Our local NFL team (Tennessee Titans) wants a "donor" wall honoring inital season ticket holders. It will contain around 90,00 names and need room for adding an additional 10,000 in the future. The Titans organization has nixed any kind of cast (bronze sign) due to the Titans owner (Bud Adams) not liking cast signage, etc.
Anyone done any projects of this size with so many names? This will be within an enclosed area so weather is not an issue. It can be backlit or projected lighting. They even suggested banners since we have an Arizona screen press.
Any suggestions of any type appreciated as they have the dollars in hand.
Thanks in advance.
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
Dadgum dude, your gonna be pullin' your hair out ain't you....Only help I can give you is remeber this name Prozac, just in case you have a nervous breakdown. HA!HA!
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I can't give you much advice either, except that no matter how you decide to do it, 90,000 names entered into your puter system is going to tie you up for awhile. I'd suggest that if you have any teenagers around (kids, nephews, nieces, etc) that can type halfway decent, you might see if any of them want to earn a few extra bucks for gas or movie money? So much a name....
Nope, better idea, so much a name, and half that if it's spelled wrong. hahaha
I'm thinking along the lines of saving you from typing your fingers raw than saving money, though shoprate wise, you will stand to come out ahead.
[ June 19, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Don Coplen ]
Posted by Eric Roche (Member # 1967) on :
Don is Right 90,000 names is going to take a long, long, time. I would imagine these guys have all these names in some sort of database and can supply you with a text file with all the names already entered and spelled correctly. All you would have to do is import into your sign making program. Just a thought @ 3 seconds per entry thats 75 hours. (i think, I'm pretty tired). Any way just a thought. Engraving may be a viable option you can have it done on a large cnc machine. I dont know how large the copy has to be or how large the sign can be. maybre somthing you can do in sections. that will make it easier to add more names later.
Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :
Hi Stan,
a few questions;
BUDGET? Are they serious?
To get an idea of the magnatude of this 'adventure', here's some info on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial:
"Each half of the wall is 246.75 feet long, combined length of 493.50 feet. Each segment is made of 70 panels. At their intersection, the highest point, they are 10.1 feet high; they taper to a width of 8 inches at their extremities. Granite for the wall came from southern India.
"The wall contains 58,175 names (as of October 1990). The largest panels have 137 lines of names; the smallest panels have but one line. There are five names on each line. The names (and other words) on the wall are 0.53 inches high and 0.015 inches deep." ------------------------------------------
Any comments? Cher.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I have one.
You mean to tell me that almost twice as many people bought season tickets for the Titans as what died in Vietnam?
things that make ya go hmmmmmmm
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
I have a brainstorm!!!!!!!! Do like my wifes daddy who is a landscaper and hire a bunch of Mexicans. They work really hard and do good work. If you can find one that speaks English, you can get him to tell all of the others what you need, ain't no lie. After your finished, they won't bug you either.
Posted by Stan McKinnon (Member # 2316) on :
Great ideas.
The Titans will furnish the names as a data base file and as a word doc. Still will be alot of work I know.
They're real big on "large" scale projects. When the city built Aldephia Stadium for them, we built the word "Aldephia" in 28' tall lighted channel letters. Took 12 people 28 straight days.
Thanks for all the "encouraging" words. )
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
Send them to your competion HeHeHeHe!!!!
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Stan, This sounds like a great project! It's definitely going to be a pain though so charge accoringly. 4 questions: How much space do you have to work with? How durable does this "wall" have to be? How far will this have to be read from? What's the budget?
Without knowing the answers to the above questions, I'm gonna shoot from the hip. I'd suggest a photo etched substrate out of a durable metal material. Probably aluminum or bronze. You can get fairly creative with you design because you're not limited to what a machine can cut or engrave. I would also suggest a design that would be tiled or a mosaic with 1-2' squares. This way if there is a typo on someones name, you can fix it without having to replace the entire wall. You can also include some artwork on the individual tiles that could be scattered throughout the design. This sucker will be big! I would guestimate a wall about 6-8' tall by at least 20 feet wide. And a Price? HeHeHe..... $67,500 as a starting estimate.