept walking back to the showroom to see it again and again, having no idea that I would later on make my living pulling many many screen prints.
A decade or so later I bought one of his large works. 242 colors, the specs say.

Thanks for the chance to remember......
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
San Francisco? Personally, I kinda like Boise, but what's it got to do with Santa Fe? El Monte claims to be "The End of the Santa Fe Trail", but I don't like it any for all of that...

In any case, Toto -- are we still in Kansas? or what...

[ July 16, 2002, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Mike Languein ]
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Congratulations Preston,
I hope you do well with your new adventure......A photo of your Gallery ..inside and outside would be nice.

Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Preston, I agree with Shep! LOL.

I am so proud of you Preston! I've been wondering how the Gallery was coming along. It's good to hear from you again!

I wish you much success with your new digs!

Posted by EPatzer (Member # 135) on :
Congrats on opening a gallery! My wife and I will hopefully be able to do that here... But for now we just offer Giclee printing for our local (and not so local) artists. If you need any Giclees at exceptional prices, email us, we love to help.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Congratulations on your big move from splash to fine art. Glad to hear things are going great. Looks like you moved in at the right time. Remember to keep your camera handy any celebrities popping in do help out your biz believe it or not.
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
Santa Fe, not San Francisco. We are ON San Francisco Street, two clocks west of the Plaza. 280 galleries listed in the phone book, so there really is alot of art action here. So far, so good.
I would include a picture of the place, but am still trying to figue that one out. Will work on it though. Maybe later tonight.
Thanks to all for the voices of support. I can't wait to brag about how great business is, but I am still in shock over the start-up budget! Oh well.
More later.
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
Congrats Preston, You are correct in art sales being very different than sign sales... It is "Show Biz" to say the least, and don't ever forget that. I have been there for 20 years now, and when I'm not there, nothing sells. I know that it is pretty hard for an artist to "toot his own horn" but it is necessary in many cases. Use the magic words, "why don't I wrap that up for you?" because some people just can't say no...
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :

Keep havin fun!!

Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
..or how about: "Will that be cash, check or credit card?" They always blink. Just sold another two paintings tonight. Nothing beats a couple of sales for the right attitude.

Still cannot access my own site ( to get a set of pictures on this post. The NM dsl does not speak KC Roadrunner, I guess. If anyone could let me email some pics and get these up here, I would appreciate it and then I could show and tell the new space.
Posted by Gilead (Member # 158) on :
Cool, if you get a chance check out my work at the Albertsons gallery... er that's Albertsons grocery store actually. I made the cow and chickens up over the dairy case, but I get a kick out of telling people I have artwork on display in Santa Fe. Ok I'm easily amused.
Congratulations though.

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