A few weeks ago there was a post with a discussion about certain colors of ORACAL not weeding good. Well maybe they have finally got the problem fixed. I got a whole roll of white, one of the culprit colors today and it weeds AWESOME. You can just about rip weed anything. This is the first roll I got in the culprit colors since the post that works OK. Just out of curiousity I noted the Lot # off of the good white and the # off of a bad roll. Just curious if anybody else has been getting good results with ORACAL. I only use 651 so I cannot comment on the others series. Good Lot # 651G-010/03203562 Bad Lot # 651G-010/03200748 Those are the # on the two rolls I have.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Hi John.....I hope Oracal does get it figured out. I like the gloss finish....but don't like the way it goes thru blades.
Posted by John Thompson (Member # 2750) on :
I have to use more pressure it seems with ORACAL 651 than Avery A5 but I still have to use way less than I did whith MACTAC 8300. Think that is the reason for going through blades quicker is the increased pressure needed or maybe it is just the composition of the vinyl is harder on blades?
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
its the compostion of the PRODUCT(i dont see it as vinyl)651 is as close to thin plexiglass as you can get...the stuff has no elastisity, and when you crumple up the weeded stuff...it sounds like the same plastic wrap most items you buy are packaged in!!! finally got rid of the last i had of it....ONLY WHEN I GOTA MATCH THEIR COLORS...WILL I USE IT!!!
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
we cut/weed it on a regular basis.....no problems on a summa d610. All the colors pretty much act the same for us. Doin a box truck tomorrow with 751, but we use 651 90% of the time with the same results. It also works great on our Edge2.