Hi Friends, I have a customer who had his car painted on Tuesday (yesterday) and wants me to put body graphics on it Saturday. We will be using Avery 2 mil ultra metallic vinyl. What I need to know is, is 4 days enough time for the paint to gas? Also I will be putting this on with rapid tac. How long should they wait before clear coating it? This customer wants the work done asap but I think it is too soon. Let me know what you think. Thanks Terry & Gordon Scott Family Graphics
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Terry, chances are the veh. was painted with urethane(sp?)or some form of Catalized acrylic.
But, you should really find out for sure, if it was a catalized paint(hardner added) it will cure from inside out in a short time (60 minutes to 24 hours) each manuf. varies on cure time.
I would think Sat. would be enough in that case, and if you use Rapid Tac then it can be clear coated as soon as a couple hours, though I would wait overnight just for good measure !!
hope that helps Roger
Posted by Ben Sherr (Member # 2874) on :
If you put vinyl on a freshly painted car, it will most likely cause the car to explode. (Okay, so thats not true, I just don't like vinyl!)
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA BEN YOUR TO FUNNY.....clearcoat over vinyl????? why....if your gona do that PAINT THE GRAPHICS.....then clear coat..
[ May 30, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
I myself would use low tack premask for easy release.Dont clearcoat-just seal the edges.
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
I don't think it is worth the risk but make sure the customer knows it is their risk and you aren't responsible. I told a taxi company owner to let their car cure for 2 weeks but she wouldn't wait. I applied lettering 5 days after the car was painted. A year later she decided to change her lettering and when I removed the old vinyl the paint came with it. She's been more patient now with her other cars...
Posted by Tony Vickio (Member # 2265) on :
I would wait ! So many variables come into play with the Urethane paints. I had to repair a fender on a Sheriff car that was painted three days earlier. Bad mistake! The paint "gasses". Same thing that happens when I eat cucumbers! One week is safe in my humble opinion. If he wants it sooner, I would make it clear that you are not responsible for any bubbles!
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
I'm with Joe, why bother with vinyl? Cut a reverse mask and paint it. Unless they plan on using a couple of gallons of clear and doing a ton of wet sanding , there is gonna be a hell of an edge, rounded, but an edge non the less. If the vinyl does trap gas , what kind of mess is gonna be in store when it tries to escape from under the cleared over vinyl? A pin prick isn't gonna fix it then. Shrinkage of the vinyl down the road???? I just don't get using vinyl in this case, it would be no more trouble or expense to use paint, nor would it take any more time, it would look more professional and the risks would be much less.
[ May 30, 2002, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: George Perkins ]
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Well Terry, what was the outcome? What did you decide on and is everything ok ??