I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of one of our former employees this past weekend. Just to be invited was an honor.
I'm very pleased to still be very good friends with many of those who have worked for us in the past. Many of these folks were there as well as their extended families.
The wedding was special in many ways... Through common friends, families, and relationships I was able to take a trip down memory lane this past weekend. The wedding celebration lasted all weekend at the remote Bible camp (it was on a very remote corner of Vancouver Island and could be only reached by many miles of gravel logging road and then a short boat ride) Most of the folks were there for the weekend and we had lots of opportunity to visit.
It was a blast to the past for me... with friends present that went back over 30 years.
The night before the wedding we got a wonderful opportunity to tell tall stories of the bride and groom around the campfire. Lots of songs were sung and of course a skit was performed which 'honored' the wonderful couple. It was a joyful time.
I had the chance to visit with long time friends whom I seldom see... through the conversations we relived days of old and the struggles and joys of our respective careers and families.
It was a good time! And it was made possible I believe, because at our business we try to treat each employee like 'family'. While they work for us and always after.
It's so nice when they return the favor!
This aspect of 'business' is for me just as important as a wonderful design or profitable project.
[ May 27, 2002, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Those who attempt to isolate the segments of life into separate departments confuse me. It seems so much more harmonius to experience how it's all connected. I can't be a dad and an artist and a businessman and a follower of Yeshua as though they are different people that come out to play at their own times. They're all me, all the time.
Posted by Shirley Carron (Member # 2446) on :
How right you are Dan. I've ben in this business going on 15 years now, and have worked with a great number of people over the years. Some became good friends and the employees I have now are "my kids" but also friends.They know that they can come to me for advice or help with anything and I always have time for them. They are truly the backbone of my business and often are a reason to continue,when things get tough. Makes it all worth while to see them really enjoying the work, and so enthusiastically!
Someone once told me Make new friends, but keep the old, One is silver, the other gold.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
dan, you are what we call a bubba here in alabama (bubba, is an affectionate tag, meaning brother.)
you care about your fellow man as much as the quality of your craft. (this speaks volumes)