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Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
well here goes

i customer approached me that he had a sign company give him a layout for a logo, but wasn't happy with the clip art that he used in the layout. the company apparently depends on the clip art that they buy for there sign layouts.the image that the customer wants is a Magnolia and the other sign company could only find a flower that looked like a pond lilly.

so he approch me and asked me to produce him a Magnoila. told him my prices couple of quick sketches for the pose and a finished drawing and one in color. all total time 3hrs and handed him a bill for $225. now i did not give EPS file but only a high reselution drawing that the other sign company can scan for there own purposes but if they need an EPS file it would be easy enough to export it onto a disk.

they want me to bid against the other sign company for the signs for this new neighborhood. well they don't know sizes or typs but want bids.i warned they about biding on different sign typs, i would only bid when they made there mind up on sizes and substrate choices. I told them that i did not want to get into a bidding war but would give my bid on simular know apples for apples.

well any ways my point is that i sold some art work that i produced, they own it now and can do what ever they want to with it. even using another sign company to produce the sign using my hand drawn Magnolia. i felt proud that i have the skills to produce an image for money and not depend an clip art.

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Chris, Sounds like a profitable few hours. But do some creative accounting(Boudreaux/Anderson Style) on the proceeds.
Job Bonus to laborer - $5 for 6-pack of Cold MGD's
Entertainment of potential customer - $15 KFC with the wife.
Materials cost - $3 Drawing pencils. $2 paper.
Digitizing charge - $20
Shop Cost = 3 Hrs @ $60/hr

$225 - $45 - $180 = $0 You Broke even.
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on : are right creative accounting not realistic.

Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Good deal Chris, if more people here did things that way they'd be a lot happier. [Smile]

Creative accounting? Hah! Somebody's been wearing the Corporate Coward suit! [Smile]
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Most design build archetectural shops do what you did, but in a larger scale, They even take jobs ou to bid with competitors and bid against them or team up with a specialized shop in order to get a peice. If they do not get to build it they at least get paid for the design, and maybe construction administration. This works well if you vend any of your work, it keeps money flowing and takes you into different avenues of the business, the trick is finding good vendors.
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Chris,
Nice work. Ability will get you everywhere.
Now take it to the next level, sell the client the designs they really want!
Explain to them that you can not quote something that you don't know what the variables will be.
However, for a fee, you would be more than happy to design some real signs and supply them with the proper specifications to ensure that the signs are manufactured to your clients expectations. Then let your client shop for bids.
By approaching the project this way, your client will be guaranteed a great looking project that will last a long time and be competitively priced. Chances are that if you play your cards right, the project will never get to the bidding stage & you'll be happy with the additional cash flow [Smile]
Havin' fun,

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