Just curious how many different ways you folks have come up with to make tee sponsor signs.
We used to make the "plain old" vinyl on fluted plastic. The new owner is selling Advertees, a triangular gadget you place on the ground with vinyl letters. The trophy shop across the street lasers them on engraving stock in the image of a golf ball.
And you? Vic G
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
I do the same as you Victor..plain ole vinyl on coroplast. Cheapest way to do it because nobody wants to pay any money for that kind of thing...UNLESS it is one of the tournaments on the PGA or LPGA.
Kinda like lettering a local race car versus lettering a NASCAR car!
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
230.00 Large tribute
[ May 30, 2002, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: J & N Signs ]
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Fergie, now THAT's a serious tee sponsor sign. Vic G
Posted by david drane (Member # 507) on :
I have seen 4" poly pipe with a narrow slot cut down the lengths placed in the ground and then a vinyl banner with rope stiched in the ends, slid down the slot and then set off with a nice cap on top. looked rather classy. There is a new idea just come on the market out here also. An "A' type sign made totally out of flexible vinyl. stiffened up with a soft foam core on the inside. It's a good idea as with all the litigation going on nobody could get hurt falling over them. They are making them in 8' lengths also for the boundaries of football fields. I imagine one of them on the back of a tee would look good. You can also turn them inside out and display anothr two different messages.
Posted by Frank Weidman (Member # 3004) on :
hey David I am interested in that new a-sign you mention,when you say stretchable viynl , whatcha mean by that and also may I get a lil more detail on the construction of those please?? sound very cool and profitable to make
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Vic, Here's what I used to do.
I'm not sure that the golf ball is still available because the last time I visited the manufacturers web site, they said they were closed. Havin' fun, Checkers
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Checkers, that's a classy display.
There's a fellow out here who has pre-printed 11x17 cardboard posters on to which he laserjets the sponsor name. He supplys the posters and a loaner metal frame for $25 per sponsor. (Three years ago, probably $35 now.) So for 25 sponsors he receives $625 for about $75 consumables plus his investment in metal frames and equipment. Then he sells picture frames so the posters can be framed and given to sponsors at the end of the tournament. Then he has all the other stuff, golf trophies, etc.
There's a national franchise based here that runs tournaments and does something similar. They have an 18x24, four color, laminated ink jet poster mounted to fluted plastic, stuck in the ground with a wire H stake. For this they charge $35 a sponsor. They buy them for $17 each, including the stake, from an unknown source.
At 12x18 you could Edge them with Zero-nine foil on intermediate vinyl, and mount on fluted plastic with a speed press, and a wire stake, for a consumable cost of $3.00 each.
The fellow in the original post who laser engraves them gets $35 inclusive of his loaner stakes.
It seems there are many inventive ways to go at this large and competitive market. I was just curious to hear other people's creative ideas.
Vic G
Posted by Ernie&DianeBalch (Member # 1301) on :
We screen print 13X20 Nylon or Vinyl flags. The Sponsors seem to like them better than signs.
Our competition likes them too, Diane saw one of our flags on their shop wall. When she asked how they made it and how much one cost they didn't know. They said they would have to get back to her!
Posted by scott eckland (Member # 3036) on :
Hello- I see all of these golf hole signs...does anyone know where I can purchase several of these blank signs. I have a client I am doing a bunch of signs for and they are already using this type of sign and need to replace a couple. I have heard the company that used to make these has gone out of business... Any help would be great. See link below.
thanks Scott
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Scott, the Grimco catalog has one similar to that plus some others. They also have wire stakes. I don't have a Grimco catalog here but you can find them on the web via Google. Vic G
Posted by scott eckland (Member # 3036) on :
Thanks Vic- I checked out Grimco, and they have the top portion, but not the tee portion. I ordered some of the balls anyway. Still hunting for the whole sign