I am a support tech who is working on a rather complex issue for a signmaker who is using SignMaker Elite.
Could someone who is familiar with this software please post and tell me how you export or save a graphic in SignMaker Elite to a standard format like .bmp, .jpg or .wmf?
The customer I am working with seems to think that he can only work with the native .eps files the program uses, but the manufacturer website seems to indicate that graphics can be exported to other formats.
Any input on this topic is greatly appreciated.
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
I'm not sure but isn't that program like a scaled down version of flexisign? Seems you could copy and paste into a program like corel or illustrator then export to a bitmap format,...
Posted by Johnathon Bakan (Member # 2669) on :
I think it is a scaled down version of flexi. The customer doesn't seem to have any other graphic design programs installed like illustrator, photoshop or the like.
That's part of why this situation is so odd. The customer only has Signmaker Elite and the Save As dialog box does not include any formats like .jpg, .bmp or .wmf Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Guess it's time for your customer to break down and spend around $20 for a copy of Corel Draw8!! Ebay.com has a bunch of them!
I find it hard to believe that someone expects to be in the sign business with only a stripped down sign cutting program and a plotter!
Posted by Bob Gilliland (Member # 28) on :
I can’t offer any direct answers regarding the software specifically, but would it be possible to do a screen capture using the built in function of [ALT]+[PRINT SCREEN] within Windows to get a raster based image from the graphic being displayed on the screen?
For what its worth! Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
ok 1st off your not a signmaker yourself and your trying to help someone who, aperently has not been in the trade very long. no matter what program you use to cut your signs, the format of the CUT FILE has to be a VECTOR image. this is only possiable with AI. OR EPS. or that particular sign programs file ext. as in any other graphic program if you go file EXPORT or SAVE then it gives the choice of saving it elswhere as a JPG, BMP, TIFF ect. when you hit SAVE AS it will save file in its NATIVE format. ive used signmate and its capable of doing its intended job, but in this trade most use a DESIGN program(COREL, ILLISTRATOR, FREEHAND, CANVAS, ARTS & LETTERS EXPRESS) in conjuntion with the cutting program.
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
On another note Jonathon,...It may be to your clients benifit to introduce them to this site. From your description of them,they could use some practical advice.
Posted by Johnathon Bakan (Member # 2669) on :
This is excellent feedback. Thanks everyone.
Bob, yes a screen capture does indeed work. The only program I can seem to find on his system to paste it in however is Windows Paint, which is limited to say the least.
In response to old paint, yes you are correct his program saves in AI or EPS format but when going to the file and export area of the software nothing seems to happen when the export function is selected. The screen just goes away and that's about it! I haven't tried "Save" as opposed to "Save As"; thanks for the tip.
Any other thoughts? Posted by Johnathon Bakan (Member # 2669) on :
Thanks. I think Letterville is a great site and have already referred a number of people to it and will do so with this person as well.